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Intramurals 2019

By Reign Planning’s & Co.


The sports intramural program is one of the most

important events on a school's monthly activities.
This is where students and teachers interact and
cooperate on different sports. This will develop
unity, cooperation, sportsmanship and friendly
fellowship among students from different year levels.

Opportunities Opportunities Leadership Recreation

for individual for social and fellowship for
contact and opportunities
development individuals,
through through regardless
various of lasting
participation of their skill
activities friendships ability
Venue: Turf Sports Complex ● It's only seven minutes away
from school but for the safety
of the students, school buses
will be available for commuting
to and from school.
● Guards will also be on duty
inside the sports complex to
secure the students’ safety.
● The students will not be allowed
to go out of the sports complex
until the event is over.
● Paramedics will also be on
stand-by in case of injuries and
● Also, free water for everyone.
Sports Complex Blueprint
•Opening Ceremony

Day 1
•Basketball (Court 1)
•Volleyball Boys (Court 2)
•Badminton Mixed Doubles (Court 3)
•Table Tennis Mixed Doubles (Indoor Field
Table 1)
•Chess Boys (Mutipurpose Room Table 1)
•Chess Girls (Multipurpose Room Table 2)
•Chess Boys Championship (Multipurpose Room
Table 1)
•Chess Girls Championship (Multipurpose Room
Table 2)
•Scrabble Girls (Multipurpose Room Table 3)
•Scrabble Boys (Multipurpose Room Table 4)

Day 2
•Badminton Boys (Court 3)
•Badminton Girls (Court 4)

•Basketball (Court 1)
•Volleyball Boys (Court 2)
•Volleyball Girls (Court 3)
•Table Tennis Mixed Doubles (Indoor Field Table 1)
•Table Tennis Boys (IndoorField Table 2)
•Table Tennis Girls (Indoor Field Table 3)
•Scrabble Boys Championship (Multipurpose
Room Table 1)
•Scrabble Girls Championship (Multipurpose
Room Table 2)
•Quiz Bee (Multipurpose Room Booth 1)
•Spoken Poetry (Multipupose Room Booth 2)

Day 3
•Badminton Boys (Court 3)
•Badminton Girls (Court 4)

•Basketball Championship (Court 1)
•Volleyball Boys Championship (Court 2)
•Volleyball Girls (Court 3)
•Table Tennis Mixed Doubles Championship
(Indoor Field Table 1)
•Table Tennis Boys (Indoor Field Table 2)
•Table Tennis Girls (Indoor Field Table 3)
•Badminton Boys Championship (Court 3)
•Badminton Girls Championship (Court 4)
•Volleyball Girls Championship (Court 3)
•Table Tennis Boys Championship (Indoor

Day 4
Field Table 1)
•Table Tennis Girls Championship (Indoor
Field Table 2)

•Dance Battle (School Grounds)
•Mr. And Ms. Intramurals (School Grounds)
•Awarding (School Grounds)
•Closing Ceremony (School Grounds)
Sports Complex Rent: 35, 000
(10,000/day, discounted by 5,000)

Stage Decorations: 4,000

Additional Sports Equipments: 50, 000

Snacks for the faculty and staffs:

Note: The staffs’ salary 20,000 (for 4 days)
that the school hired
personally are not Water: 1, 500

included in this
TOTAL: 110, 500
Reign Planning’s
& Co.
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