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2. 8 producers Avyaktha, Asuri, Ahamkara, and 5 Tanmatras
3. The 16 productions Vikara comprising of 10 indriyas,
4. The triad of Gunas
5. Emanation or development Sanchara
6. Re absorption or dissolution Prati Sanchara
7. The ministers of Soul Adhyathma
8. The province of an organ Adhibhuta
9. The respective presiding deity Adhi Dhaivata
10. The 5 perversities of understanding Abhibuddhi
11. The 5 sources of action Karma Yoni
12. The 5 Airs Vayu
13. The 5 consist of actions Karmmatma
14. Ignorance Avidya under 5 categories
15. Disability asakthi of 28 kinds
16. Acquiescence or indifference Tushti of 8 kinds.
17. Perfectness Siddhi of 8 kinds
18. The 10 Radical Facts MULIKARTHA
19. Benevolent nature anugraha
20. Created existences bhuta sarga of 10 descriptions
21. Parental creation Dhatu sarga of 3 creations
22. Bondage 3 fold
23. Release 3 fold
24. Proof Pramana 3 fold
25. Pain 3 fold Dukkha
Avyaktha, Indiscrete , beginning-less, not comprehended by sense, invisible, Intangible, Indestructible,
unconscious. Syn Pradhanam, Brahman, Puram, Dhruvam, Pradhanaka in which all change is comprehended,
Akshara, Kshetra or site, Prasuta – Productive source, Tamas – Darkness. Above sensory perception
Buddhi Intellect comprising of 8, Dharma Jnana, Vairagya, Aiswarya, ( Aiswarya leads to 8 siddhis. ) from Sattva
quality. Adharma, Ajnana, Avairagya, Anaiswarya from Tamo quality.
R Synonyms of intellect: Cosmic Mind ( Manas?), Understanding ( Mati ), Mahat ( Great Principle ), Brahma Creator,
Familiar knowledge (Khyati), Wisdom (Pragna), Intelligence through report ( Sruti), Resolution (Dhriti), A train of
T O thought ( Pragna-na- santati), Memory ( Smrithi), Meditation (Dhi). Asuri ….. Above sensory perception
H D Ego- The Individual “I”. Synonyms Ahamkara - Conceit, Vaikarika ( Modifying), Taijasa ( Passionate), Bhutadi ( origin
of subtle elements Tanmatras ), Sa anumaana ( Dependent on inference) , Nir anumaana ( Independent of
E U inference)
It is pride or conceit of Individuality. Above sensory perception
8 E
The 5 Tanmatras or subtle elements Sound ( inclusive of all notes), Touch feel ( All cold, hot etc), Colour ( All colors
R and shapes), Taste ( All 6 tastes) and smell ( All smells and odors). All sensory perceptions are included in these 5
Tanmatras. All perceptions
The synonyms are Avisesha ( Indistinctive) – Meaning: The qualities like pleasant or unpleasant are not intrinsic in
it. Maha Bhuta ( From which the 5 elements are produced), Remove all of the Tanmatras from an object – there
will be no object, Prakriti ( Producer of all objects), Not soothing ( Asanta) not terrific ( Agora), not stupefying (
The 16 5 organs of perception, 5 motor organs, lower mind which observes, acts, doubts and resolves, Indriyas, Upakaranam ,
Productions Vaikaarika ( Changers), Niyatha ( Allotted), Padha( padhaartham) Avadhrutha ( Placed at the command of soul), Organs
(Aksha). Thus are 11 organs.

The 5 gross elements mutually co-operating with other four ( Earth providing property of support) water providing property of
humidity, light provides property of building and maturation, Air providing property of drying up, Ether provides property of
space. This is Panchikarana of Vedanta.
SOUL Purusha, from word purana or ancient, resides in body ( Puri sayate), Puro - highest, hitha – affection. Without beginning
(Anaadhi), Subtle ( Sookshma) because it has no parts to identify, Sarvagata ( Omnipresent) because it comes to relation with all,
Cethana ( Alive, living feeling, source of chit or thinking or it identifies pleasure, pain and delusion, Nir guna ( Without property)
devoid of Sattva goodness, Rajo passion, Tamo delusion. Nithya – eternal because it is not produced, Dhrashtaa( The seer,
witness because it apprehends all modifications happening in nature), Bhoktha ( Enjoyer because it recognizes pleasure and
pain), Akarta – Not do anything, kshetravidh ( Knower of body or through body it apprehends nature), amala ( pure because
there are no actions in it), aprasava dharma Not producing anything because there are no seeds in it.

Synonyms: Purusha (reside in body), Atman (Soul), Male (Puns), Pungunajantujiva – it super adds the quality of reason to mere
animal life, Kshetragna- knower of body, the man – Nara, the poet Kavi, Brahma – deity, indestructible Akshara, Prana – life or
vital air Mukhya Prana not the breathe , who, he, this, etc.

Sattva qualities Virtue, kindness, restraint of senses, regulation of organs, free from enmity, correct judgement, attainment of
knowledge and super power are sattva. Passion, anger, greed, criticizing of others, extreme sternness, discontent, fierceness, are
Rajo. Madness, intoxication, exhaustion, atheism, addiction to sex, sleepiness, apathy, worthlessness , impurity are Tamo. These
are commonly seen in world and are from Pradhanam. Since these are absent in Soul, Soul is not the doer. Gunas are the doer.

The all intelligent Soul, unfortunately thinks it to be the agent. In reality the agency belongs to Gunas or Pradhanam. In fact soul
can never even bend a straw. But it fancies, imagines and foolishly thinks it to be doing.
Pleasure, Pain, delusion, mixture of race, Purity of race, Soundness of organs, Birth, death, difference in the world one lives like
heaven, hell, earth, office and caste… These diversifications are not possible if Soul is only one.

If soul is only one, when one is happy, all others will be happy…..all one race, …. All having sound organs etc….

Form, birth, habitation, fortune, society, body are different. Hence Purusha is plural.

For realization, each one has to strive for their own sake. I cannot remain aloof that if some one gets liberated, I will also get
liberated. Hence let others try and I will enjoy.

Then why Vedanta preaches Soul is only one? Because universe is soul only. It is the only immortal. It was, It is and It will be. It is
common principle in all beings. the only enjoyer. I live for my soul, likewise Sun, fire, air, moon, water, lord of creatures, it is that
beyond which there is nothing, it is ancient, it is liberation, true immortality, ultimate goal, indestructible etc. Since the purpose
is common and aim is to realize their respective Purusha, Soul is conceived to be one. As principle it is one, but in number it is
many. It can be realized as one only…..

The tree of soul with roots in heaven ( Happiness ) the entire universe is filled by it, with hands, ears, mouth everywhere, it is the
one which assumes all organs and qualities even though it is without any quality, in all bodies it is equally present like image of
sun in various waters, in all moveable and unmovable existences Soul alone exists. The oneness is achieved only when one
becomes Brahman. But all speaking, teaching refer to the condition before realization. Hence it should be considered many.

Even though one sun in various reflecting medium is seen in various forms, destruction of any one medium does not destroy
other mediums. Hence even though the Soul is one, the one which resides in the body only can be identified.
To put it simply, as per Kapila, the term Soul is like the common name of a genus. When I say lotus, it refer to all lotuses in
common and does not point out to any particular lotus. Similar is the case with atman. Though Atman is present in all bodies, the
enjoyment differs.

4. The triad of Gunas

Calm, light, content, attainment of wishes, kindness, patience, joy are Sattva. It is happiness.

Grief, distress, separation or creation of differences, excitement, anxiety, fault finding, are Rajo. It is pain.

Ignorance, hatred, gloomy, heaviness, idleness, drowsiness, intoxication are Tamo. It deceives. Sattva illuminates, Rajo excites
and Tamo darkens.

5. Emanation – Sanchara and 6. Re absorption, dissolution Prati Sanchara

For the sake of Soul, superintended by Soul, Pradhanam produces Intellect ( 8 Kinds), From intellect Self consciousness ( 3 kinds)
is produced, from Vaikarika ( Modifying) self consciousness the Gods and Senses are produced. From Bhutadi ( origin of
elements) self consciousness the 5 Tanmatras are produced. The Taijasa ( Passionate) active self consciousness assist the above
two in their respective productions.

From subtle elements or Tanmatras, gross elements are produced. This is Sanchara.

The reverse is Prati Sanchara. Gross elements to Tanmatras, Tanmatras, senses and deities to self consciousness, self
consciousness to intellect and intellect to Pradhanam. Pradhanam does not dissolve into anything.
7, 8, 9 MINISTERS OF SOUL etc….
Minister Province Deity
Intellect Understanding Brahma
Self consciousness Beliefs Rudra
Mind Things to be resolved Moon
Hearing All that are to be heard Ether
Touch All that are to be touched Vayu
Sight All that are to be seen Sun
Taste All that are to be tasted Varuna
Smell All that are to be smelt Earth
Voice All that are to be uttered Sarasvati Agni
Hands All that are to be grabbed Indra
Feet All that are to be gone over Vishnu
Excretion All that are to be excreted Mitra
Reproduction Sexual enjoyment Prajapati
10. The 5 perversities of understanding Abhibuddhi .

When Intellect decides this is to be done by me, it is ascertainment. It is adhyavasya.

The intelligent function of the intellect self consciousness with notion that “I” act, which fixes on the idea of self and non-self,
is conceit or abhimana.
The intelligent function of mind when desiring and purposing Ichcha.
The intelligent function of adaptability sense organs (like ears) to it’s object (like sound), this adaptability is Kartavyata.
The intelligent function of organs of action (like speech) which are recognized by sound etc is called action or Kriya.

11. The 5 sources of action Karma Yoni

Dhriti or firmness of character – Having resolved to do some thing, firmness in that and moving towards that is firmness.
Shraddha or faith – Beliefs on scriptures, doing penance, yoga etc
Sukha Religiousness or Piety – Penance for future enjoyment of objects
Avividisha – Going behind sensual objects not caring to knowledge
Vividisha – Pragnana Yoni – desire for correct knowledge. The oneness of Pradhanam, multiplicity of Soul, the eternity of soul,
it’s consciousness, the subtlety of Pradhanam and it’s unconsciousness, the existence of all effects in the cause in disguise
meaning all objects, including intelligence are in Pradhanam, is right knowledge.

12. The 5 Airs Vayu Prana or breathe in mouth and nose, Apana which goes down and is in naval, Samana in heart which is
neither upward nor downward, and digestion is the function, Udana which is located in throat and moves up to head, Vyana
which pervades the entire body (Vyapin).
13. The 5 consist of actions Karmmatma

Vaikarika ( Modifying) self consciousness the Gods and Senses are produced – Good actions.
Bhutadi ( origin of elements) the 5 Tanmatras are produced.- Good actions but obscure, unintelligible
The Taijasa ( Passionate) active assist the above two in their respective productions – Not good actions
Sa anumaana - ( Dependent on inference) , - Good but foolish
Nir anumaana ( Independent of inference) – Not good and foolish.

14. Ignorance – Avidya of five kinds

Thamas - Obscurity or darkness – Soul merges with any of the 8 producers – Pradhanam, Mahat, Ahamkara, 5 Tanmatras
believing them to be it.

Moha – illusion – It is the conceit or false sense of liberation which arises due to possessing any of 8 siddhis like minuteness, etc

Maha Moha – Extreme illusion – False sense of liberation by any one of the 10 modes – the 5 human perceptions and 5 Godly

Tamisra – Gloom – When one extremely hates the 8 siddhis or 5 human perceptions and 5 Godly perceptions, the same hate
works against him, prevents liberation and causes three pains.

Andha Tamisra – Utter darkness – At the time of death, when any of 8 siddhis or 10 perceptions come, one is grieved, not
knowing what to do. Thus arise 62 Avidya.
15. Disability asakthi of 28 kinds

The 11 injuries to organs Inability to hear, feel, see, taste, smell, speak, grab, walk, excrete, reproduce and insanity.
The 17 injuries to intelligence. This has 9 kinds of reversal of acquiescence - non acceptance or resistance. They are

Ananta – Non belief that there is no such thing called Nature, Tamasa Lina - Seeing intellect as Soul, Avedya – Non recognition
of self consciousness or ego, Avrishti – Non recognition of Tanmatras creating world, Asutaaraa- always thinking about
acquisition of objects for sense pleasure, AsuPaaraa - always thinking about preservation of the acquired objects for sense
pleasure, Asunetraa- trying to preserve objects without looking at the evils of wastage, Asumareechikaa- Addiction,
Anuttamaambhasika - engaging in enjoyment without caring for injury. These are 9 resistances.

The 8 Asiddhis - Ataara – Even after seeing diverse creations, seeing them all as one, Asutara- Even after receiving teaching,
non adherence to it, Ataarataara – even though intent on liberation, Due to Obtuseness , stupidity, one not attaining sound
knowledge, Apramuditha & Aparamodamaana – Since one could not separate mind and body, have no inclination to study,
unworried about transmigration is Apramuditha. Correspondingly one does not get delight Aparamodamaana. Arasya – even
when instigated by a friend, not interested in this study, Asatpramuditha- preceptor not giving him correct knowledge.

16. The nine fold acquiescence

Considering nature and soul to be the same and content with it – Ambhas – water, Considering intelligence and soul to be
the same and content with it - salila – water, tears, Considering self consciousness and soul to be the same – Ogha – water –
flood, Considering Tanmatras and soul to be the same and content with it – Vrishti – rain water, these 4 are internal and one is
not liberated.
The external 5 acquiescence Sutaara – even one does not acquire wealth and abstain from sensuality, still because of lack of
knowledge one is not liberated. Supaara - even one does not preserve wealth and abstain from sensuality, still because of lack of
knowledge one is not liberated. Sunetra - even one sees wastage and evil in wealth and abstain from sensuality, still because of
lack of knowledge one is not liberated. Sumareechika - even one who abstain from sensuality, still because of lack of knowledge
one is not liberated. Anuttama - One who cause no injury, abstain from worldly acts still because of lack of knowledge one is not

17. The eight perfectness – The knowledge that arises from reasoning of 25 principles, the 8 conditions of intellect dharma,
gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation – Tara, The knowledge that arises from mere hearing of 25 principles, the 8
conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation – Sutara, The knowledge that arises from study of
25 principles, the 8 conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation – Tarayanthi, The knowledge of
25 principles, the 8 conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation that arises when internal pain
is removed – Pramoda, – The knowledge that arises of 25 principles, the 8 conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14
fold elemental creation on removal of external pain – Pramodita, (delighted), – The knowledge that arises of 25 principles, the 8
conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation on removal of pain created by super humans –
Pramodamaana, – The knowledge that arises of 25 principles, the 8 conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold
elemental creation due to association with good persons – Ramyakaa, The knowledge that arises of 25 principles, the 8
conditions of intellect dharma, gnana etc, and the 14 fold elemental creation when a teacher is given veneration–

18. The 10 radical fundamental facts:

Soul exists, Nature exists, Nature is single, it’s purpose is to show prowess for soul to enjoy pleasure, pain & delusion, Nature is
servant, Soul and Nature are distinctly separate, Soul does not act, The union of soul and nature, the separation o soul from it’s
corporeal worldly frame, The body functioning even after realization are the 10 radical facts.
The 5 Avidya, 28 disabilities, 8 Asiddhis, 9 acquiescence, and 10 radical facts – These constitute system of sixty.

19. The benevolent nature – Anugraha

Creation of external objects by Brahma from Tanmatras.

20 & 21. The 14 fold elemental creation (13 + Human )

8 divinities, --, - Paisaacha, பிசாசு, Rakshasa, Yaksha - Kubera, Ghandarva , Daiva, Indra, Prajapati, Brahma Hobgoblins, Titan, attendants
on the god of riches, celestial quirister, demigods, sages, planets, supreme deities are the 8 divinities. The five types of groveling
kind Domestic animals ( cow to mouse ), winged animals ( Hawk to mosquito) , wild animals ( Lion to jackal), reptiles ( Snake to
worm) , and fixed things. Humans are single in class. Total 14.

22. The 3 fold bondage

The bondage of producers – when one consider soul to be any of the 8 producers and consequently absorbed in nature.
The bondage of modifications – when one consider soul to be any of the 10 Tanmatras ( 5 divine + 5 human)
The bondage of ritual – when one desiring for sensual objects gives gifts and perform rituals.

23. The 3 fold liberation

Gaining of knowledge – first step, killing passion – second step, destruction of merit and demerit – third step for kaivalya moksha.
24. The 3 kinds of proofs – Pramana

Direct perception through any of the 5 senses – Dhrishta, Inference – Anumaana- From smoke fire is inferred, Pravachana –
from scriptures like existence of Indra etc where direct perception or inference not possible.

25. The 3 fold dukkha pain

Natural and inseparable – Adhyathmika, - Once again pertains to physical body like diseases, mental body like desire anger etc.
Natural and extrinsic – Adhibautika, pain from men, cattle, etc Non natural or super human – Adhidaivika like summer hot,
extreme cold, heavy rain etc.

These kindle desire to know, jijnasu.

Thus said Kapila.

Beyond 5 senses – Intellectually impossible. But expansion of senses is possible. This can be addition of senses or expansion of
limits. Gods, demons, and all other super humans also are depicted as having these senses.

Multifarious production by nature is imagination. For example, sound, feel, form, were all produced. It effectively assumes
sound transforming into smell by passing through feel, for, and taste. How can this be accepted? A thing like taste ift it were not
in sound earlier, how can it come into being?

One energy, seen as many because of the differing organs is also ruled out. If energy were one, how many organs came? Where
was the need?

Were the senses preceded sense organs or it is the other way around? Which came first? Did intelligence came first or last? If
intelligence came first, why bacteria does not have much of it? Why there are only 5 senses and not 50?

Questions like this will be never ending. Intelligence is very limited and can never answer these or can never get answers.

Evolution theory does not mean a thing. The basic question of who evolves is never explained.

Is Soul single or many? I can feel only one soul, that which is within me. The additional souls may be due to ignorance, or
influence of sensory perceptions. If I remove all sensory perceptions, the intelligence etc vanishes. I can see only one soul, that
of mine.

As the case with material or matter or physical energy, source of intelligence also cannot be known.
An imperfect nature cannot come from perfect consciousness. Without a source, nature also cannot be.

Nature should reside within Soul like energy residing within me. It comes out as and when required. I have power to lift 20 kg
weight. But I will not remain lifting this weight all the time. Only when it is required, I will lift. Other times, it remains passive in
me. Similar is the case with Brahman.

If it is required to lift only 1 kg, at that time I will be seen as lifting only 1 kg. That does not limit my power which is originally 20
kg. Similarly Brahman by virtue of this energy is endless or infinite.

I can have multiple talent but I will use it only when required. Similar is the case with the knowledge of Soul.
In whole, there is this Brahman which is existence, consciousness and infinite. This Brahman
has intrinsically energy. This energy comes into being, becomes finite or infinite as the Brahman or
situations warrant and recede back into Brahman. consciousness with
latent potential
This energy is called nature and is intelligent. The origin of this will remain unknown as is energy
the case with consciousness. This energy cannot know the origin of consciousness because
the intelligence will lack consciousness and the effort will be futile. Since without
consciousness, intelligence cannot function, without intelligence nature cannot function,
consciousness is accepted as the root or basis on which nature thrives.

Brahman is Atman and is always with energy. Whether it is manifest or not depend on Universe manifest
circumstances. As and when warranted, this energy takes various forms. There is no servant energy
here. It is only one.
The greatest truth is as follows.

It is impossible to know Soul and it is impossible not to know Soul. Nature is not fully known and it is not unknown stranger as well.

There is no better way Soul can indicate it’s presence. It reveals itself in NATURE.

Nature is neither Maya nor Illusion. It is the effort by Soul to reveal itself and Nature is the medium through which Soul reveals
itself. The persons, those living creatures to whom Soul reveals itself forms part of nature and undergoes change. The revealer
Soul remains constant.

Normally, in an organic reaction, the set of reacting chemicals undergo changes and the solvent which does not take part in the
reaction is called medium.

Here, the set of reacting materials like living and non living undergo changes and is called Medium and the constant Soul is called

Atman reveals itself. There is no doubt about it. But is my present condition in life, the dissatisfied, disgruntled, unhappy life, the
only way Atman reveals to me and others? I am not questioning the sovereignty of Atman. I appeal to Atman who is the only
God for me. I am sending my request. I understand that snake free land is difficult. Snakes are supposed to live that way. It
cannot be questioned.

Local – Universal what is the key difference? All humans perceive through organs, work through body. This is universal. My
perceptions are different from what others perceive – Local. Who am “I”? Local. Not universal. The idea “I” directly conveys the
meaning “not universal”.
What is this “I”? It is a feeling as a result of “Not universal”.

Who is this “I”? “Not an universal person”.

What creates this difference? Sensory perceptions. Senses do not show universe. Rather, senses create universe by creating

How to become Universal? It is by shedding “Individual”.

What is the benefit? Getting rid of troubles.

Is it growth when Individual becomes Universal? No. It is not growth. It is giving up of what “I” already have.

What will “I” have on becoming universal? Nothing will be there for me because there will be no “I”.

Is it not suicidal? Yes. It is suicidal.

Why should “I” do it? If “I” feel not to do it, then do not do it.

“I” is being pulled in all directions by a strong “Non I force”.

What is intelligence? Intelligence is a phenomenon which tries to understand it’s predecessor Nature or energy in terms of
sensory perception, in collusion with consciousness.
Intelligence knows only the language of senses. Since intelligence created this world from perceptible feelings like sound etc, it
understands, comprehends and deciphers using only the language of senses. Even for feelings like love, compassion etc to arise,
they must be preceded by sensory perception which is the basis for object. If there is no one as object to receive love, how can
love arise? Intelligence is the basis for all living creatures. Intelligence came first, life in the form of bodies and transactions came
later. Intelligence alone can evolve or grow big in terms of understanding.

All actions are engineered by intelligence and it is the same intelligence that received feed back as result. Intelligence acts that
way not because it is of that nature. It acts so because it is nature itself. Intelligence is nature. Such intelligence is also the power.
There is no separate energy and a separate intelligence existing. All energy is intelligent and all intelligence is energy alone.
Otherwise sensory perception can never happen.

What is this intrinsic consciousness and acquired consciousness?

I feel guilty that I could not know the purpose of my life or the specific task which my consciousness had given. I could not
complete the same. I am poor, weak, and ignorant because of Nature. Let me be not faulted. I understand the limitations of
intelligence. I fully accept that intelligence can never reach consciousness. I am not a God, angel or animal. I am this poor human.
It is also because of nature.

Innate Intelligence Illusion
The innate or Soul is perfect. “I” with Intelligence is semi perfect. This creates mental imbalance. “I” start searching for perfection
outside in world of illusion. After much struggle, “I” realize that my searching theme was right but “I” am searching in a wrong
place. Perfection can never be there in illusion. This is the basic law. I have forgotten this basic and hence “I” was suffering. There
was no inherent defect in me. Only “I” was searching for the tangible idea in intangible but apparently looking to be tangible
illusion called world.

I have been searching for justice etc from illusion, hoping illusion will respond. This is the basic mistake.

What happens with many people is that they almost involuntarily make this mistake. They know they can never see soul. But in
it’s place they want the properties like Dharma, Gnana, Goodness, Kindness to be manifest in world and want to see them to
affirm presence of soul. No one can succeed in this. For the simple reason, they are not there in illusion.

I may have taken this long years to find this simple point. But I do not bother. Mr. Narayanasamy maintenance manager of Ram
factory is a good person, feeding all and require my house key.

It gives me immense pleasure to know that the truth is the foundation which lies elsewhere and searching for it in world aka
illusion is the blunder. It is impossible to find truth in illusion.

Space and time are created by mind to separate one experience from another. Beyond this, there is no scope for space and time.

Prana or Mukhya Prana is nature or energy. This has to be settled at this point. In place of the word illusion or nature, if it is
The fresh world out there is nothing but this Mukhya Prana. All this organs are activated by the life outside.
Mukhya Prana manifesting as Mind ---- BODY -------- World

This Mukhya Prana divides itself and creates the necessary gradient for the mind – body – world to enable perception. These
perceptions constitute Pragna. This Pragna gives “I” or subjective feeling and Prana gives object feeling. Thus, Prana and Pragna
though seem to be different are in reality one. It is the power of soul. This alone is the multiplicity seen in the world. Thus I
contradict one important point. The inert nature is not that inert or insentient. It is the gradient created by Prana for
experiencing itself.

All perfections are imperfections. Imperfection alone can be perceived. The perceiving mind when compared to Soul is imperfect.
Even if the world appear to be a homogenous unity, still it is only in equilibrium with mind, no energy flow between mind and
world takes place and there is appearance of homogeneity.

If Dharma, Gnana, etc originate in Brahman, where from the opposite like injustice arise? This basic question is answered.

What is Dharma? Is it right to live or right to interfere or right to co-exist? In illusionary world, dharma can never be seen. It is
injustice that is destined to rule. Why so? This is the basic difference between Soul and Energy. Energy knows no justice. Soul
alone can supply it. As far as energy is concerned, there is no scope for discrimination.

Then what is Soul? Soul is the original possessor or the origin of these Prana and Pragna. It is the destination, starting, in
between and final abode of these two.
If Soul does not perceive anything, then how can it show kindness? How can it save me? Without acting on it’s own, how can
mercy, love etc be accepted by him?

If Soul were without these good qualities like mercy, love etc then there will be no life in earth. Without divine intervention
either directly or indirectly, birth, sustenance and rebirth will never be possible. Divine intervenes and there is no doubt. It need
not be direct like Soul appearing all of a sudden and granting a boon. It will be indirect like bringing forth people to help in the
time of distress.

The Gods failed me because they did not realize Soul. Had they known the superiority of Soul, they would not have stooped so
low. When mind accepts consciousness, it becomes conscious of it’s deeds and desist stealing.

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