Modern Nationalism

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MODERN NATIONIALSM-a looser form of 20th

century music development focused on
nationalist composers and musical innovators
who sought to combine modern techniques
with folk materials.
Eastern Europe prominent figures of


BARTOK infused classical
techniques into his own brand of
cross rhythms and shifting meters.
PROKOFIEFF used striking dissonance and
Russian themes, his music was generally-
*times colored with humor

Is a kind of atonality that uses two

or more tonals centers
Ex. Prokofieff’s
Visions fugitive.
In Russia a highly gifted generation of creative
individuals known as “RUSSIAN FIVE” –
*Modest Mussorgssky
*Mili Balakirev
*Alexander Borodin
*Cesar Cui
*Nikolai Rimsky Korsakoy
They infused chromatic harmony and incorporated
Russian music, folk music, liturgical chants in their
thematic materials.
The French composer and pianist, Erik Satie- was a
colorful figure in early 20th century.
21st Century Music Trends

Music scholar predict the innovative and experimental

developments. 20th century classical music continue to
influence the music of 21st century.

 Electronic music;
 The capacity of electronic machines such
as, synthesizers, amplifiers, tape
recorders, and loud speakers to create
different sounds was put to creative use
by 20th century composers like, Edgar
Varese, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Mario
1 :
st 20Century

Musical Styles:
Electronic and
Chance Music
The musical styles that involved in the
modern era were varied. Some of these were
short-lived, being experimental and too
radical in nature, while others found and
active blend between the old and new.

Music that uses tape recorder is called

“Musique Concrete” or Concrete Music. In
musique concrete, the composer is able to
experiment with different sounds that cannot
be produced by regular musical instruments
such as the piano or the violin.
The composer records in different sounds
that are heard in the environment such as
the bustle of traffic, the sound of the wind,
the barking's of dog, the strumming of a
guitar, or the of an infant.

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