Reward Manageent System

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Group Members

Jamil Ahmad
Muhammad Inam
Sayed Galib Hassan
Shahid Mehmood
Ather Zubair
Reward Management
• Reward management is concerned with the formulation and
implementation of strategies and policies the purposes of which
are to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in
accordance with their value to the organization and to help the
organization to achieve its strategic goals
Objectives of Reward Management:
There are three main objective of reward management in an
organization to attract and retain competent employees.
• Employee Retention
• Improve productivity
• control labor costs through motivation
Intrinsic rewards:
• Participate decision making
• Autonomy
• Achievements
• Personal Growth.
• Status
Extrinsic rewards:
• Extrinsic rewards are directly controlled and distributed by the
organization and are more tangible than intrinsic rewards it
• Formal recognition,
• Incentives benefits,
• Pay promotion
• Social relationship
• Work environment
Criteria of reward management:
• Customer satisfaction
• Work quality
• Problem solving
• Work quantity
• Setting and achieving objectives
• Improving work processes
• Attendances
• Acquiring new skills
• Coca Cola’s rewarding system to employee is excellent as they
are caring with excellent rewarding parameters just to retain,
motivate and influence employees towards organizational goals
with their best potential utilization. They are rewarding relating
with employee’s performance in a way to increase productivity
and effectiveness.
Main parameters used as a base of reward system
• Market potential (what of individuals worth according to his/her
expertise, job experience etc.)
• Matching with his/her presence career path
• Personal development of an individual
• Sales rewards
Supporting practices
• Safety
• Re-creational activities
• Training and development
• Individual goal setting
Criteria of rewarding employees:
• They are using different techniques to define their reward
criteria to work according to define standards of organization.
• Grade jump
• Designation change
• Special assignments (inter departmental transfer)
• Financial aspects
• Grade jump and designation change
• Training and development
• Personal development of an individual
• Career grooming
Performance Standard cycle:
• All done at four basic steps, like wise:
• Goal setting
• Monthly review
• Mid year review
• Final review
Types of Rewards of Coca Cola
• Yearly Basis:
• Employee salary increment
• Grade Jump
• Designation change
• Annual incentive Plan (AIP) (for business performance, but fixed)
• Personal Progress report (PPR) (Annual Appraisal)
• Monthly Basis:
• Making the move (MTM, sales target achieve)
• Monthly turn hall (extraordinary performance)
• Quarterly Basis:
• Employee of the Quarter (EOQ, non sales)
• Sales Dangle context
• Gold Context
Criteria Employees being Nomination
• Nominees for the quarter must have a permanent status.
• Employee should be disciplined; has no disciplinary action
taken against him/her in the past year or so.
• Employee should have a good attendance record.
• Employee should have no marked absent and should be
• Employee takes responsibility for his/her actions.
• Employee owns the results achieved by him/her.
• Employee completes most of the tasks assigned to him/her (as
per their objective and goals).
Reward System of Sales Officer
Job Description:
• Keeping in contact with existing customers in person and
by phone
• Making appointments with and meeting new customers
• Agreeing sales, prices, contracts and payments
• Meeting sales targets
• Promoting new products and any special deals
• Advising customers about delivery schedules and after-
sales service
• Recording orders and sending details to the sales office
• Giving feedback on sales trends
Standard for Reward:

• It is a field work job, the employees on this post are very

honest and hardworking but the pay of this post is very
low as compare to their work. We give extra pay for their
extra working hours work.
• This type of reward accords some time off work to
employees who accomplish certain goals. It can be an
afternoon of golf, a cruise, or simply an added vacation
day, to do as they please.
• Financial incentives
• Promotions
• Exclusive trips for top performers
Reward system of Technician:
Job Description:
• Responsible for performing highly diversified duties to install
• Troubleshoot
• Repair and maintain production and facility equipment
• According to safety, predictive and productive maintenance
systems and processes to support the achievement of the site's
business goals.
Standard for Reward:
• It is important to motivate and encourage employees to perform
well on an everyday basis and not just on a periodic level. For
example, small words of praise, little words of encouragement
and constant motivation are highly important to make your
employees feel encouraged for their efforts and to maintain a
positive flow of the workplace environment.
• If the technicians are hardworking and honest for their work and
their work quality is very good then the company give the
charge of area vise sites and increase their pay.
• If the technician are willing to work on their site for 24 hours
then the company pay three times more for their pay because
these sites are very important and workable every time, if any
fault is find then it is solve at their initial stage, if the problem
not solve and the site not repair at time the all site system is
• The company gives training for the passage of time to their
employee to build their leadership skills that he trained the other
employees and technicians that are work under their
responsibility and they are work for the other sites. The
company can give extra reward and incentives to give training
to the new employees.
Reward System of Revenue Officer:

• Revenue management and distribution strategy is to

manage the day to day yield operations.
• Daily pick-up analysis,
• strategy adjustments and reporting.
• Perform competitive benchmark studies and follow market
Standard for Reward:

• If the revenue officer collect more than 80% of the total

billing amount then the company give 25% extra pay of
the revenue officer. And in other benefits the company
give extra fuel, travel allowance, washing allowance,
medical allowance etc
Reward system of Marketing
Job Description:
• Managing all marketing for the company and activities within
the marketing department.
• Developing the marketing strategy for the company in line with
company objectives.
• Coordinating marketing campaigns with sales activities.
• Manage and improve lead generation campaigns, measuring
Standards for Reward
Standards for Reward
• The main target of marketing manager is to sale 100000 packs per
month. If the marketing manager achieve their target then the
company give extra incentives of marketing manager and their team
• Gift coupons;
• Gift cards;
• Cash rewards;
• A short vacation opportunity;
• Insurance-related benefits;
• A pen/gadget;
• A free lunch/dinner with family/friends;
• Free pick up and drop off facility for a month;
• Redeemable gold points;
• A hotel stay.
Reward system of computer operator:
Job Description:
• Determines sequence of operations by studying production
• Prepares equipment for operations by accessing software in
• loading paper into printers and plotters
• Preparing for output. Starts operations by entering commands.
Standard for Reward:
• The computer operates enter 5000 billing record of recent
month in their Intra Revenue software, if the computer operator
enters more than 5000 bills in their software then the company
give 2 rupees extra per bill record entry in their software.
• And in the month end who enters more record the company give
promotion and give extra incentives to the employee and give
good grads that are helpful to promote in the next level.
• The performance judge of the employee that how much he enter
the bills in the company intra revenue software.
• And how much the record and data is correct and accurate.
• In start of our recommendation, we would like to add that
nomination of EOQ criteria more benefits to sales employees,
so it should be highly recommended to have it for all so as to
make system fair. We recommended to Coca Cola management
to utilize this system to all employees so as to increase
effectiveness and productivity
• Reward management of Coca Cola should be highly functional
to make employees committed to organizational goals, values
and standards, also it should push employees in a way to boost
their competencies and work understanding
• There should be criteria for employee to consider their opinions
at management level respectfully. It should need to reduce gap
between management and employees so as to increase overall
• According to our study, they have declared 3% for rewards with
respect to whole revenue, but it is less because system is not
working for all departments equally. We are on the view to
increase this budget to minimum 5% so as to treat all employees
• In our this assignment, we came to analyze how to relate
literature implications to expediency, this comparison helps us
to understand trends of both sides and make us able to think
over them in a way to generate those strategic points which
would best overcome our corresponding company’s reward
management limitations. Our analysis gives a fair picture which
guided us towards acknowledged recommendations. We have
experienced to immense analytical skills, to give
recommendations to the whole scenario.

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