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Prepared by:- Guided by:-

MALVI PRASHNT(15012021014) Prof. Himanshu Patel

PATEL RIYA(15012021059)
 Placement cell is a system for providing training to academic
 Our software will handle the information of students,
Companies, job provider etc.
 This project is aimed at developing a android application for
the Placement Cell.
 Most helpful for a students and companies.
 This project is to facilitate faculty in college to view student
profile and placed, unplaced students.
 The users can access the data easily.
 A Placement Cell app can be a good way to make connections
with students with similar interests and goals.
 Facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced Job
Information discovery and delivery to students.
 Provides an opportunity to placement for students.
 The proposed application intends user-friendly operations
which may resolve ambiguity.
 Easily finding out the list of eligible students for company
 Convenient and easy to use and Time saving.
 Placement Cell app provides different categorized Job
Opportunity .
 In order to avoid documentation problem we are design
existing application as Placement Cell, so that whatever the
information, Placement Officer has to pass to the student and
he or she can inform in their phone.
 All the resume send by the student which can be maintain in
the database .It reduce the paper work and storage area.
 Save time & work-load for Placement Cell Staff and students.
 Easy to access.
 Avoid fake Entry.
 Only Eligible students get chance.
 Improve accuracy in result.
 It has user friendly interface having quick authenticated access
to documents.
 Project has a big scope to do. Students can maintain their
information and can update it.
 Notifications are sent to students about the companies.
 All currently active enquires can also be added in the
application to view.
 This application can be modified from time to time as per the
changing requirement of the user with lesser cost also the
backend of the application can be changed as per the storage
requirement of the application and to provide more security
level features.
 List of Hardware used:

Hardware Devices Configuration


Hard Disk 20GB

Processor Intel Core i5-3rd generation

Android Phone Android 5.10(Lollipop)

 List of Software used:

Technology Android Studio

Front end XML,JAVA

Back end Firebase

Operating System Windows 8




Update details

Genrate Resume

View company details

View Contact details of college



See Registerd Students

Add compnies details

Send informtion about companies to students

 User can fill up the details themselves.
o Students Details.
o User can enter their details like Enrollment No., Name, Email,
Password, etc.
o Education Details.
o User can enter the SGPA up to 7th semester.
 There four major section:-
 Account: Preview of user details and user can edit and print
as a resume.
 Company: User can easily find out the companies which is
eligible for them.
 About Us: Information about developer.
 Contact Us: Information about Placement Officer and faculty
of placement.
 Admin can check and see the registered students.
 Admin also send the companies details for eligible students.
 Admin see registered students details branch wise.

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