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Blended Learning Task 3

• Task: PEEST Analysis of ONE Sony product

• Areas Assessed:
– Knowledge about Lecture 3 : Macro-environment
– Refer to Jobber - Chapter 3
– Report writing style: using headings
– Length: roughly 2 pages
– Evidence of research & link to references
What does PEEST stand for?
• P – political
• E – economic
• E – environmental
• S – social
• T – technological
minimum wage policy --- hourly
Minimum rate increases --- increase in
Wage minimum wage --- Sony will have
to pay more taxes --- which
means less profit for Sony, unless
they increase the prices of items

Tax, VAT Political to Euro
Increase in Tax/VAT --- less
profit on Sony products Makes trading easier ---
easier for Sony to expand.

barriers on imports to protect
Protectionism in
domestic products --- it can affect
the imports / export of Sony
Global Environmental friendly
warming products --- green thinking
--- social responsibility

VOC (Volatile
Sustainable Organic
development Environmental

Recyclable and disposable


Life Cycle Analysis

Economic Credit Crunch/Crisis ---
Recession consumers buying
behaviour --- affect the
sales of Sony products

Unemployment Economic Interest Rate

• High unemployment --- cause

low buying capability of Sony
The change in interest rates
will change the interest
• Low unemployment --- may
costs for Sony.
impact on Sony’s recruitment
of new employees

Exchange Rate Good for import / export

of Sony products
Demographic Aging population --- senior
Changes citizens --- might be a new
market target for Sony

lifestyle Social between

Telephone / catalogue e.g. third world countries ---

sales less buying capability --- affect
the sales of Sony products

Different tastes
of style Younger generations --- new
market / product series

Internet Technological Mechanisation

Sony E-commerce

Innovation New Sony products

to be competitive
Sample Introduction
PEEST analysis is a useful marketing tool that examines the
changes in the marketplace caused by political, economic,
environmental, social and technological factors (missing
reference). It helps to monitor the external factors of a
business. Likewise, PEEST can be used as a marketing
technique towards Sony business. The company is able to
predict what their future business environment will be
using political, environmental, technological and social
factors. Therefore, Sony marketers can develop new
strategies to help develop the business overall.
Sony is an international company produces a range of
electronic products ….
Sample paragraph
• Political factors within Sony
Government policies, legislations, political rules and
regulations affect business operations (missing
reference). Similarly, political factors can have a
direct impact on the way Sony operates. For
example, introduction to the minimum wage affects
Sony because the hourly rate increases each year,
and every time the minimum wage increases Sony
will have to pay higher taxes, which indicates that
Sony might earn less profit, unless product prices
are higher.
Sample paragraph
• Economic factors
Given Sony is an international company, the
change of exchange rate would affect the price
of Sony price because the exchange rates can
be different to whichever country they trade
with. If the exchange rates in different
countries have changed, Sony would need to
work out what prices are their products being
sold at and whether it would be worth it.
Hope these slides will be of
some help to your writing of
Blended Learning Task 3

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