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◦ CAUSE: something which produces a result; a person or
thing which is responsible for a situation, action or

◦ CONSEQUENCE: an effect which follows logically from a

cause; something which happens because of another
situation, action or event.
Words that help to identify causes:

because since
Words that help to identify consequences

therefore so

As a result That’s why

Identify the causes and consequences in
the following. Draw diagrams if it helps you.
1. Rich nations do better in international sporting events than poor
nations because they can afford to find, develop, and train elite
2. People who are no longer having as many children as they used
to, therefore the nation’s population is ageing.
3. Frank got a bad mark in maths exam. So he believed he was bad
at maths. So he stopped trying. SO he became bad at maths. So
when Frank opened his own business, he made a mess of
accounts. So his business failed.
4. People are living longer lives than they used to. They are also
having fewer children. This means that a small number of adults
are providing for a large number of older people.
a) What might be the possible consequences of the
1. You trail for your national football team
2. You work really hard at school for the next two years

b) Are some consequences more likely than others?

c) What other factors would you need to take into

account ? For example, are you good at football, and how
will this affect the consequences of the first event?
Draw diagrams showing the causes,
consequences and further consequences:
◦ Deforestation, farming, overgrazing and development all result in
irreversible changes such as soil compaction, erosion,
desertification, or the alteration of local climatic conditions. Such
land-use practices lead to habitat loss.

◦ Ari and Harjanti Budiman are poor but have high hopes for children,
Ridwan and Liana. Ari is offered a government contract logging in
the rainforest. He thinks that cutting down ancient trees is wrong,
but money allows him to send Ridwan and Liana to school. Ridwan
and Liana do well at school, and eventually get good jobs with
good money. However, logging in the rainforest has caused habitat
loss and species extinction.
What do you think caused the following events? DO you
think the cause are simple or complex?
1)Khalila got a detention
2)Emily’s grandparents came to live with her and her
3)Brazil did not win the football World Cup
Try to identify the cause and
consequences in the article..
◦ Use clues in the language
◦ Learn to ignore irrelevant material
◦ Focus on the bits you need.

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