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 An object is shot 50 m/s at an angle of

60 from the ground. How far away does


it land? 565.6 m
An object is shot 50 m/s at an angle of
70 0 , how high does it go? 112.7 m
 An object is launched from the ground
at a speed of 30 m/s t an angle of 55 . If

it lands back on the ground, calculate

how far it went horizontally? 86.4 m

A. 9.8 FT/S 2

B. 9.8 M/S
C. 9.8 M/S2

D. 32.2 FT/S
2. A Batang Pinoy athlete from your
school throws a javelin, always at the
same speed, at four different
angles(20°, 40°, 70°, and 80°) above the
horizontal. Which two throws cause
the javelin to land the same distance
A. 20° and 80° B. 20° and 70°
C. 20° and 40° D. 40° and 70°
3. At what angle should a
water hose be aimed in
order for the water to land
with the greatest horizontal
a. 0° b. 30°
c. 45° d. 60°
4.A ball is hit at an angle of
10° and it reaches a distance
of 50 m. Given the same
initial velocity, at what
other angle should a ball be
hit to reach the same
5. A bullet is fired at an angle of 45° .
Neglecting air resistance, what is the
direction of acceleration during the
flight of the bullet?
A. upward
B. downward
C. dependent on the initial velocity
D at a 45° angle
6. A ball is hit at an angle of 30°. At
what point in its trajectory does this
projectile have the least speed?
a. Just after it was launched
b. At the highest point in its flight
c. Just before it hits the ground
d. halfway between the ground
and the highest point
7. For a projectile, what is the
acceleration in the x – direction?
A. depends on initial velocity
B. 0 m/s 2

C. depends on how long it is in the

D. depends on y – vertical
8. A golfer drives her golf from the tee down
the dairway in a high arcing shot. When the
ball is at the highest point of its flight:
A. the velocity and acceleration are both zero
B. the x – velocity is zero and and the
y – velocity is zero
C. the x – velocity is non – zero and the
y – velocity is zero
D. the velocity is non zero and the
acceleration is zero
9. An athlete throws a ball with a velocity of 40 m/s
at an angle of 20e above the horizontal. Which of
the following statements is true in this case?
A) The vertical component of the velocity remains
B) The horizontal component of the velocity
C) The vertical component of the velocity changes
sign after the ball attains its maximum height.
D) The horizontal component of the velocity changes
sign after the ball attains its maximum height.
10. The time of ascent when
measured from the point of projection
of a body projected upwards, the
A.Time of ascent > Time of descent
B. Time of ascent < Time of descent
C. Time of ascent=Time of descent
D. All of the above
11 - 12. A ball is thrown and follows the parabolic path shown above. Air
friction is negligible. Point Q is the highest point on the path. Points P and R
are the same height above the ground.
11. How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare?
A. vp < vQ < vR C. vR < vQ < vP
B. vP = vR < vQ D. vQ< vP = vR

12. Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the
acceleration of the ball at point P ?
13. In the absence of air friction, the vertical component
of a projectile’s velocity doesn’t change as the projectile
A. always true B. always false
C. sometimes true D. not certain

14. A ball is thrown vertically upward. What is its

acceleration after 1 second?
A. 9.8 m/s up B. 9.8 2
m/s down
C. 19.6 m/s up 2
D. 19.6 m/s down
15. A bullet is fired horizontally from a
gun. What was the initial vertical (vyi)
velocity of the bullet when it was ejected
from the gun?
A. depends on the initial x-velocity
, C. unknown; it must be measured
B. depends on the size of the ball
, D. 0 m/s
Consider these diagrams. Which diagram, if any,
would show:

16) The initial horizontal velocity?

17) The initial vertical velocity?
18) The horizontal acceleration?
19) The vertical acceleration?
20. Which of the following statements are true of
the horizontal motion of projectiles?
A. A projectile with a rightward component of
motion will have a rightward component of
B. The horizontal velocity of a projectile
changes by 9.8 m/s each second.
C. A projectile with a horizontal component of
motion will have a constant horizontal velocity.
D. The horizontal velocity of a projectile is 0
m/s at the peak of its trajectory.
Write the equations for the ff:
21.Horizontal velocity component
22. vertical velocity component
23. magnitude of resultant

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