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Using Machine Learning Algorithms for improved

diagnosis in skincare using IMAGE

Literature Review

Proposed Work


Literature Review
After going through a few research papers, in which Machine learning
and Healthcare were combined, most of them worked with pictures of
the affected area, and then working on it. These pictures might vary
from patient to patient and won’t give a very accurate result, thus
making the work of a physician difficult.
In a paper published from the Stanford University, the pictures of skin
were uploaded, and then when a new picture was uploaded, the
algorithm was processed and then the diseases was detected, but
this gives less accurate result.
Thus, digital pathology is a better technique for more accurate result.
Proposed Work
With the rise in whole slide scanner technology, large numbers of tissue
slides are being scanned and represented and archived digitally. While
digital pathology has substantial implications for telepathology, second
opinions, and education there are also huge research opportunities in
image computing with this new source of data. It is well known that there
is fundamental prognostic data embedded in pathology images. The
ability to mine “sub-visual” image features from digital pathology slide
images, features that may not be visually discernible by a pathologist,
offers the opportunity for better quantitative modeling of disease
appearance and hence possibly improved prediction of disease
aggressiveness and patient outcome
The system that exists today, relies on the help of individual doctors
(General Physicians and specialised doctors) to examine the
condition of the patient with any kind of disease.
With the help of this, the pathologist will click a picture of the slide
through the microscope and can upload, this picture.
After uploading the picture will be added to the database, the
algorithm will work on it and give the most accurate result.
The proposed system is able to successfully detect the disease
present in the image. It can be used to help people from all over the
world and can be used in doing some productive work.
Datasets: The efficiency of a Machine learning model depends on
the size of the data set. So, to achieve acceptable efficiency, a large
data set is required. The data used in this project are images.

Taxonomy: Our taxonomy represents individual diseases arranged

in bottom up approach which becomes easier to get recognized by both
machine learning programmers and medical practitioners.

Data Preparation Phase/ Image Processing: Blurry

images and far-away images will be removed from the test and
validation sets, filters will be applied to photos so as to make them more
Sample Selection : This is when some of the images are
randomly selected while some of them are removed on the basis of their
resolution(image quality).

Machine Learning Algorithms: Various algorithms like

Disease partitioning algorithm,Training algorithm , Inference algorithm
etc in which various diseases will be divided.
Okuboyejo, Damilola A, et al. ―Automating Skin Disease Diagnosis Using Image
Classification.‖ Proceedings of WCECS 2013, October 23 - 25, 2013, San Francisco, USA,
IAENG Open Access Publication, 24 Oct. 2013,

Ajith, Archana, et al. ―Dermatological Disease Detection Using Image Processing and
Artificial Neural Network.‖ Dermatological Disease Detection Using Image Processing and
Artificial Neural Network - IEEE Conference Publication, 15 June 2015

Ambad, Pravin S., and A. S. Shirat. ―A Image Analysis System to Detect Skin Diseases.‖
Index of /Iosr-Jvlsi/Papers/vol6-issue5/Version-1, 1 Oct. 2016,

Gound, R. S., et al. ―Number 16 (ISBN: 973-93-80898-01-6).‖ IJCA - Number 16 (ISBN: 973-
93- 80898-01-6), 16 Jan. 2018

Mrs. S.Kalaiarasi, Harsh Kumar, Sourav Patra- Dermatological Disease Detection using Image
Processing and Neural Networks, S.Kalaiarasi et al, International Journal of Computer Science
and Mobile Applications, Vol.6 Issue. 4, April- 2018, pg. 109-118

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