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Oracle Cloud Solutions

Prepared by Partha
Industry segment of companies with business model based on SW
development, types of companies, their difference

Following would be the subset of companies based on software development

• E- Commerce/ (Amazon India, Flipkart, snapdeal)

• Product companies like/Product Platforms (Apple similar versions in Asia, Also
S/W companies like linkedin).
• Software services companies/Service Platforms ( Companies exposing the customer
or user interfaces to the users). Ex Airbnb, Ola, Uber, Swiggy, Trivago,
Makemytrip, yatra, 99 acres, magicbricks, Policy bazaar, Dating websites etc…)
• Multisided business portals (Sulekha, Craiglist (Similar versions in Asia), etc..)
• Gaming Companies
• Social media companies
• Communication Platforms ( Wechat etc..)
• Media and content platforms (You tube and other similar companies in Asia)
• Transaction platforms (Paypal, Visa and a plethora of payment gateway platforms,
UPI, Bhim pay, phone pe, freecharge etc…)

The key difference here is the kind of business they operate or the segments they cater
Changes, transformations happening in this industry segment

The main change happening in the industry segment is to adapt

to rapidly changing process and technologies like the Agile
model for development, Continuous process integration like
CI/CD devops, Elastic Hardware, All kinds of cloud so that the
cost is minimized (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, and others )Usage of
API’s, Usage of open source languages and testing platforms,
Use of AI, Predictive analysis etc.. New Fintech technologies
the way payments are made.
The emergence of elastic hardware : Elastic hardware is
meeting the open source movement as upfront costs have been
eliminated. The role of product management has been elevated
to the executive team. The movement of empirical-based
Key industry business drivers, sources of getting
competitive advantage

Sustainable competitive advantage is the key to business

success. It is the force that enables a business to have greater
focus, more sales, better profit margins, and higher customer
and staff retention than competitors.
It is the major driver of long-term business value and is what
purchasers will place the most value on when looking to
acquire a business. Without a sustainable competitive
advantage, you risk being another ‘me too’ business that
muddles along achieving less than satisfactory results.
Contd …
At its most basic level, there are three key types of sustainable competitive advantage.

• Cost advantage: The business competes on price.

• Value advantage: The business provides a differentiated offering that is perceived to be of
superior value.
• Focus advantage: The business focuses on a specific market niche, with a tailored offering
designed specifically for that segment of the market.

Most small businesses don’t have the market share and buying power to effectively compete on
price and are not big enough to be all things to all customers in a market.
Therefore, to successfully compete, small businesses need to develop a sustainable competitive
advantage that is based on providing superior value to a specific niche.

There is another advantage that is often referred to and that is first mover advantage. First mover
advantage is where the first entrant in a new market obtains an advantage over other
competitors that enter the market later.
However, while being a first mover may provide an initial advantage, it is not sustainable unless
it’s supported by one of the three types of advantages listed above.
Google and Facebook are good examples of this. Neither of these companies were the first
movers, yet both now dominate their respective markets
Contd ….

Five steps to developing a sustainable competitive advantage

• Understand the market and its segments. Look for those niches that aren’t
well serviced by competitors and can be profitably targeted and sold to.
• Develop an understanding of what customers really want and establish a
value proposition that grabs their attention.
• Work out the key things that you need to do really well to support and
deliver the value proposition. For example, service levels, quality,
branding, pricing, etcetera.
• Understand what your strengths and core competencies are and how you
can use these in innovative ways to provide value to your chosen market.
• Design your business model to support and deliver the value proposition.
At the end of this process, you will have a very clearly defined statement of:
Who you will be selling to (customers and market segments);
Why they will buy from you and not your competitors (the value proposition);
Contd ….

The key things you need to excel at to be able to consistently deliver your value proposition.

Once you’ve found your sustainable competitive advantage, you should use it in many ways, to
the business’ benefit.
Using your sustainable competitive advantage in your sales and marketing makes it easier for your
customers to understand why they should part with their dollars and give them to you rather
than your competitors.
This, in turn, makes it easier for your staff to sell your products or services and know their
promises will be delivered.
They know the whole business is focused on making sure the sustainable competitive advantage is
protected and capitalized upon.
Your sustainable competitive advantage can guide your decision-making and provide you with
direction and a sharp focus.
If a new opportunity for the business doesn’t support your sustainable competitive advantage, then
you should question whether to pursue that opportunity.
Is short-term growth that might erode your sustainable competitive advantage, more important
than building a long-term position of strength and stability?
This longer-term view and effective use of a sustainable competitive advantage can support a
higher return on capital invested in the business, even in the face of stiff competition.
This position builds value in a business and can add a premium to the sale price. That’s an
advantage every business owner wants.
Key information systems used by these

The key components used by these companies are digital wallet,

dot-com internet style store, Online payment services, SSO (
Search site optimization) , shopping cart services, store front
software, subscription site, ERP etc.. They use predictive
analysis softwares like Ephiphany, logistics from manugsitics,
new DBMS from Oracle, Execlon for B2B, AWS, Simple
storage services (Ths system can store vast number of products
from millions of active customers).
If we want to sell Oracle Cloud to companies with business model
based on SW development for their internal need or for the execution
of their business function (we are NOT talking about re-selling Oracle
Cloud to their customers)

Prior to Oracle Integration Cloud, integration platforms have been too complicated
to easily include participation with LOB application users, resulting in a costly,
time consuming, and error prone attempt at integration.
Additional challenges include the isolation of the Platform as a Service (PaaS) from
the SaaS applications resulting in potential for errors due to version number
mismatch, additional upfront set-up and security work. A unified cloud containing
both PaaS and SaaS presents significant opportunities to pre-populate and
automatically associate SaaS applications into the integration platform.
To eliminate these types of problems, Oracle Integration Cloud has introduced
prebuilt integrations to jumpstart your integration. Prebuilt integration transforms
integration platforms from a blank palette upon which you build the integration
from scratch into a run-ready integration solution that includes all of the set-up for
how differently named but identical information (ex: AccountName and Account) is
transformed and/or enriched from one application to another.
Contd …
Oracle’s cloud infrastructure. Oracle offers bare metal infrastructure for faster and
less expensive compute power.

Dedicated compute capacity. Some cloud providers oversubscribe capacity in the

belief that not all customers will run at peak capability at the same time. This
strategy can mean trouble for ISVs when processing choke points affect their
operations. Oracle’s platform is architected to provide enough capacity to serve all
customers at peak usage so that these slowdowns don’t occur.

Migration assistance. Oracle provides “lift and shift” migration for porting
traditional on-premises software applications to its cloud infrastructure. Plus,
Oracle’s application modernization services help ISVs update their service offerings
to take advantage of the latest technologies and architectures.

Cloud-native development support. Oracle provides support for cloud-native

application development and related technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
to aid the creation of new applications intended to run natively on cloud services.
Contd …

• Interviewed ISVs state that the Oracle platform has eased their task of
deploying and operating software services in a variety of ways:
• Shortened time to deployment of services by months over on-premises
• Faster customer on boarding
• Reduction in costs and employee time needed to maintain applications,
increasing the number of clients a single technical representative can
support by as much as a factor of five
• Introduction of quick and easy POCs to the sales process
• Increased ability to operate reliable, secure services at scale
• Enablement of advanced technologies like containerization and blockchain
that otherwise might have proven impractical.
Contd …
• Technical enablement. Technical workshops and hands-on labs help ISVs learn the
necessary skills for migration, application modernization, and cloud development.
Oracle’s production on-ramp program provides a systematic process for
accelerating deployments. Oracle also provides access to its Oracle Cloud
• Business transformation assistance. Oracle offers its partners guidance on how to
optimize business for the cloud, including financial models, operating models, and
sales strategy. On-site or online business transformation workshops help ISVs
address common concerns and challenges and provide financial models and
benchmarks for projecting and comparing business results and measuring TCO.
• Flexible commercial models. A selection of commercial and pricing models
supports a variety of ways ISVs can structure their businesses. ISVs may choose
between a direct SaaS model where they sell services to end customers, a resale
model in which end customers purchase their own Oracle environments, and an
influencer model in which they reference customers to Oracle for purchase or allow
customers to use their own Oracle Cloud environments. Each customer may take
advantage of one or more of these models. Available pricing options include:
Contd …
• Universal Credits. Universal Credits allow universal access to all Oracle IaaS and PaaS
offerings and can be flexibly allocated across any Oracle Cloud datacenter around the world.
• Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG). PAYG requires no up-front commitment, and ISVs only pay for
what they use.
• Bring Your Own License (BYOL) to PaaS. BYOL provides license mobility from on-premises
to cloud, including Oracle Cloud at the customer site. It provides up to a 90% reduction from
the PaaS list price and offers a simplified buying experience as well as the flexibility to
upgrade, expand, or move services across data centers.
• Go-to-market assistance. Oracle directly helps partners build awareness, generate leads, and
sell their services through: • Branding and logo programs • Press releases, case studies, and
other outbound communications • Inclusion in Oracle’s internal newsletter promoting ISVs to
Oracle sales team • Joint sales planning and engagement for targeted accounts
• Oracle investment. Oracle offers MDF programs to Oracle Cloud Platform ISVs to assist with
demand-generation programs, online marketing, events, and more.
• Oracle ISV partners report a long litany of direct benefits they have received from the Oracle
• Leads generated and business closed from the Oracle Marketplace and direct Oracle lead pass
• Technical training and advice that has saved individual ISVs as much as six months of time
and hundreds of thousands of dollars executing against business plans
• Participation with Oracle in events, seminars, and press opportunities that have extended their
visibility and marketing budget efficiency
• Introductions to important ecosystem partners and resellers
Contd ….
Advantages of having Oracle as a cloud partner

A long tradition of market leadership in enterprise technology affords Oracle many advantages as
a choice of cloud platform provider. These advantages include:
• Credibility with prospects and customers. Interviewees said that Oracle is synonymous with
enterprise-grade services. They believe that partnering with Oracle brings additional
credibility to their service offerings, especially in the enterprise market. The halo effect of
working with Oracle is particularly valuable for smaller or newer ISVs that may not already
enjoy brand recognition with target customers.
• Best-of-breed cloud technology offerings. Oracle’s suite of IaaS and PaaS services give ISVs
a platform upon which to build their applications.
• Flexible choices for business model and pricing. A broad selection of available licensing and
pricing plans makes it easy for ISVs to structure agreements with Oracle that match their
business models – and to evolve their relationship as their businesses mature and expand.
• Go-to-market assistance. Oracle’s ISV support includes packaged campaigns, MDF,
marketing advice, and the ability to participate in Oracle PR and other marketing programs.
• Advice in transitioning to the cloud. Training, transitioning workshops, and oncall technical
help all help traditional ISVs to migrate applications, operations, and business models to
make them cloud-ready.
Contd …

• Oracle Cloud Marketplace. ISVs can integrate into Oracle’s SaaS portfolio
and promote their services to the over 450,000 customers in the Oracle
Cloud Marketplace.
• Attentiveness to partners. Participants report that the Oracle Cloud ISV
program offers a high degree of support and responsiveness to their needs.
• Oracle is investing to build strength in its cloud platform business. Oracle
maintains 20 datacenters across the globe and offers its services in more
than 200 countries. Oracle invests $5.2 billion per year in research and
development for cloud services and another $1.3 billion per year in its data
• Oracle Cloud boasts more than 1,500 ISVs worldwide, including
deployments in every major region. More than 70 million users and 50
billion transactions run on Oracle cloud every day. The Oracle Cloud
Marketplace showcases more than 4,500 applications, and Oracle’s cloud
ISV business has enjoyed 95% year-over-year growth.
Who are the key personas in the company we need to
talk to succeed in sales?

It should be the CTO or any person at the same level.

Senior technical architect would also be a nice to get a buy in.
With either of the above two we can approach the business head for final
What are their business pains? What are their KPIs?

There are many areas where migration to

cloud could pose a challenge example the
migration it self, the time it takes,
Integration, security concerns,
understanding and adopting to a cloud
solution etc..
Take one specific business pain

One of the main pain point of a new cloud migration would be integrating
the existing on-premise application to a cloud based solution. As
companies respond to demanding customer expectations and
unprecedented changes in the competitive landscape, integration has
become a priority on the business side as well as IT,” says Amit Zavery,
Oracle’s senior vice president of development, integration products. “In
fact, nearly 80 percent of respondents to a computer word survey rated
ease of integration with external data and apps as a top priority.”
Unfortunately, integration woes consistently hinder digital transformation
projects, particularly when it comes to the cloud. According to a study
more than 1,300 business leaders by Dynamic Markets, 81 percent of
respondents think that cloud applications must be fully integrated with
each other as well as with on-premises software in order to reap the full
benefits of the cloud. But getting there is a greater problem. One out of
two companies abandoned their cloud software as a service (SaaS)
applications in the last three years due to integration problems.
Explain Oracle Cloud solution that we could offer to
address this business pain

The prebuilt tools and connectors [in Oracle Integration Cloud Service]
help companies more easily integrate cloud services as well as on-premises

Data-Mapping Complexity
In order to share and integrate information, companies need to discover and
map where data lies throughout a company, from isolated departmental
SaaS apps to enterprise ERP running financials, supply chain, and other
back-end functions. “Data mapping is the most complex, time-consuming,
and error-prone task in many integration projects,” says Zavery,
“particularly for companies that lack a unified integration strategy.”
Cloud-based integration platforms like Oracle Integration cloud Service are
designed to simplify the process significantly, says Zavery. “The prebuilt
tools and connectors help companies more easily integrate cloud services as
well as on-premises applications.”
Explain how should we position Oracle Cloud solution
to make persona on customer side interested and to
win against competitors
Oracle cloud provides the following features for easy and quick integration
of applications

Identify the applications that you want to integrate, and configure the
connection details for these applications. Save time and money by selecting
from Oracle portfolio of 50+ adapters to connect with Oracle and third-
party applications.
Integrate Using powerful, browser-based, visual tools, simply point and
click to create integrations, and then map the data between your
applications. Mappings can range from simple data assignments to complex
expressions or computations. Drag. Drop. Done.
Activate When you’re ready, activate your integration with a click. That’s
right. Not a bit of coding required. And just like that, you’re on your way—
to connecting the data that drives your business and to building a business
that’s more efficient, more effective, and more productive.
Contd …
Integration analytics technology

Analytics in Oracle Integration Cloud simplifies the process of collecting

and collating business event metrics. In minutes, you’ll be reporting on the
performance of your business. It really is as easy as one, two, three. First,
create a model of your business processes. Define the milestones and
metrics that are important to you. Next, map each milestone in the model to
events in your integration. Simple graphical tools make this task easy and
fast in your browser. Then, activate the model to start monitoring the
integration. View metrics for your model in pre-configured or custom
interactive dashboards. Get real-time insight into the details that make your
business tick. You’ll always have the latest data available and the ability to
generate personalized dashboards on the fly—all without IT involvement.
Contd …
Security is the foundation of Oracle Integration Cloud

Oracle Integration Cloud secures the environment and the

services you create, both in the cloud and on premises;
provides physical security, operating system and virtualization
layer security, and tenant isolation; and is protected by design-
time and runtime security that allows access to authorized
users only. Sending and receiving messages from your
application requires a secure channel of communication with
the application. More often than not, applications gate their
services through security policies such as SSL Certificates,
HTTP Basic, or WS-Security based authentication. Your
integrations will work with services protected by these
policies—and you don’t have to understand the complexities
and nuances of the security configuration.
Contd …
A typical example would be

Oracle Integration Cloud caters to key integration needs that span your cloud, on-
premises, and SaaS applications.

• publishes a customer-created event, and Oracle Service Cloud and

Oracle Marketing Cloud subscribe to these events—giving you a 360-degree view
of the customer across the entire ecosystem.
• ServiceNow sends a list of outstanding customer service incidents to Oracle Sales
Cloud. Your sales reps have realtime information about the progress of each
incident as well as related metrics—empowering them to provide a superior
customer experience.
• Configure-price-quote guarantees that deals progress quickly by automating the
product configuration process, creating decisions to handle discounts and approvals,
and forwarding the order to Oracle E-Business Suite for booking—from quote to
cash in minutes, not weeks.
• Oracle Marketing Cloud sends a notification to Oracle Sales Cloud as soon as a
lead becomes an opportunity— immediately alerting sales reps whether they’re in
the office or on the road.
Thank you

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