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 Computer Hardware
 Operating systems
 Terms
 Disk capacities
 Viruses
 Applications and Documents
 Installation/reinstallation
 Internet Applications
Computer Hardware
 Case  Keyboard/mouse
 Power switch  Network card
 Reset switch  Modem
 Hard drive  Sound card
 Floppy  Video card
 Serial ports  Motherboard
 Parallel port  Fan
 USB port  Cables
The basic system including keyboard,
mouse and monitor.
What is in the box?
Typical parts of a motherboard.


For items in or attached

to a system to work
properly they must be
securely connected.
Operating systems
 All computer systems have an operating system.
Currently, there are three dominate typical user
operating systems.

 Macintosh OS,
 Microsoft Windows OS,

 Linux.
 A: Floppy disk C: Local disk D: Local disk (partition)

 RAM = Random Access Memory. The thinking space available to a computer to

use while performing operations. The space is emptied out when the computer is
turned off.

 DIRECTORY = An organizational structure on disks to file management easier.

Directories also become a local region for the computer to hunt for other files
related to the current file.

 DOCUMENT = A file created using an application. The file is only useful using
the application that created it or a similar application that can convert it.

 APPLICATION = A program that allows a computer to perform a certain

Disk capacities
 Floppy: 1.4 MB

 Hard disk: 160 GB – 2 TB

 CD 700 - 800 MB

 DVD 4.7 GB
18 GB
1 KB = 1024 BYTE
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 PB
1 PB = 1024 EB
CDs, DVDs Backup
Identify and use icons,
windows, menus
 Point, click, double-click, drag & drop
 Minimize and maximize a window
 Use pull-down menus
 Select, open, and move an icon
 Select, open, move, and close a window
 Resize a window
 Scroll a window
 Activate and de-activate a window
 Start an application and create a document
Name, save, retrieve, revise a

 Name a document (!)

 Save a document
 Re-name a document
 Edit and re-save a document
 Print a document
 Create and name folders
 Save, open, and place documents inside folders
 Open and work with more than one application
at a time

 To switch between them for Windows: click on the

application at the "TASKBAR" down on the screen

 Alt &TAB button

Install/reinstall and update system
software and drivers
Internet Applications

 Mozilla

 Internet Explorer

http: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

edu: Education (gov, org, com, ...)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
 The simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the
 FTP Client is the software that is designed to transfer files back-
and-forth between two computers over the Internet. It needs to
be installed on the computer and can only be used with a live
connection to the Internet. (Browsers, WS-Ftp, SSH, Cute-

 Viruses are programs that reproduce themselves into the files of your computer
 Anti-virus software and automatic update
 Mcafee Virus Scan
Configuration of Automatic Mcafee Virus Update via FTP

 Current security patches applied to operating system and applications.

 Do not open any unexpected attachments that are e-mailed to you. (Particularly
“.exe” files.)
 Computer Fundamentals for Teachers , Major Competencies

 Basic Computer Operation and Troubleshooting

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