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Colegio Santa Catarina de



March 1, 2019
Child 1: Rejoice and
praise the Lord.
(clap 3x)
1 Communicants:
Rejoice and praise
the Lord. (clap 3x)
Child 2: On this day, for the first
time in our lives, we will receive
Jesus the bread of everlasting life.
Like any bread that we need to
grow strong and healthy, the Bread
of Life will make our faith and love
for Jesus grow deeper.
Child 1: Glory to Jesus, the
Bread of Life!

Glory to Jesus, the Bread of
Child 1: Let us rejoice and be
glad for we will receive
Him today (clap 3x)

1st Communicants: Let us rejoice

and be glad! (clap 3x)
Let us all stand and sing
our joyful hymn of praise.
Entrance song


Sa hapag ng Panginoon,
buong bayan ngayo'y nagtitipon
Upang pagsaluhan ang kaligtasan,
Handog ng Diyos sa tanan.

Sa panahong tigang ang lupa,

sa panahong ang ani'y sagana
Sa panahon ng digmaan at kaguluhan,
sa panahon ng kapayapaan.
Presider: In the name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

All : Amen.
Presider: The Lord opened the gates of
heaven and rained down manna for
them to eat. He gave them bread from
heaven; men ate the bread of angels.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and
the love of God the Father and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you

All: And with your spirit.

All: I confess to Almighty God and to you
my brothers and sisters that I have greatly
sinned, in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have
failed to do. Through my fault, through
my fault, through my most grievous fault.
Therefore, I ask the Blessed Mary, ever
virgin, all the angels and saints, and you
my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to
the Lord our God.
Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm:

Taste and see the

goodness of the
And with your spirit.
Glory to you, O Lord
Praise to you,
Lord Jesus Christ.
Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Commentator: Brothers and sisters

let us now join with these children
in their renewal of baptismal
promises. My dear 1st
communicants please stand for your
renewal of baptismal promises.
Presider: Beloved children of God, before
you receive the Holy Eucharist, I ask
you to renew the profession of faith
that you made at baptism, or that
your parents and godparents made in
union with the whole Church. Do you
reject Satan and all his works and all
his empty promises?

Children: I do.
Presider: Do you believe in
God the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and

Children: Yes, I do believe.

Presider: Do you believe in Jesus
Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was born of the Virgin
Mary, was crucified, died, and
was buried, rose from the
dead, and is now seated at the
right hand of the Father?
Children: Yes, I do believe.
Presider: This is our faith. This is
the faith of the Church. We
are proud to profess it in
Christ Jesus our Lord.

Children: Amen.

(Sprinkling the communicants with Holy Water)

Presider: And may the Lord
God bless you and help you
to become faithful in all your
promises now and forever.

Children: Amen.
Christ, the bread of
heaven, grant us
everlasting life.
Ikaw, Hesus, ang tinapay ng buhay
Binasbasan, hinati't inialay
Buhay na ganap ang sa ami'y kaloob
At pagsasalong walang hanggan

Basbasan ang buhay naming handog

Nawa'y matulad sa pag-aalay Mo
Buhay na laan nang lubos
Sa mundong sa pag-ibig ay kapos
May the Lord accept
the sacrifice at your
hands for the praise
and glory of his name,
for our good and the
good of all his holy
And with your
We lift them up
to the Lord.
It is right and
We proclaim your
Death, O Lord,
and profess your
Resurrection until
you come again
For the Kingdom,
the power, and the
glory are yours now
and forever.
And with your spirit
Peace be with you.
Lamb of God, you take away the
sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the

sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the
sins of the world, grant us peace.
Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter
under my roof, but
only say the word and
my soul shall be
Soul of Christ
Sanctify me
Body of Christ save me
Water from the side of Christ
Wash me, Passion of Christ
Give me strength.
Hear me Jesus
Hide me in thy wounds
That I may never leave thy side
From all the evil that surrounds me
Defend me and when the call of
death arrives
Bid me come to thee
That I may praise thee
With thy saints forever
Solemn Promise of the First Communicants

Presider: My dear children, after you

receive Jesus for the first time it is only right
for you to thank Him in your prayers and to
make a solemn promise to Jesus that you
will always seek him every time you will go
to mass with purity and love. I ask now the
1st Communicants to stand and to make a
solemn promise to Jesus, our bread of
everlasting life.
First Communicants: The day of my first Holy
Communion is the best day of my life. On this
day, I receive the Body of Christ and I become a
living tabernacle among my family and friends of
Jesus. Jesus loves me so much that He gave His
life for me. I too want to offer my life for Jesus
and never offend Him again with my sins. On this
solemn day I promise to observe the ten
commandments of God, which are for the good
of my life and soul. Especially I promise to
participate to the Holy Mass every Sunday and to
receive the Holy Communion with purity and

O Jesus, my Lord and my God! I thank You for having

come to me. I now possess You. You, my Savior, now
present within my soul. You are now most intimately
united with me. How can I thank You for Your
goodness? How shall I repay You for what you have
done for me? For me You have suffered, for me You
have died, for me You have given yourself in Holy
Communion. Through You I will have eternal life. I
thank You from my heart, O Jesus! I adore and praise
you, O Jesus, present in my soul and with heartfelt love
I offer You a thousand welcomes. O Sacrament Most
Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and thanksgiving be
every moment thine. Amen.
And with your spirit.
Thanks be to God.

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