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Microcontrollers By King Kotcho Bongkwaha jacob

Preparatory Semester

Basic Electronic

A microcontroller is a
microcomputer on a single
integrated circuit. It contains one or
more CPUs along with memory and
programmable input/output
peripherals. The microcontroller is
often also called embedded
controller because the
microcontroller and its support
circuits are built into the devices
they control.
Components of the microcontroller

The microcontroller basically contains one or more of the following


- Central processing unit (CPU)

- Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Read Only Memory (ROM)
- Input/Output ports
- Timers and Counters
- Interrupt Controls
- Analog to digital converters (ADC)
- Digital to analog converters (CAD)
- Serial interfacing ports
- Oscillatory circuits
Advantages of microcontrollers

Microcontroller acts as a microcomputer without any digital parts.

Usage of a microcontroller is simple, and its troubleshooting and

maintainance are cheap and easy.
Most of the pins in the microcontroller are programmable by the user
for performing different functions.
Microcontrollers are small sized, cheap, and easy to design.

Microcontrollers are fast in performing operations.

Disadvantages of mocrocontrollers

Microprocessors perform a limited number of

executions simultaneously.

Microcontrollers are mostly used in micro-


Microcontrollers cannot interface high power

devices directly.
Microcontrollers are used in
biomedical instruments.

Applications of microcontrollers Microcontrollers are widely used in

communication systems .
Microcontrollers can be found in
any electronic device that can
measure, store data, control,
calculate, or display information. Microcontrollers are used as
For example, Keyboards, mouse, peripheral controllers in computers.
flash drives, calculators, etc.
Some basic applications of
microcontrollers are listed below:
Microcontrollers are used in
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