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Name : Amir Noor

Class : BBA (1st Semester)

Assignment : " How Can ' Positive Attitude ' Change

Our life"

Submit to : Prof. Umer Farooq

"How Can 'Positive
Attitude' Change Our
How many times have you heard a friend, co-worke spouse
or significant other say, “Think positive” when you are feeling
depressed, angry, anxious, frustrated or just down right
negative?Usually it’s the last think you want to hear at the
moment, but it could possibly be the best thing you could do for
both your emotional and physical health! Positive attitude,
positive thinking,and optimism are now known to be a root cause
of many positive life benefits. Studies show positive people can
experience an increased life span, lower rates of depression,
lower levels of stress, greater resistance to the common cold,
better overall well-being, reduced risk of death from
cardiovascular disease and better coping skills during times of
hardship and stress. It seems people with a positive attitude
simply live longer, happier, healthier, more successful lives… and
who doesn’t want that!!
It is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude.
Sure you need skills, but you can learn skills - in fact a positive attitude
will make it much more likely that you will learn the skills necessary to
succeed. If you take two people with an equal skill set the person with
the better attitude will win.Unfortunately it is not always easy to stay
positive and keep a good attitude.Thankfully there are many things that
you can do to help maintain a positive attitude.However, your way of
thinking, whether positive or negative, is a habit… and habits can be
changed! But it takes practice. If your first thoughts about the meaning
of something that has happened are negative thoughts, take the first
step toward a positive attitude by simply recognizing your thoughts as
negative and trying to create a more positive thoughtitude. As things
go wrong throughout your day, it is easy to let negative
thoughts.Thoughts are always under your control and can be changed!
The following steps can also help you create a more positive attitude.
Remember that YOU control your
Attitude does not emerge from what happens to you,
but instead from how you decide to interpret what
happens to you. Take, for example, receiving the
unexpected gift of an old automobile. One person might
think: “It’s a piece of junk!” a second might think: “It’s
cheap transportation,” and a third might think: “It's a real
classic!” In each case, the person is deciding how to
interpret the event and therefore controlling how he or she
feels about it (i.e. attitude).
Adopt beliefs that frame events in a
positive way:
Your beliefs and rules about life and work determine how you interpret
events and therefore your attitude. Decide to adopt “strong” beliefs that create a
good attitude rather than beliefs that create a bad attitude.
• Create a “library” of positive thoughts: Spend at least 15 minutes every
morning to read, view,or listen to something inspirational or motivational. If
you do this regularly, you’ll have those thoughts and feelings ready at hand (or
rather, ready to mind) when events don’t go exactly the way you’d prefer.
• Avoid angry or negative media: Unfortunately, the media is full of hateful
people who make money by goading listeners to be paranoid, unhappy, and
frightened. The resulting flood of negativity doesn’t just destroy your ability to
maintain a positive attitude; it actively inserts you into a state of misery, pique,
and umbrage. Rather than suck up the spew, limit your “informational” media
consumption to business and industry news.
Ignore whiners and complainers: Whiners and complainers
see the world through crap-colored glasses. They’d rather talk
about what’s irreparably wrong, rather than make things better.
More importantly, complainers can’t bear to see somebody else
happy and satisfied. If you tell a complainer about a success that
you’ve experienced, they’ll congratulate them, but their words
ring hollow. You can sense they’d just as soon you told them
about what’s making you miserable. What a drag (figuratively
and literally)! Smile: Many studies have demonstrated that
even a forced smile can lift one’s mood! We may also share
positivity with others by flashing them with a brilliant smile.
Smiling is a reward, not a risk. The only thing we risk when
smiling is a giving ourselves a little more happiness.
Use a more positive vocabulary: The words that come out of your mouth
aren’t just a reflection of what’s in your brain they’re programming your
brain how to think. Therefore, if you want to have a positive attitude, your
vocabulary must be consistently positive. Stop using negative phrases such
as “I can’t,” “It’s impossible,” or “This won’t work.” These statements
program you for negative results. Whenever anyone asks “How are you?”
respond with “Terrific!” or “Never felt better!” And mean it. When you’re
feeling angry or upset, substitute neutral words for emotionally loaded
ones. Rather than saying “I’m enraged!” say “I’m a bit annoyed...
Be thankful: Take some time and be thankful. Be thankful about what you
have, who you are, and what your life is like. Think through all of the things
that you can be thankful for. Even if you are in a tough time in life there are
many things you have that you can be thankful for. You need to look for
them and recognize them. The very act of focusing on what you are thankful
for will help you maintain your positive attitude..
Surround yourself with positive people:
The people around you have a big impact on you. They
impact who you are, how much money you will make, and
what you value. They also impact how you think. If you
surround yourself with negative people you will be negative
as well. You can’t help it. Hearing negativity all day leads you
to negativity. The opposite is also true.Surround yourself
with positive people and you will be more positive.
Understand that we all need and deserve time to recharge:
If we just got out of a bad relationship, or we simply
need a break from the hustle and bustle of your life, we
mustn’t be afraid to take some time off and recharge. It can
be stressful being with other people, even people that we
really like. Being independent can help us regain our
perspective. One simple thing to do to recharge is to take a
short trip somewhere. Have you always meant to climb to
the top of that mountain outside the city? Do you want to
explore the river-valley that feeds into the lake? Communing
a little bit with nature if we can, provides an wonderful
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you
tend to have a negative outlook, don’t expect to become an
optimist overnight. But with practice, eventually your self-talk
will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance. You
may also become less critical of the world around you. Plus,
when you share your positive mood and positive experience,
both you and those around you enjoy an emotional boost.
Practicing positive self-talk will improve your outlook. When
your state of mind is generally optimistic, you’re able to handle
everyday stress in a more constructive way. That ability may
contribute to the widely observed health benefits of positive
thinking. You can learn to turn negative thinking into positive
thinking. The process is simple, but it does take time and
practice – you’re creating a new habit, after all. Here are some
common forms of negative self-talk.
Filtering: You magnify the negative aspects of a situation and
filter out all of the positive ones. For example, say you had a great
day at work. You completed your tasks ahead of time and were
complimented for doing a speedy and thorough job. But you forgot
one minor step. That evening, you focus only on your oversight and
forget about the compliments you received.
Personalizing: When something bad occurs, you automatically
blame yourself. For example, you hear that an evening out with
friends is canceled, and you assume that the change in plans is
because no one wanted to be around you.
Catastrophizing: You automatically anticipate the worst. The
drive-through shop gets your order wrong and you automatically
think that the rest of your day will be a disaster.
Polarizing. You see things only as good or bad, black or white.
There is no middle ground. You feel that you have to be perfect or
that you’re a total failure.Here are some ways to think and behave
in a more positive and optimistic way.
"Here are some ways to think and behave in a more positive
and optimistic way
Identify areas to change: If you want to become more
optimistic and engage in more positive thinking, first identify
areas of your life that you typically think negatively about,
whether it’s work, your daily commute or a relationship, for
example. You can start small by focusing on one area to
approach in a more positive way.
Check yourself: Periodically during the day, stop and
evaluate what you’re thinking. If you find that your thoughts
are mainly negative, try to find a way to put a positive spin
on them.
Be open to humor: Give yourself permission to smile or
laugh, especially during difficult times. Seek humor in
everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel
less stressed.
Follow a healthy lifestyle: Exercise at least three times a
week to positively affect mood and reduce stress. Follow a
healthy diet to fuel your mind and body. And learn to
manage stress.
Practice positive self-talk: Start by following one simple
rule: Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to
anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. If a
negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally
and respond with affirmations of what is good about you.
Positive attitudes lead to happiness and success and
can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of
life, your whole life will become more optimistic. According
to medical research optimists are sick less and live longer
than pessimists. Positive outlooks on life strengthen the
immune system, cardiovascular system and the body’s
ability to handle stress. Optimistic, happy people believe
that their own actions result in positive things happening
and that they are responsible for their own happiness. They
never blame themselves when bad things happen. So next
time instead of dwelling on the bad, analyze it to figure out
what good can come of it.
Remember to…..

“Watch your definitions, they become thoughts.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become your destiny.”

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