Appreciating Arabian Poetry

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Appreciating Arabian

Interpretating Instructions, Rules, and
 Instruction: a direction or order.
 Rules and Regulations: will give an individual or company guidelines to follow
when entering into a specific transaction or transactions.

“In case of fire, Break the glass and use the Fire Extinguisher”.
“Keep silent while inside the library to not disturb others”.
“Do not touch”.
“Follow your teachers’’ instruction”.
“Use the emergency stairways/exits”.
Interpreting Instructions, Rules, and
 We should also get to listen to instructions. We must know how to interpret
them so we can follow them, If we do not follow instructions, chances are bad
or silly things will happen, like getting low grades or being laughed at for

 When interpreting instructions, rules and regulations, you are dealing with

 Refer to the set guidelines which have been put in place in different countries
and communities and have been accepted by all.
Making Announcements

 It is a form of giving directions.

 Remember, a good announcement answers the questions who, what, where,

and when.

 You should be familiar with all the information that must be given in the
Recognizing Common Propaganda
 Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to
promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

 One of the most widespread forms of propaganda is ADVERTISING.

 Advertising: is a marketing communication that employs an openly

sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or
Propaganda Techniques

 BANDWAGON: This technique involves encouraging people to think or act in

some way simply because other people are doing so.
For example:
"All your neighbors are rushing down to Mistri Motors to take advantage of this
year-end sale. You come, too!“
 TESTIMONIAL: This technique involves having an unqualified person endorse
a product, action, or opinion.
For example:
"Hi, I’m Mark Horan. As a pro-football quarterback, I have to be concerned about
my health. That’s why I take Pro-Ball Vitamin Supplements."
Propaganda Techniques

 Transfer: This technique involves making an illogical association between one

thing and something else that is generally viewed as positive or negative.
For example:
" The American pioneers worked hard because they cared about the future. If
you can about the future of your family, then see your agent at Pioneer
 Emotional Words: are a way of advertising and a technique used in
propaganda. By using emotional words, advertisers and propagandists can
bring across positive feelings about their product to consumers. Customers
can be convinced by the simple use of words such as "love, adore, hate, care,
etc". Words such as these bring out the positive emotions and feelings in
Propaganda Techniques

 Card Stacking: is a way to manipulate information so that one product looks

better than another. This is often done by leaving out important facts or by
comparing evidence in an unfair manner.

For Example:
“surveys shows that most people prefer this brand of tootpaste”.
Arabian Poetry
(The Bewildered Arab)

The man arrived in Baghdad for the first time.He got confused where to go. He
got confused because of the chatting, clanking, and running all around him. While
traveling, he got dizzy and tired , so he rest for a moment. When he woke up, he
forgot about himself, almost like he got amnesia.
So, he tied his ankle and tried to walk in a corner. He got really confused of
Baghdad, the people, and himself in his head. But he found another person. He
has the same looks as the bewildered man. So, the man agreed to help the
bewildered Arab. He slept with him beside and tied the rope to his ankle.
The Arab woke up and looks for the signal of the man, but he found another
man who had a rope on his ankle. In the end, he's still confused about what
Delivering a Speech to Entertain

 In broad terms, an entertaining speech is a speech designed to enchant an

audience's attention and amuse them while you are delivering a message.
Like more traditional speeches such as informative or persuasive,
entertainingspeeches should communicate a clear message, but the style
of delivery is typically different.
Using Nonverbal cues in an entertaining

 1/5. Control your facial expressions. ...

 2/5. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. ...
 3/5. Concentrate on the tone of your voice. ...
 4/5. Offer your full attention, and avoid multitasking. ...
 5/5. Maintain strong eye contact for more than a brief second.
Making an Outline

 Outline: also called a hierarchical outline, is a list arranged to show

hierarchical relationships and is a type of tree structure.

 Choose Your Topic and Establish Your Purpose. A lot of writers struggle to
define the initial focus for their paper. ...
 Create A List Of Main Ideas. This is the brainstorming part of the writing
process. ...
 Organize Your Main Ideas. ...
 Flush Out Your Main Points. ...
 Review and Adjust.
Writing a Conversation

 Conversation: a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more

people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.

 Use quotation marks. One of the absolute dialogue writing rules is using
quotation marks. ...
 Each speaker gets their own paragraph. Each speaker needs to be given their
own paragraph. ...
 Make sure the reader knows who is speaking. ...
 Vary speech tag use. ...
 Use dialogue with a purpose. ...
 Written dialogue should sound real. ...
Writing a Diary Entry

 Diary: is a written record of the things you do and the things about you during
the day.

 Write the date in the corner or on the first line. ...

 Begin each entry with a topic in mind. ...
 Open with "Dear Diary" if you want to. ...
 Write in the first person by using "I" statements. ...
 Be honest in your entries. ...
 Don't worry too much about grammar and spelling.

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