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How to Use This Template

 Each slide needed in your submission is provided in this template.

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 Do not delete slides (except the “How to Use This Template” slide)
 Replace the “blue” font on each slide with your presentation content
 Change all font to black
 Use bullet points on the slides
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 Enter the text/transcript of your talk in the speaker notes section
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Assignment 4
Insert Student’s Name Here
Firm’s Name
 Impacts on
 Impact of Company’s Mission on Success
 Define and Differentiate Business Operations
 Exceptional value and customer centeredness
 Impact of Company’s Vision on Success
 Long-term strategic direction
 Commitment to value environment, community, and diversity.
 Impact of Stakeholders on Success
 Engaging factor in business’ operations and success
 Stakeholder management
SWOT Analysis Strategy
 Strengths and Opportunities
 Proactive response against customers’ need
 Deliver more with less to low income groups
SWOT Analysis Strategy
 Weaknesses and Threats
 Forecasting Cost raises
 Proactive approach to cater increasing competition in retail industry
Competitiveness Strategy
 Competitiveness
 Differentiation and Focus Strategy
 Innovation and Creativity in product design and services provision
Profitability Strategy
 Profitability
 Corporate-level Growth Strategy
 Acquisition
Communications Plan
 Competitiveness Strategies
 Official Internal Communication Channels
 Mission and Vision Statement
Communications Plan
 Profitability Strategies
 Social Media Forums and In-house Marketing
 Annual and Quarterly Reports and Meetings
Corporate Social Responsibility
 Responsible (ethical) corporate citizen
 Serve Guest – Wellness Product Standards
 Support Safety and Diversity – Diverse Cultural Appreciation

 Impact of efforts on company’s bottom line

 Improved Firms Repute in retail market– Organic free ingredients
 Appreciating Diversity in workforce- Improved Diverse customer responsiveness
 Bajic, E. (2017, December 27). Why Communicating Vision is the Single Most Important Thing You
Can Do. Retrieved March 6, 2019, from Forbes:
 Bevins, C. (2014). Get Schooled: A visual social semiotic analysis of Target's branding using
 Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2013). Strategic management: Concepts and cases:
Competiveness and globalization (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
 Target Corporation Report. (2018). Corporate Responsibility Report. United States: Target
 Pigni, F., Bartosiak, M., Piccoli, G., & Ives, B. (2018). Targeting Target with a 100 million dollar
data breach. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 8(1), 9-23.
 Zengin, Y., & Ada, E. (2010). Cost management through product design: target costing
approach. International Journal of production research, 48(19), 5593-5611.

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