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What is there to Learn about information searching??We have
the internet and GOOGLE…….

 Information searched should be Precise, Specific and

 Vague search terms and Wikipedia should be avoided
 Dubious internet translation tools should be avoided

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma

How to search for information??

• Using precise search terms

• Skimming titles and first paragraphs
to judge whether a result is relevant
• Changing search terms
• Searching within sites belonging to
specific organizations
• Using advanced search options
• Comparing results from different
search engines
• Types of information needed
6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma
Activity – Key Words / Search Terms
CAUTION!!!! Do not read a page or site if it doesn’t look useful
1) Use a search term eg ‘Family’
a) What kind of sites appeared?
b) How helpful are these in answering your research questions?
2) Search for ‘ Family Values’
a) What kind of sites appeared?
b) Are the search results critical/ deeply rooted in values/ unbiased?
3) Search for ‘ effect divorce family values’
a) Is there any difference in the type of sites and sources ?
b) 6/25/2019
Is this more/ less helpful in answering research
IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma questions?
What keywords would you use if you have to
answer the question “ What effect is globalisation
having on Pakistan?”

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma

Activity – Using specific sites and organisations

You need to find put about human rights abuses around the
world. Which of these organisations is likely to be useful?

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma

You need to find some of the key issues in education in

What sort of information , ideas, perspectives did you get?


How did(1) and (2) compare with using a search engine like

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma

Activity – Using advanced search options and comparing
search engines
 Go to advanced search options in Google(
1) You want to look for
social consequences of 2008 recession in Indonesia.
2) Look up “ changing communities + Beijing” on
 Google
 Yahoo
Consider the perspectives offered by these sites

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma


 How has your ability to search information improve?

 What new skills have been learned?
 Are there any aspects that you struggle with?

 Think about your current research topic and sites/

organisations which are likely to help in gaining different

6/25/2019 IGCSE-GP, Dr. Ritu Sharma

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