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the food be thy medicine

Dr. Priyanka Chakravarty Indu

स्वस्थ भोजन की थाली Diet is optimum when you include all the five
essential food groups in your diet in required
proportion as per your body.

Protein Recommended Thali
Starch /cereal Milk/curd

All food groups from grains,
dairy products, fruits, Starch /cereal Vegetable
vegetables, proteins, and
healthy oils.
 Best is to eat 30
minutes after waking
 Do not delay
breakfast later than
9:30 am
 Make sure there is
protein in the
रोज एक अंडा खाना, ये सेहत के लिए फायदे मंद है
या नुकसानदे ह ?
अंडा, इं सान के सबसे पौलिक आहारों में से एक है .

लनसंदेह अंडे की तासीर गमम होती है िेलकन इनके सेवन से शरीर को

कोई नुकसान नही ं पहं चता है .
अंडा, सम्पूर्म भोजन होता है ठीक वैसे ही जैसे दूध
सच्चाई तो यह है लक अंडे के सेवन से शरीर को गमी से जूझने की
शक्ति लमिती है .

एक लदन में लकतने अंडे खाएं

गलममयों के लदनों में 1-2 अंडों का सेवन पयामप्त होता है . इससे ज्यादा
नही ं खाना चालहए. जो िोग शारीररक पररश्रम जैसे- लजम जाना,
कसरत, कुश् ती या पहिवानी करते हैं वो 6 अंडे भी खा सकते हैं .
Milk is a complete food

A big NO. Milk is a good source of calcium, fats, protein, Vitamin A,

but it lacks in many essential nutrients like vitamin C, iron, zinc and
fibre too.
Ragi, rajma, sesame seeds and soybean are some other calcium-rich
A Glass of Milk is enough for Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, which you eat after a gap of
eight to 10 hours. Thus, your breakfast should be a mix of carbs, fats
and proteins
Infants should also be given milk
Introducing even cow milk to children who are less than one year of
age can lead to autoimmune disease and type-1 diabetes later. It is
best to give infants formula milk or breast milk.
Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are acidic

certain dairy products.
processed foods.
fresh meats and processed meats,.
sodas and other sweetened beverages.
high-protein foods and supplements
Whether a food has an acidic or alkaline effect on the body has little to do with
that food's pH before it is digested.

Instead, it depends on whether acidic or alkaline byproducts are created once it is

digested and processed by your body

If your esophagus or stomach lining is damaged (ulcered), consider avoiding

acidic foods for a period of time so that healing may occur..
Honey/jaggery is better than sugar and be taken for weight loss and in

Honey also gives you similar calories like sugar and jaggery. Besides honey’s
sweetening capacity is lesser than sugar, leading to more consumption.
Myths Prevalent In Pregnany

Myth: Eating papaya during pregnancy causes uterine contractions

This is merely a myth because ripe papaya does not cause any problems.
However, Consuming unripe or semi ripe papaya during pregnancy may lead to
uterine contractions.
Factors Affecting Nutritional Value

 Three treatments spoil the nutritive value of raw

 उपचार जो पोषक मूल्य खराब करते हैं

 Processing - प्रसंस्करण
 Overcooking - ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा पकाना
 Overheating - अधिक गमम करना/
खाना पकाने के सही तरीके
Avoid Reusing Oil - कडाही में बचे हए तेल का
इस्तेमाल यानी कैंसर का न्योता..
 लजतनी बार गरम उतना ही नुकसानदायक -तेल धजतनी बार
गमम होने के बाद उबलता है , उतनी बार उसमें कैंसर के कारक
बनते हैं । यही कारक जब अधिक दे र तक उस तेल में रह जाते हैं
तो वह बढ़ते जाते हैं और अगली बार धिर से उबालने पर इनकी
शक्ति और भी बढ़ जाती है
पेट का कैंसर होने की सम्भावना
बढाता है कॉिेस्टरोि

िैंक दे तेल तेल में गाढ़ा काला िैट ना जमा हो। अगर कडाही में
धचपधचपा कालापन धदखने लगे तो इस तेल का इस्तेमाल ना करें ।
ऐसे तेल में कई धवषाि पदाथम घुले रहते हैं , जो आपके स्वास्थ्य को
नुकसान पहं चा सकते हैं ।
Best Cooking Methods

 Steaming - allows them to cook in their own

juices and retain all natural nutrients
 Grilling - In terms of getting maximum
nutrition without sacrificing flavor, grilling is a
great cooking method. It requires minimal fats
and imparts a smoky flavor
 Grilling should only be done to an extent where
the outsides of the foods are barely brown in
texture and the insides are grilled to a minimum.
Best Cooking Methods - ध्यान दे ने योग्य

 -
 1. खाि.पदाथम को उबालने के धलए पानी उतना ही लें धजतना आवश्यक हो
ताधक खाि.पदाथम उसे पूरी तरह सोख लें।
 2. उबलते हए खाि.पदाथम को ढक कर पकाएं , ताधक खाना जल्दी पके
और इं िन भी कम लगे।
 3. तेजी से उबालने से भोजन जल्दी नहीं पकता। वास्तव में तेज उबालने से
इं िन ही नष्ट होता है और खाि.पदाथम का रं ग.रूप धबगड जाता उबला
हआ भोजन अधिक स्वाधदष्ट नहीं होता क्ोंधक भोजन की प्राÑधतक सुगन्ध
पानी में धनकल जाती है । अधिक उबालनने से भोजन गल जाता है । है ।

 धवटाधमन सी, बी-गुट के धवटाधमन और खधनज लवण पानी में धनकल जाते
Steamed Foods are Delicious too
उबले हए खाद्य पदाथम भी स्वाधदष्ट हैं

Increasing Digestibility of Pulses
 Soaking improves the protein digestibility, starch digestibility,
availability of minerals like zinc, iron and dietary fiber
 Germination can improve the nutritional value and
digestibility of pulses.
 ज्यादा प्रोटीन

 ज्यादा मात्रा में िाइबर

ज्यादा धवटाधमन

 जरूरी धमनरल्स :

अमीनो एधसड
Improper Cooking Methods
Pan Frying - Since the temperature is high, this method leads to
the formation of acrylamide. Acrylamide is responsible for the
formation of cancer. The darker the colour of your food by frying,
higher the level of acrylamide.

Charring - This process not only takes away almost every

nutrient present in your food but also adds toxins to fill the gaps.
Frying - Fried food is undeniably delicious. The high
temperature involved in deep frying creates toxic compounds
which lead to cancer.

Grilling -Eating grilled meats- red or processed, you are at an

increased risk of getting cancer. This is because when meat is
grilled, heterocyclic
Marinate foods to decrease cooking time
पौधष्टक भोजन पद्धधत
8:00-9:00 11-11:30 1-2 4:30-5;30 7-8 Before Bed

• Eat adequate protein for fullness

• Take smaller portions
• Eat without electronic distractions
• Limit sugar intake especially in tea, coffee & milk
• Prefer skim milk rather than whole milk
Which is the most important meal
of a day and why (2 points)
Which one is a better dietary
 a) 3 meal pattern
 b) 6 Meal pattern
Give 2 point which should be taken
care to preserve nutrients while
cutting vegetables
Mention 2 points which should be
taken care to preserve nutrients
while cooking vegetables
What is the ideal time of having
Which one is healthier cooking option
among these two ?

 A. Steaming
B. Boiling
Name two methods by which we
can increase the digestibility of
Processed foods are generally high
in calories and fat than natural
 A) True
 B) False
Mention two harmful health
effects of reusing oil
What is the ideal time of having
Name any Two Indian Millet

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