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The Future Of HR -Dave Ulrich

Presented by: Success_Mantra

“Team work makes The dream work.”

HR Evolution and Its History
• Began on 1930’s & 40’s
• Primarily focused on:
Area that HR needs to focus
1. HR Administrative on (NEXT STEP OF HR)
Manage Process,terms & condition of work,
Labour contract

HR Evolution
2. HR Practice Outside/In
staffing, tranning, compensation, orgnization
3. HR Strategy
creates HR system
• HR Outside/In –
a. Locates itself beside the walls of companies
b. Interact with market and its customers
c. Positions itself to guide investors,communities Time
and government agencies.
HR Evolution Cont....

• Administrative system manages - the process of work, terms &

conditions of work, Labour contracts etc.
• HR Practice focus on- staffing, tranning, compensation, orgnization
• HR Strategy- creates HR system & operates as a window for HR
Building HR
(Does HR add values
?) 2. Context (Settings in
10. Analytices which we work)

3. Stakeholder(to
9. People whom we served)


8. 4. Talent(Individual
HR Practice /organisation)

7. Right HR
Department(Centralised/Decentr 5. Leadership
6. Organization
Future of HR
• Todays HR policy should not only focus on Administrative aspects ,practice
and strategies it should expand its areas going outside the companies.
1. Value : Does your HR addes values for your organization ??

2. Context
Settings in which we work (The Environment of working)
3. Stakeholders
Are we Serving
 Customer
 Investors
• Communites

• 4. Talent
Right talent at right place at right time
Individual Talent vs Organisation
5. Leadership
a. Leadership Code
b. Leadership Brand
c. Sustainibility

6. Organization
How the talent works in a team in an organisation
 Organizational culture ,
what we are good at ??
7. Right HR
Centralized vs. De-centralized along with shared services
Centralized Business Centralized HR

De-Centralized Business De-Centralized HR

Organizing HR should be linked with how you do your business

8. HR Practice
People : Staffing ,Traning,Development ,Carrier Management
Performance Rewards and Compensations
Facilities ,organizational design, managing the workflow
9. People in HR
Do our HR people has competencies to do our work ?

Do we measure our success ??
Success_ Mantra

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