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Tungkung Langit and Alunsina

*1. Tungkung Langit thought of
making a big basin of water below
the sky so that he can see the
image of his wife. Then the basin
of water became the sea.
*2. Tungkung Langit got bored and
lonely, so, he went to the
Middleworld and created the land;
planted trees, grasses, and
3. Tungkung Langit took his wife’s
precious jewels and scattered
them in the sky. The goddess’
necklace became the stars, her
comb became the moon, and her
crown the Sun.
*4. Tungkung Langit would cry out
loud in search for Alunsina. His
tears would fall upon the Earth,
thus, the tears became rain.
*5.When Tungkung Langit sobs,
calling for his beloved Alunsina to
come back, his voice becomes the
*Quiz. Which came first? Sequence the events as they
were told in the Myth.
*Tungkung Langit scattered Alunsina’s jewels and
became heavenly bodies.
*Tungkung Langit’s voice, in his search for Alunsina,
became the thunder.
*Tungkung Langit created the Land, planted trees,
grasses and flowers.
*Tungkung Langit would cry out loud and his tears
became the rain.
*Tungkung Langit thought of making a basin of water
so that Alunsina’s reflection could be seen, and the
basin of water became the sea.

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