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Disusun Oleh:
Kelompok 7
Naufal Hamid
( F1D018023 )
Selsa Nisa
Lailatul Romadani
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What is

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Landslide is refers to several forms of mass
wasting that include a wide range of ground
movements, such as rockfalls, deep-seated
slope failures, mudflows and debris flows.

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Natural causes:
• saturation by rain water infiltration, snow melting, or
glaciers melting;
• rising of groundwater or increase of pore water pressure
• increase of hydrostatic pressure in cracks and fractures
• loss or absence of vertical vegetative structure, soil
nutrients, and soil structure
• Erosion of the toe of a slope by rivers or ocean waves
• physical and chemical weathering
• ground shaking caused by earthquakes
• volcanic eruptions
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Landslides are aggravated by human activities, such as:
• deforestation, cultivation and construction
• vibrations from machinery or traffic
• blasting and mining
• Earthwork (e.g. by altering the shape of a slope, or
imposing new loads);
• in shallow soils, the removal of deep-rooted
vegetation that binds colluvium to bedrock
• agricultural or forestry activities (logging), and
urbanization, which change the amount of water
infiltrating the soil.

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Types of Landslide

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Rock Fall:
Free falling of detached bodies of bedrock
(boulders) from a cliff or steep slope

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Rock toppling:
occurs when one or more rock units rotate about
their base and Collapse.

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Rotational slides:
move along a surface of rupture that is curved and
Translational slides:
occurs when the failure surface is approximately flat
or slightly undulated

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Lateral spreading:
occurs when the soil mass spreads laterally and this
spreading comes with tensional cracks in the soil

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Lateral spreading:
occurs when the soil mass spreads laterally and this
spreading comes with tensional cracks in the soil

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• Debris Flow:
Down slope movement of collapsed, unconsolidated
material typically along a stream channel
How to Minimize Landslide Hazards
- Passive Intervention
- Active Preventive Intervention
- Proper land use measures:
Structural measures
- Non- Structural
measures:Landslide Hazard
Mapping and Use of GIS
That’s All
Thank you

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