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• Imagine that you are involved in a shipwreck
situation - a ship has started to sink in the
middle of the ocean. Eleven people have
jumped into a life-boat that has been
designed for a maximum of ten people only,
and the life-boat is also starting to sink. What
should the passengers do? Throw one person
overboard and save ten lives? Or stick to the
principle of "do not kill", which means that
everybody will drown?
• Baby Theresa was born in Florida (United
States of America) in 1992 with anencephaly,
one of the worst genetic disorders. Sometimes
referred to as "babies without brains", infants
with this disease are born without important
parts of the brain and the top of the skull is
also missing. Most cases are detected during
pregnancy and usually aborted. About half of
those not aborted are stillborn.
• In the United States, about 350 babies are born
alive each year and usually die within days. Baby
Theresa was born alive. Her parents decided to
donate her organs for transplant. Her parents and
her physicians agreed that the organs should be
removed while she was alive (thus causing her
inevitable death to take place sooner), but this
was not allowed by Florida law. When she died
after nine days the organs had deteriorated too
much and could not be used.
• How do we put a value on human life?
• What should one do when there is a conflict
between the law and one's own moral
position about an issue?
• If you were in a position to make the final
decision in this case, what would it be and

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