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Case 10:

Developing and Maintaining the Aljazeera

Established in 1996

Aljazeera’s Arabic satellites news service

Fully funded by the Qatar Government

Follows Western journalism models

 covered stories of interest to Arab viewers

 faster paced video programming style

Background cont.
 Results in becoming one most popular channels in
Arab and worldwide.
 5 years later: Aljazeera created Arabic websites (
 Effectively increased Arabic reader through internet
access worldwide.
Stories and photos.
Background cont.
The websites tried to provide free streaming video of
TV channels
Briefly abandoned the attempt
Then they changed to a subscription video streaming
Several attempts been aborted too, includes:
 English Version of the website
Background cont.
Failed because some of these attempts was sabotaged
by hackers.
Finally, in the autumn of 2003, the English version of
the website was a success. (
Organizational Goal
 to provide the Arab world with an informative
alternative to censored state-run media and also the
news as provided by dominant Western global players
such as CNN and BBC.
Objective cont.
To provide Arabic audiences worldwide greater access
to news content developed by and for the network.
Expand the advertisers base- the English version;
Objective cont.
Public Relations Objective.
The primary objective:
To provide Aljazeera’s particular “take” on the news to a
larger global audiences as a supplement to the satellite
television news network.
Objective cont.
Secondary objective:
To provide companion website to the TV network that
would both enhance audience experiences and drive
traffic to the stations.
Make a live video stream of Aljazeera’s television
programming freely available via internet.
Develop a new medium in which o expand their
advertising revenue opportunities.
Branch out into English content to further expand their
audience based beyond Arabic speaking people.
Aljazeera partnered with iHorizons.
Advertising on the website is separate from that on
the news service and is handled by the e-marketing
Advertising packages which include banner ads,
sponsorship banners, and newsletters ads.
Strategies cont.
Other services :
Syndication of Aljazeera’s content
Aljazeera’s short messages services (SMS)
Aljazeera’s news via phone
Streaming video
Interactive financial services
A tourism page

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