Introduction To New Technology in Agriculture

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Abhinav raj
iiird year
 Technology has played a major role in developing the agricultural industry. Today it
is possible to grow crops in desert areas by use of agricultural biotechnology. With
this technology, plants have been engineered to survive in drought conditions.
Through genetic engineering scientists have managed to introduce traits into
existing genes with a goal of making crops resistant to droughts and pests.

 Lets take a good example. A bacterium known as ”Bacillus Thuringiensis” acts like
a reservoir , it enables crops to be insect-resistant , so these genetically modified
crops will grow without any interference from pests. The invention of this
technology is being used in developing countries to grow cash crops like cotton,
since this genetically engineered cotton plants are pest resistant, they grow better
than the normal cotton plants hence yielding good results.

 Use of Machines on farms.
 Modern Transportation.
 Cooling Facilities.
 Genetically Produced Plants.
 Development of Animal Feeds.
 Breeding of Animals resistant to diseases.
 Irrigation of Plants.
 Several New Varieties of Crops.
 Hydroponics, Aeroponics.
 Others……
 A farmer can cultivate on more area of land with
less labour and can cut costs even more when
they are looking for a tractor and other
harvesting technology, new equipment. The use
of planters and harvesters makes the process
easy. In agriculture, time and production are
important, you have to plant in time, harvest in
time and deliver to stores in time. Modern
agricultural technology allows a small number
of people to grow vast quantities of food and
fiber in a shortest period of time.

 This helps in making products available on markets in
time from the farm. With modern transportation,
consumers in Kashmir will consume fresh carrots from
Kerala with in the same day that carrot lives the garden in
Kerala. Modern transportation technology facilities help
farmers easily transport fertilizers or other farm
products to their farms, and it also speeds the supply of
agricultural products from farms to the markets where
consumers get them on a daily basis.

 These are used by the farmers to deliver
tomatoes and other perishable crops to keep
them fresh as they transport them to the
market. These cooling facilities are installed in
food transportation trucks, or the cold storages,
so crops like tomatoes will stay fresh upon
delivery. This is a win-win situation for both the
consumers of these agricultural products and
the farmers because the consumers gets these
products still fresh and the farmer will sell all
their products because the demand will be high.

 Crops like potatoes, can resist diseases and
pests, which rewards the farmer with good
yields and saves them time. These crops grow
very fast they produce healthy yields. Since
they are resistant to most diseases and pests,
the farmer will spend less money on
pesticides, which in return increases on their
return on investment.

 This has solved the problem of hunting for grass
to feed animals, now these feeds can be
manufactured and consumed by animals. The
price of these feed is fair so that a low income
farmer can afford them. Most of these
manufactured animal feeds have extra nutrition
which improve on the animals health and the
out put of these animals will also increase. In
agriculture , the health of an animal will
determine its output. Poorly feed animals are
always unhealthy and they produce very little
results in form of milk, meet , or fur.
 Most of these genetically produced animals
produces more milk, meat or fur compared to
normal animals. This benefits the farmer
because their production will be high. Cross
breeding is very good in animal grazing, cross
breed animals are more strong and

 In Dry areas like deserts, farmers have embraced
technology to irrigate their crops. A good example is
in Egypt, where farmers use water pumps to collect
water from river Nile to their crops. Most of these
farmers grow rice which needs a lot of water, so they
manage to grow this rice using irrigation methods
enhanced by advanced technology. Advanced water
sprinklers are being used to irrigate big farms and this
helps the crops get enough water which is essential in
their growth. Some farmers mix nutrients in this
water, so also improves on the growth of these crops.

 Advances in crop science to produce
improved and higher-performing crops are
key to making dry land food production
systems more efficient - and more resistant
to pressure from drought, extremes of cold
and heat, unpredictable rainfall, and new
pests and disease. For optimal performance,
varieties can be targeted to specific farming
systems, depending on local conditions and
 Hydroponics is a method of hydroculture, which is a method of
growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.
Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral
solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such
as perlite or gravel. The nutrients used in hydroponic systems can come from an
array of different sources; these can include, but are not limited
to, byproduct from fish waste, duck manure, or purchased chemical fertilizers.

 Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without

the use of soil or an aggregate medium (known as ’geoponics’). The word
"aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meaning of aer ("air") and ponos ("labour").
Aeroponic culture differs from both conventional hydroponics, aquaponics,
and in-vitro (plant tissue culture) growing. It is sometimes considered a type of
hydroponics, since water is used in aeroponics to transmit nutrients.

 An example of the disadvantage of the advance of
technology is the industrial world of great advance, since
the industrial revolution the machines do most of the work
in agriculture and in the middle of industries, causing a great
loss for farmers and the working hand. thus, decreasing
 They can cause disconnection with reality and loneliness,
a high degree of dependency, can be detrimental to
health by causing a sedentary lifestyle, disinterest in the
beautiful things that exist in this world among others.
 Technology has been seen as a means to cause violence, that
is, some people have used technology for weapons and use
them for the purpose of causing harm.



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