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How many people have

heard about Neutrinos?

They are the universe’s smallest, abundant,
and mysterious particle.
The Elusive Neutrino
An Investigation on Neutrino Oscillation

Shreyas Jammi
Independent Research GT
Mount Hebron High School
● Introduction and Background
Information on Neutrinos
Presentation particle physics
Preview ● Explanation of my Neutrino
Particle Physics Research
This presentation will include the
● Implications of Research to
● Future Aspirations
Neutrinos: The Origin Story
● Paul Dirac was an American-British theoretical
physicist at the University of Cambridge
○ Studied particle physics
○ Attempted to create an equation to describe
the behavior of electrons moving at the speed
of light
● Dirac’s Legendary Equation
○ All elementary particles must have a counter-
mass or negative mass - later dubbed
● Important consequence to all elementary particle -
Duel Charality
○ For every particle, there must be an
British-American antiparticle, and for all particles and
antiparticles either have left or right charility
Physicist Paul Dirac
The Particle Anomaly

● Discovered in 1930s as a byproduct to Elemental

Beta Decay
● Neutrinos were theorized and violated Dirac’s
Particle behavior expectations
● Italien-Indian Physicist Ettore Majorana
investigated the neutrino problem
● Found a solution that allowed the mass matrix
variation, on the condition that neutrinos have
● Neutrinos were widely believed to be massless by Italien-Indian
physicists, so there was no way to really verify the theoretical Physicist
hypothesis Ettore Majorana
The experiment that changed everything

● The famous 1998 Super-Kamiokande Experiment

discovered neutrino mass
● Discovered an interesting phenomenon called
neutrino oscillations
● Neutrino oscillations were key to understand the
neutrino mass matrix
○ The race to understand neutrinos is on!
● Won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for
revolutionary discovery
● Information for Neutrino oscillation can be broken
Particle Physics Professor
Takaaki Kajita; 2015 Nobel into two distinct categories: Mixing Angles and
Prize Physics laureate Zenith Angles
My Research Results
Neutrino Research: Zenith Angles
● When neutrinos interact with matter,
they give off a specific resonance
frequency within the interaction
○ Resonance frequency is
influenced by mass matrix
○ Resonance frequency is called
Zenith Angles
○ With the variation in particle mass
behavior predictions by Dirac and
Majorana create different Zenith
Neutrino Research: Mixing Angles
● When the Neutrino Particle does
oscillate in its mass states equally
● The neutrino oscillation is dictated by
the neutrino mass matrix
● Dirac neutrino mass hypothesis
would mean there is a low mixing
angle; Majorana neutrino mass
hypothesis would indicate a high
mixing angle
● Research Indicates a high mixing
angle Variation between Neutrino Mixing
Future Aspirations
● Major in
● Professor of Physics
● Business owner
○ Nonprofits ● Current Nonprofit Cofounder and
■ Service Projects to Chief Operating Officer (COO)
● International Organization with
help the world
Field Operations within Three
● Business Start-ups Countries
○ Renewable Energy ● Helped Several with Education
● Science Communicator Reform and Social Inequity

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