Ethos of Vedanta in Management

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By: Dr. Neha Gahlawat


Oxford defines ethos as :

 “The characteristic Spirit and Beliefs of

community/ people which distinguish one culture
from the other.

 Indian ethos are drawn from the Vedas, the

Ramayana, Mahabharat, the Bhagwadgita, and

 Ethos is a discipline that examines one’s morality or the

moral standard of the society.

Where as ;

 Ethics means expected standards in terms of your

personal and social welfare. It includes honesty,
morality, responsibility etc.
Ethos of Vedanta in Management

 'Ethos of Vedanta in Management' refers to the values

and practices that the culture of India (Bharatiya
Sanskriti) can contribute to service, leadership and

 These values and practices are rooted in Sanathana
Dharma (the eternal essence), and have been influenced
by various strands of Indian philosophy.
Indian Ethos for Management
 Indian ethos for management means the application of principles of
management as revealed in our ancient wisdom brought forth in our
sacred books like our Gita, Upanishads, Bible, and Kuran.

 There are 6 basic principles, which come to light in the holy books
applicable in today’s management world.
 Each soul is a potential God
 Holistic approach
 Equal importance to Subjectivity/Objectivity
 Karma yoga
 Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam
 Co – operation
Each Soul is a Potential God

 A human being has a soul, a spark of the Divine. The divine resides
in the heart of a person. The Divine means perfection in
knowledge, wisdom and power. Therefore a human being has
immense potential power or energy for self – development.

 He can bring about not only personal development, harmony, and

happiness but also prosperity to his own organization and the
society without injustice to others.
Holistic approach

 Holistic approach in Management is based on spiritual principle of

unity, oneness, non-dual or Advaita concept. Under this principle
of unity, the universe in an undivided whole where each and every
particle is connected with every other particle. Thus, entire
Humanity is ONE.

 Such an integrated human personality of self-developed manager

and worker can assure best and competent management of any
enterprise, involving collective works and efforts.
Equal Importance to Subjectivity/Objectivity

 Indian ethos for management distinguishes between subject and

object. Subject is subtle and intangible. Object is concrete and
tangible or visible.

 Human and ethical values or qualities such as courage, vision,

social awareness, fearlessness, integrity, pure and clear mind,
truth, etc. are subjective, subtle and intangible concepts. These
subjective or subtle qualities are as important as money,
materials, machines, information or data as well as human skills.
Inner resources of human beings are more powerful than external
Karma Yoga
 It is yoga of selfless service to others. Karma Yoga is all about
identifying your priorities and trying to achieve them. Also, a
person should have accountability i.e. he should always hold only
himself responsible for whatever goes right or wrong. This brings
about the union of human being with the Divine.

 The memorable words of Gita are “You have the right to work,
but for the work's sake only. You have no right to the fruits of
work. Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in
working. ”
Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam

 Yoga means excellence at work. Seek to perform your assigned

duty or work in an excellent manner. Kaushalam denotes doing
work with devotion and without attachment i.e. without being a
work-a-holic. Such detached attitude enhances its values and
improves the concentration and skill of the worker.

 In total quality management (TQM), Karma Yoga and Yogah

Karmasu Kaushalam provide valuable contributions. Under this
slogan, we have one hundred percent concentration coming from
within. The extrinsic incentives e.g., money, other perks, etc. play a
very minor role as motivators.
 Healthy competition is a powerful motivator for excellence and
success, especially business success. The idea of cut-throat
competition is founded on the concept of ‘struggle for existence’
and survival of the fittest.

 Indian ethos says that for human beings the royal road is CO-
OPERATION- a powerful motive for team work.

 The Gita says : “By co–operation and mutual help, all shall achieve
the highest human welfare.”
Components of Indian Ethos

1. Ego sublimation rather than ego assertion

2. Sacrificing spirit rather than fighting spirit
3.Team achievement rather than individual achievement
4. Spiritual attainment rather than material prosperity
5. Self control rather than outside control
6. Concept of duties rather than concept of rights
7.Yielding rather than dominating
8. Concern for this age world and improvement
9. Respect for and search for all truth whatever be its
Basic of Western Management Based on Indian
difference management ethos

Belief Production, Material gain, with belief in

productivity, profit at achieving human and social
any cost welfare also
Guidance Management guided Management by consciousness
by mind only, led power beyond mind, i.e., soul.
away by ego and Interiorized management
desire, soulless
Emphasis Worker development, Development of man, integrated
management of growth, harmony, happiness and
others, profit health, Management of self
Human being given
only lip sympathy
Tools 5Ms as resources- Men, machines, materials and
men, money, methods as conscious partners all
materials, machines, having consciousness whether
markets. Science and manifested or dormant.
technology Information and intuition for
information for decision.
Basic of Western Management Based on Indian
difference management ethos
Problem Conflict Conflict resolution through
solving resolution by integration and synthesis on
negotiation, stressing super ordinate
compromise, common goals so that enduring
arbitration, harmony and unity is assured.
liquidation of Self introspection, stepping
differences only back aids the search for
for a temporary solution
Decision Brain storming Brain stilling (entering the room
making (round table of timeless silence)
Development Physical, vital Integrated development, whole
and mental only. man approach,
Soul or spirit breath
ignored. Material control and meditation
development emphasized. Human
only, even at the enrichment and total quality
cost of man and

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