1-Fasa Dan Diagram Fasa

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Fasa dan diagram fasa

Review (bagian 1)
Saling melarutkan saat cair, tidak melarutkan
saat padat
Saling melarutkan saat cair, tidak melarutkan
saat padat –cooling curves
Example : Al-Ca system
Saling melarutkan terbatas


Reaksi reaksi penting

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under
Example eutectic reaction : Pb-Sn system
(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson
Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Figure 10.17 (a) A hypoeutectic lead-tin alloy. (b) A
hypereutectic lead-tin alloy. The dark constituent is the lead-
rich solid α, the light constituent is the tin-rich solid β, and the
fine plate structure is the eutectic (x400).
Application (1): Al-Si Cylinder liner
Application (2)
Design a lightweight, cylindrical component that will provide excellent
wear-resistance at the inner wall, yet still have reasonable ductility and
toughness overall. Such a product might be used as a cylinder liner in an
automotive engine.

Centrifugal casting of a
hypereutectic Al-Si alloy: (a)
Liquid alloy is poured into a
rotating mold, and (b) the
solidified casting is hypereutectic
at the inner diameter and
eutectic at the outer diameter
(for Example 10.9).

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™

is a trademark used herein under license.
Application (3): Al-Si phase diagram
Application (4)

• The hypereutectic Al-Si alloys containing primary β

may provide the wear-resistance that we wish at one-
third the weight of the steel.
• A typical alloy used to produce aluminum engine
components is Al-17% Si. The total amount of primary
b that can form is calculated at 578oC, just above the
eutectic temperature:

% Primary b  17  12.6  100  5.0%

99.83  12.6
Latihan 1: Prediksi struktur mikro Al-17% Si
pada suhu 550 C
Al-Si, 17 % Si microstructure
Reaksi Peritectic

Liquid+solid 1 New solid 2 Usually intermediate phase/compound, but
Heating also may be solid solution
Reaksi Peritektik
Liquid+ solid 1 New solid 2

a) For an alloy composition of Fe-4wt%Ni, describe the phases present (compositions and
approximate relative amounts) at several temperatures during an equilibrium cooling of
the alloy from 1550 C to 1450 C.
b) Make a sketch of the likely microstructure for a temperature of 1515 C, and for 1510 C.

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