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Comparison between Management system and

policies on Domestic Waste Management in

Perth, The Cleanest city in Australia, The 10th
cleanest city
in the World 2002 and
Capital of Thailand
• Biography of Southern Metropolitan Regional Council
(SMRC) and Clean away Council
• How waste are managed to be recycled and safe disposed
• Current situation and results from the former
• How these results are achieved and what is the potential
• How is the current waste management system in
Thailand and results
• Possible applications and challenges for application
• Conclusion and recommendation
Biography of Southern Metropolitan Regional Council
(SMRC) and Regional Resource Recovery Center

• Designed for population 375268 from 146080 households covered land area of 656 Sq
Km limited in Northern and Southern Areas and Boundaries
• Recycling 85% by weight of total domestic waste from 7 regions negotiating with
regional councils by surveying with residents Since 1990s
Waste management and recycling system at that
• The Bedminster In-Vessel
Composting Facility turns
general household waste
into compost for
agricultural use.
• The Materials Recovery
Facility (MRF) separates
materials for reprocessing
by various industries.
• The Green Waste
Processing Facility turns
green waste into mulch and
soil conditioners for parks
and road verges
But Clean Away Council manage material recovery from domestic waste of industries
How much waste are managed to be recycled and
safe disposed In Vessel Composting
For the processing of
Solid Waste Generation in Perth Municipal solid waste
1.8 (Collected from households 109,000
1.62 1.62 1.59
1.6 1.5 1 1.53 tonnes/year
in the green bin)
Kg / capita / day

Bio-solids category 1-4
1 tonnes/year
Materials Recovery
0.4 Facility
0.2 For the processing of co-
0 mingled Recyclables
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
(Collected from households 30,000
Metal Glass Year
Plastic in the yellow lid bin) tonnes/year
3% 7% 2%
Other Paper
9% 24%
Green Waste Processing
(Collected from 3 verge 30,000
Organic side collections/year) tonnes/year

Waste Composition 199,000

Total Capacity
Perth: Year 1996 tonnes/year
1.) Main Stakeholders:
• Government:
– State government
– Regional council,
– Local government.
• Business and industry.
• Research institution
• Community
– State Government:
policy, strategy and guidelines. 3). Existing
– Regional council Condition
• Advanced technology: Compactor
(i.e. SMRC and Clean away) trucks, Incinerators, In-vessel
 regional waste management
composting, Materials recovery
strategy, facilities.
 responsible for waste treatment
• Intensive Capital.
and disposal.
– Local government • Economic scale.
 generally manage the • Research Institution:
collection of wastes, The Environmental Technology Centre, education and research
 collection and transport is program:
 production of high quality art paper by recycling waste paper;
 shared with contractors.
 composting techniques for organic wastes; wastewater recycling
Scenario Planning Policy on Waste Management
The way forward: Avoidance
• 2005: Manage the impact 2005
• 2008: Management to prevention Management
• 2012: prevention rather than Avoidance
management Prevention
• 2015: prevention integrated to Avoidance
activities and action 2012
Prev = Mng
• 2020: little/no waste can not be Management
recovered Avoidance
Prev > Mng
Reduce waste by
Performance ∑recov
management Management
Landfill The way forward Zero Waste
Strategies on reducing waste and controlling illegal
Strategic Direction (Currently) Strategic Direction (2007)
• Vision • Vision
– Toward Zero Waste in WA
 Regonized natioanlly and
• Goal internationally for our excellence
– That all western Australians live in a waste free
society and expertise in waste
• management.
– Principle 1: Prevention – avoid the creation of  Providing resource recovery
waste successfully across the region.
– Principle 2: Recovery – efficiently recover, retreat  Operating in a range of waste
and reuse all waste,
– Principle 3: Disposal – responsibly manage waste management in markets.
into the environment  Actively exploring alternative
• The way forward technologies and investing in
• Strategic framework: research and development.
– Strategic approach,  Providing more affordable
– Measuring success, services to our users.
– Focus areas,  Providing sustainable solutions
– Project priorities,
through simultaneous
– Reporting and consultation.
achievement of environmental,
• Program Priorities economical and social goals.
 Achieving our target of 95%
reduction of waste from
residential properties.
SMRC’s Mission 2007
• The SMRC’s purpose and core • SMRC’s role will also focus on:
business is: • Utilizing the advantages of economies
To continue to embrace the Regional of scale to achieve best value for the
Purpose outlined in the Establishment region.
Agreement. • Increasing their consultation and
Regional Purpose: educational role in order to:
(d) To plan, coordinate and implement - Maximize the use of their service;
the removal, processing, treatment - Reduce costs;
and disposal of waste for the benefit - Find out what the community knows
of the communities of the Participants about waste management.
(Local Government members of the
Regional Council.) • Building upon our knowledge and
expertise through undertaking research
(e) To influence Local, State and Federal role.
Governments in the development of
Regional waste management policies • Engaging in consultancy or contracting
and legislation. services on behalf of the region with the
goal of reducing or stabilizing costs and
(f) To provide administrative services to adding value for their member
the South West Group. organizations.
(g) To prepare, facilitate and implement Throughout all of this, our core business of
programmes, measures and strategies solid waste management will be
for the reduction of greenhouse gases. maintained.
Key Success Factors

The key success factors measure how effectively the Council is achieving its vision on a
year-by-year basis. It is SMRC’s scoreboard for continuous improvement and
2. Financial
• The value of the service outgrows the cost of providing the service;
• The approved budget is compiled with;
• Extent of revenue growth;
• Local Government compliance measures are met.

2. Customer
• The level of Municipal Council satisfaction:
- Approved budgets are met;
- Accountable and responsible management;
- Member Councils’ community satisfaction.
• Customer base:
- Current member Council membership;
- Regional communities’ utilization of services is increased;
- Number of commercial customers are increased.
Strategic goals, Highlights and Achievements
Strategic goals 2003-2004 2007
Environmental Compliance Successfully undertaken risk To exceed and set trends/ benchmark
and innovation management at RRRC for the best practice in environmental
Waste Management To ensure maximum resource To 95% recovery
recovery from residential waste
generated in the region
Increasing Community To maximize resource recovery To maintain and understanding of the
Awareness through a satisfied and aware community’s knowledge, attitude and
community behavior in waste management
Diversifying Services and To capitalize on expertise by To develop a regional C & D Waste
Markets actively seeking opportunities to Management Strategies, to identify
diversify services and markets waste stream not being addressed
Greenhouse Gas Abatement To assist and facilitate in the To investigate and develop a plan for
reduction of greenhouse gases the use of alternative fuels
within the region
Business Sustainability To establish and maintain a To establish markets for the sale of
sustainable, viable and diverse recycles and organic materials
financial base for the SMRC
Operational Effectiveness To develop and maintain an To develop a formal asset management
and Excellence organizational culture of systems, quality assurance program, an
continuous improvement and information technology plan, strategy to
excellence retain intellectual capital and so on
Current situation and results from the former
• Reduce waste, reuse, recycle and finally send to
landfill that can reduce landfill sites
• Energy, Natural fertilizer and recyclables are the
results of resource recovery
• Those resource recovery leads to chemical free
safe food supply to community as organic food
• After stabilization, waste goes to safe landfill
• Speeded public’s awareness and participation on
performance management to waste keep going to
lead targeted goal
• 10th cleanest city in the World on 2002
• Better, Healthier, prettier environment and society
for city dwellers
How is the current waste management system in
Thailand and results
Policies Practical fields
To reduce the volume of waste it  13.8 million tons per year or 37,880
sends to landfills by 5,000 tons tons per day
per day  solid waste increasing rate was 1.7%
 Renovation of the On-nut and
 10 Million people (October 26,2004)
Nong Kehm transfer stations
living in Bangkok (megalopolis
 An integrated waste facility at On-
 A biogas plant at the Nong Khem  Bangkok Metropolitan Authority
transfer station to handle 1,000 (BMA) operates
tons/day of organic waste  US$41 million dollars a year on goods
 But there is no main Policy and services for municipal solid waste
and Prospective for Plan management
Enhancement and  The collection services from
Conservation of National
Environmental Quality for residential, community and public
the Period 1997-2016 by areas were inefficient due to the
the Office of Natural limitation of fee collection, which
Resources and affected the service development.
Environmental policy and
Current Waste Generation and Composition (2002)
waste amount (tons per Year 2002)

hazardous waste
61880 tons
Ranges Average
Industrial non 139810tons
hazardous waste
Tambon 64-93% 75%
1418400 tons Municipality
hazardous waste
Muang 59-100% 86%
infectious waste 4473 tons
municipal solid
3456000 tons Bangkok >99% >99%








Other rural 20-30% 25%



















Waste Generation in Bangkok, 2002

Kitchen Waste Plastic and Foams Paper Glass

Solid Waste Collection in Municipality
22% 51%

Waste Composition in Bangkok, 2002

Remark on Bangkok Waste Collection System and Landfill Sites

Daily waste collecting system without educating Public and Waste

storage tank placing at the corner of streets to reduce waste encourage
public to dispose more waste
Lack of enough domestic waste recycling facilities, Incinerators,
public resentment on appropriate landfills and public awareness lead to
landfill shortage and illegal landfills even to Kyauk Phaya river
Municipal and Industrial
waste recycling and
reuse percentage of total
Waste is still quite low
But the rate of waste
Generation is quite high
that waste management
Facilities are urgently
Needed especially for
Industrial hazardous
Waste treated in
Centralized treatment
Facilities which was only
24% of total discharge of
Industrial hazardous
Waste. Hazardous waste
Recycling by industries
Is only 18% of total
waste generated in
Bangkok and vicinity.
Possible applications

• Educating public to extend environmental and health awareness for performance

• Enhancing and encouraging institutions to do research on emergency and effective
domestic waste management strategy, policy and implementation applicable to
current public people behaviors
• Setting strict and enforced regulation and policies on illegal landfill of Domestic
• Opening markets for waste recycling facilities
• Encouraging national and international waste recycling companies and facilities under
under sustainable and strict law and regulations
• If, domestic waste recycling facilities can be implemented, those informal waste
pickers can get much safer job opportunities rather than current situation.
Challenges for application
1. Capital sources and labor costs • In 2000, Thailand has about
 Over THB 22 billion has been invested
2,265 slums that
in solid waste management but more efficient
accommodate more than 2
Waste collection could reduce cost
 Municipalities allocate less than 25 percent million people. More than half
of their budget. of these slums is located in
2. Public Economy Bangkok.
 Private sector involvement is limited. • The problem of the urban
 Revenues are limited to solid waste environment and
collection fees. communities is inefficient
 User fees are not providing adequate management system on
 Bangkok raises fees ten-fold.
population growth, and
economic growth.
3. Governmental governance
 Multiple Laws • Public resentment on
 All levels of governments are involved. appropriate landfill site lead
17. Technologies and technicians to conflicts between the local
availability community and the
19. Difficulties on behavior changes government agency.
to Public • Problem of operation and
maintenance; especially,
budget and manpower
Major Findings PCD= Pollution Control Department
ONEP= Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and
• Waste is not a disgustable Planning
things which reflects our DEOP= Department of Energy Development and Promotion
behaviors that how we DOH= Department of Highways
designed to use and how we PAO= Provincial Administrative Organizations
end up valuable resources. TAO= Tambon Administrative Organization
MoNRE = Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Therefore, waste is the output
MoPH = Ministry of Public Health
of our behaviors. That is why MoIND = Ministry of Industry
we are responsible to manage
SMRC Bangkok Metropolitan
 Very specific targets for every goals and
energetic activities
Authority (BMA)
 Lack of human resources and on-the-ground
 Corporate governance and bottom-up
presence in many regions is a major barrier to
effectively fulfilling their national
 Searching Competitiveness
supervisory and outreach role
 Share Visions within and among public and  Municipalities focus on delivery of core
organization services
 Many local governments are beginning to
Clean Away reach out to the public
 Staff skills need strengthening.
 Focus on Eco-efficiency, cleaner
 National agencies are overwhelmed and
Production and customers extended
 Biggest waste management  Motivating public responsibilities is urgently
company in Western Australia needed

SMRC and Cleanaway Bangkok Metropolitan

Authority (MBA)
• To cope with an increase in
the volume of solid waste a
 Joint Venture combination of supply side
and demand side
corporation management is strongly
recommended, namely, a)
adopt the command and
control measure to help
support the demand side
management, b) encourage
solid waste reduction, c)
promote private investment
for solid waste
management, and d)
encourage behavioral
research concerning solid
waste management.
• Decentralization will increase the
role of local governments and
regional and provincial offices

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