To Show What Somebody Was Doing at A Particular Time in The Past, We Use The Past Continuous Tense

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To show what somebody was doing at

a particular time in the past, we use

the Past Continuous Tense.
I was playing badminton
at this time yesterday.

She was cycling

at 9:00am yesterday.

They were playing

table tennis at 6:30 last night.

was / were verb+ing

Simon 3:00 yesterday

was playing football at 3 pm yesterday.

Simon _________

The children 8 am yesterday

were going to school

The children __________
at 8 am yesterday.

Derek was swimming at 6 am yesterday.


Mandy was feeding her dog at 4 o’clock yesterday.

Sam & Jess

Sam and Jess were having dinner at 8 pm last night.

We often use
the past continuous and past simple tenses
in the same sentence.

We do this when we want to talk about

a shorter activity that happened
during a longer activity in the past.
Sam hurt himself yesterday.
But when exactly?

when jumping over

the vaulting horse

Sam hurt himself when he was jumping over the vaulting horse.

shorter action longer action

cut herself cut herself
Nancy ___________when
was peeling
she ___________an apple.
peel an apple

were watching TV watch TV

They _______________
when I ___________.

play football were playing football

We ____________
when it suddenly _______.
A fire broke out
at 8 o’clock last night!
What were the people
doing when the fire
broke out?
Sometimes we use the past continuous tense
to talk about two or more actions
which were taking place at the same time
in the past.


I was playing TV games while mother was cooking.

We were studying while the baby was crying.

It’s 3:00pm last Sunday. What were they doing?

Grandfather was reading the newspaperwhil grandmother was knitting.
whil eNicky was drawing a picture.
Cindy was listening to the Hi-fi
whil emother was drinking some water.
Father was sleeping
What were they doing one hour later?

was watching while grandmother____________.
Grandfather ____________TV was knitting
was her homework while Nicky ____________to
dy _________ was listening the Hi-
was drinking
Father ____________ beer while mother was boiling
___________ some wate
Wanna take a challenge?
Let’s solve a mysterious
crime together!
Mr. Chan was
Today is murdered at around
Tuesday. 9 o’clock last night.
Mr Chan lives with five
flatmates. One of them must
have killed Mr Chan.
But who is it?

Alan Dave
What were you doing at 9 o’clock last night?

watch movie, cinema,

with friend Maggie

I was watching a movie at the cinema

with my friend Maggie at 9 o’clock
last night. I didn’t kill Mr Chan!

Is she the
Yes murderer? No
What were you doing at 9 o’clock last night?

visiting my friend,
Kevin, hospital,

I was visiting my friend Kevin at the hospital

at 9 o’clock last night. I didn’t kill Mr Chan!

Is she the
Yes No

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