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Supply Chain of Wal-mart

Chan Man Ching
Chan Mong Tik
Chui Wai Ka
Lam Fei Fei
Man Ka Yu
 Background Information of Wal-
Background mart
 Supply chain of Wal-mart
 Flow chat of the supply chain
Wal-mart  Technology used in various stage of SC
Supply Chain
 Impact of Wal-mart

Impact of
Background of Wal-mart
~Well known retailer with heavy investment in IT

 Types of industry: one stop shopping center

 Founder: Sam Walton
 Year of establishment: 1962
 First store: in Arkansas

Sam Walton
No. of stores: 5311 units globally

Wal-Mart has expanded its business to 10 countries: U.S., Mexico, Brazil

, Argentina,Germany,Puerto Rico,U.K. , South Korea, Canada and China
Rapid growth of Wal-mart
Revenues: $315,654,000, 000 in 2005
Stock value from Aug 1972 to May 2006:

Sourced from

How well is Wal-mart doing?

Wal-mart Sears Target Corp Costco

No. of 1,800,000 1,330,001 338,000 60,500
Revenue 05' 312.65B 49.12B 52.62B 55.68B

Operating 5.93% 3.83% 8.22% 2.79%

Profit 3.60% 1.75% 4.58% 1.93%

Inventory 7.47 3.92 5.98 11.54

Why can Wal-mart be so successful?

 Supply chain plays an important role

 Supply chain:
a method of collaborating horizontally –
among suppliers, retailers, and
customers to create value
Wal-mart Supply Chain Flow Chat
Radio, headphone

Retail Store

Retail Store
Manufacturer Distribution center
Bar code, RFID
Point of sale terminal

Retail Store
Manufacturer Satellite system

Company Headquarter
Distribution Center
 108 centers in USA
 Place that various goods are gathered,
sorted and delivered to different store
 About 80% of merchandises shipped fr
om centers
 24 hours operation
Manufacturer 1 Retail store 1

Manufacturer 2
Retail store 2

Manufacturer 3

Retail store 3
Manufacturer 3
Trucks outside Wal-mart
 Past----written instructions
 Now----radio and headphone

English ?
Trucks outside Wal-mart
 Use both hands
 Keep contact with the headquarter
 Behind or ahead the expectation
 Adjust to any sudden changes

 Benefit: Cost
Minilift Trucks
 Inside distribution centers
 equipped with headphone
 Computer give direction to driver in voice
 What merchandises to transport
 Where the merchandises should be carried to
 Which truck the merchandises be loaded
 Report progress, ahead or behind schedule

Benefit: productivity and efficiency

Bar Code System
 Standardized bar code system
 applied by every supplier
 Helps facilitating large scale operation
 Pallets passed through conveyor belt
are scanned automatically
 Product codes are transferred to
centralized computer system
Bar Code System
 Matching with the computer database a
nd generate useful information
 What it is. What quantity it is. Which packing c
ompartment and truck to go. Which store to g
 Processes take place simultaneously
 Save time and labour sorting merchand
 Smooth logistic processes
 Radio Frequency Identification System
 Use radio waves to identify objects
 Tags with microchip and antenna built i
 Store data (type, quantity, manufacturer, expir
ed date…)
 Generate HF signal to transfer data
 Allow Wal-mart to keep track of pallets
at various stage of supply chain
 Sensors in the distribution center detec
t and receive information from chips
 Locate where the pallet is and the condi
tion of it
 temperature
 Humidity
 Automatic senser – avoid scanning cod
es one by one
RFID Gen1 and Gen2
Generation 1 Generation 2

HF signal UHF signals

Improve reception (Work with vario

Difficult to penetrate through liquid us materials)
and metals

Costly (up to $200 per chip in Cost drops to US$0.15 within

early stage) near future

Additional functions ( Better security,

Basic function
 Further improve logistics efficiency
 Save time identifying merchandises
 Convenience in checking inventory
 Information pre-stored in the chips =
convenience of data processing
Point-of-sale terminals
 Invested in 1983
 Simultaneously rang up sales and tracked
inventory deductions for rapid re-supply.
 Electronic scanning of Uniform Product
Codes (UPC)
- to price-mark merchandise
- to ensure accurate pricing
 Self-labeling system
 The merchandise replenishment process
Large-scale satellite system
 Installed in 1987
 to improve communication between stores
 Link all of the stores to headquarter, giving
Wal-Mart’s central computer system real-time
inventory data.
 Allow sales data to be collected and analyzed
daily, and enable managers to adjust
 Daily information of individual store can be
CPFR Program
 A Collaborative Planning, Forecasting,
and Replenishment program.
 Just-in-time inventory program began.
 Advantage:
 To reduce carrying costs.
 Less excess inventory.
 Cost of goods is estimated to be 5 to 10
percent less.
Tailored-made store management
 Wal-Mart merchandise is tailored to
individual markets and individual stores.
 Store managers choose which products to
display and allocate shelf space.
 A store devote only 10% of its square footage
to inventory.
 Wal-Mart’s culture stress the key role of
 Information and ideas are shared at
individual stores.
Suppliers = Partners
 As Wal-Mart grew, its relationships with
some suppliers evolved into
 Sharing information electronically to
improve performance.
 How do they share information?
Information sharing
 Open its databases
 Retail Link private extranet system:
- to see exactly how its products are selling
and when it might need to up its production
- to give more than 2000 suppliers computer
access to point-of-sale data
 Advantages:
- Gain more information about the customers.
- Shelves will always be stocked with the
right items at the right time.
Electronic data interchange (EDI)

 Enabled an estimated 3600 suppliers

(about 90% of Wal-Mart’s dollar
volume) to receive orders and interact
with Wal-Mart electronically.
 Later expanded to include forecasting,
planning, replenishing, and shipping
Vendor-managed inventory systems

 to replenish stocks
 Wal-Mart transmitted sales data, orders of
products, delivery plan and reports of
warehouse inventory status to them daily
 to plan inventory levels, generate purchase
orders, and ship exactly what was needed
 both benefited from reduced inventory costs
and increased sales
Business planning packets
 Each Wal-Mart department developed
computerized, annual strategic business
planning packets for its suppliers
 including:
 department’s sales, profitability, and inventory targets,
macroeconomic and market trends, and Wal-Mart’s
overall business focus
 Wal-Mart’s expectations on them
 Suppliers’ recommendations
How Wal-mart affects suppliers
 Domestic Suppliers:
 Wal-mart imported 18 billion worth of g
oods from 5,000 Chinese suppliers in 2
 Ranked as China’s 8 biggest trading pa
rtner ahead of Russia, Australia and Ca
 Used power to squeeze domestic suppl
iers’ profit
How Wal-mart affects suppliers

 Wal-mart Defense :
 If all of supplier were squeezed dry
Wal-mart no suppliers
 Suppliers found ways to survive
 do better at what they did before
How Wal-mart affects suppliers

 Wal-mart not only selling foreign import

ed goods, also encourage the use of do
mestic American products
 “ Buy American Program “
 Retained over 1.7 billion in retail purcha
ses that produced offshore.
How Wal-mart affects dometic workers

 Domestic workers :
 Face keen competition from overseas market
 offshore manufacturing
 Close down of factories
 Loss of jobs

 Competition with Wal-mart

 Competitors cut labor’s health care benefits
and wages
How Wal-mart affects dometic workers

 Wal-mart Defense:
 Insist not responsible for the off-shoring of m

 Example :
 Sanyo ( TV sets producers ) planned to close
the plant and move Mexico and Asia.
 Wal-mart buys the TV sets from Sanyo if they
don’t move
 Eventually stay in US
How Wal-mart affects dometic workers

 Destructive Creation
 Shrinking of manufacturing and labor
intensive sectors
 Technical changes substitute unskilled labor
 Create new jobs and expansion in services
and technology sector
 Estimation : 225,000 job loss by outsourcing
in the next 15 years < 1.5% of the job
available in 2002
How Wal-mart affects dometic workers

 Unemployment is a structural
problem ,rather than a cyclical problem
 Mismatch of job skills with the market
 Unskilled labors cannot match with
increasing skilled labor demand
 Not loss of job , but cannot find a job
matches with their skills
How Wal-mart affects economy

 Reallocation of capital and technology

to the foreign markets
 Less to employ domestic workers and
invest in local economy
 Decline in labor productivity and real
incomes of the country
How Wal-mart affects economy
 may not necessarily imply a decrease in real
income and productivity

 For example,
 Globalization and lower technology cost,
 Lead to higher American productivity growth
 added $230 billion extra GDP between 1995
and 2002
 Equivalent to extra 0.3% points of growth a


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