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SS ZG653: Software Architecture

Introduction to the Course

BITS Pilani Instructor: Prof. Santonu Sarkar
About the Instructor
• Professor at Dept of CSIS, BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa
• Bachelors, Masters, PhD in Computer Science
• Nearly 20 years of experience in Applied Research,
Product and Application Development, Consulting and
• Broad Area: Software Engineering
– Software Architecture, Software Design, Software
Modularity, Reengineering
– Software Development Challenges in Cloud and
Heterogenous Computing Platform
About the Course
• To study software architecture (we will simply call
architecture in this context)
– What is the abstraction of the software, and how to create,
and how to represent
– What are the relationships between various entities
– How architectural principles are used during software
system analysis and design.
• To study about the role of architecture patterns in
software design
• To study about the applicability of design patterns in
software design
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Course Objective
• To have sound understanding of software architecture
– and remove misconceptions
– the current state of the discipline of Software Architecture
– Know the way in which architecture can impact design
– Know various architectural styles, views
– Importance of nonfunctional requirements, or quality attributes of a system
• Apply the concept
– Design new systems in principled ways, using well-understood architectural
– Present concrete examples of actual system architectures that can serve as
model for new designs
• Evaluate
– Evaluate designs of existing software systems from an architecture
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Study Material
• Text Books
– Len Bass et al, Software Architecture in Practice,
Pearson, Third (or Second) Edition, ISBN
– F. Buschmann et al, Pattern Oriented Software
Architecture – Volume1, Wiley, 1996

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Study Material contd…
• References
– R. N. Taylor et al, Software Architecture: Foundations,
Theory, and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2009
– Mary Shaw & David Garlan, Software Architecture –
Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline, PHI, 1996.
– Stephen T. Albin, The Art of Software Architecture, Wiley
Dreamtech, 2003.
– Gamma, E. et. Al. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object Oriented Software, Addison Wesley, 1995

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Teaching and Evaluation
• Lectures: 16 + 2 • Midterm Exam
Review – Closed Book and notes
• Exams: 2 • Final Exam
– Midterm: 35%
– Open Book and notes
– Final: 50%
• The exam solutions/
• Quizzes: 15%
answers are expected to
be of Masters Level with
crisp, to-the-point,
concise, proper, neat and
readable presentation

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Detailed Schedule
Lecture# Topics

1 Software Architecture and its Importance

Many perspectives of Software Architecture
2 Introducing Quality Attributes
3-5 Role a few quality attributes in details – Architectural Tactics
• Availability, Interoperability, Modifiability
• Performance, Security, Testability

6-7 Object-oriented concepts and UML

• Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance and their representation in UML
• Class diagram, Sequence diagram, Class Responsibility and Collaboration (CRC) Cards

8 Styles and Patterns

• Concept, Categories and descriptions
• Architecture style - Layering
Review Session

Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book) : Topics covered in S. No. 1 to 8

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Detailed Schedule contd…
Lecture# Topics
Architecture Style:
10-12 Blackboard style, Pipe and Filter style
Distributed System Style:
Broker Architecture
Interactive System Style
Adaptable System
Microkernel, Reflection
Design Pattern
13-17 • Components of a typical design pattern, and different categories of design patterns
Behavioral Category
• Iterator Pattern
Behavioral Category
• Observer, Strategy, Visitor, Command
Structural Category
• Adapter, Decorator, Composite, Proxy
Creational Category
• Factory Pattern, Factory Method, Singleton
Review Session
Syllabus for Comprehensive Examination (Open Book): All topics given in the Plan.

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