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Faculty Of Engineering Tech.

Name Pen No.

Anjali S. Prajapati 130840106049

Urvi V. Parekh 130840106062

Chaitali B. Tamboli 130840106061

Bhumika D. Patel 130840106005

Guided By

Proff. Shivang Dabhi

Proff. Ankita Upadhyay


1) Naturally available material

- Clay /earth/soil
-Sand/Fine aggregate
2) Artificial materials
cement , brick , steel, tiles , ceramic , paints and varnishes
glass , plastic , stone , lime.
Properties of material

 Toughness
 Strength
 Compressive strength
it is a mechanical property of material. The ability of a material to
withstand stress due to compressive forces on it, without fracture is
called compressive strength

force/load force/load

 Plasticity, Elasticity, Stiffness, Ductility, Fatigue, Creep, Mach

inability. Cast ability,Workability,Malleability,Brittleness,Heat
capacity,Specific heat,Thermal conductivity,Permeability,Coercive
 Requirements of stone
 1)Structure: they may be crystalline or amorphous . Unstratified
rocks are good as building stones.
 2) Appearance-colour texture: stones of light shades may be
preferred to dark coloured stones. Red and brown coloured.
 3)weight: light weight stones are preferred for domes and arches.
 4) Fitness of grains : non- crystalline stones are difficult to handle
and liable to be disigntegrated.
 5) durability: stone must have the property to resist loads, chemical
action of atmosphere ,rain ,water ,snow etc.
Types of stone: The stones are obtained from various rocks. The
types of rocks are as below. Rocks may be classified on the basis of
geological formation are
types of stones

Igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks Metamorphic

Uses of stones
 In foundations, walls , columns, arches, blocks etc.
 In hydraulic structures like dams and bridges.
 In retaining wall masonry to retain soil.
 As ballast for permanent way in railways.
 To make concrete in the form of coarse aggregate.
Properties of stones
 Hard and durable
 Marble and quartzite have compact crystalline structure.
 Acid resistance
 Compressive strength.
Importance of stones.
 In masonry
 In wall
 In natural beds with horizontal direction.
Bricks are rectangular blocks made from clay.

 Composition of brick:

20 – 30% Alumina
50 – 60 % Silica
<5 % Lime
0.1% Magnesia
5–6% Iron oxide
The clay should be free from pebbles, gravel, alkalies, organic matter,
vegetation and iron pyrites.
Requirements of bricks
 Colour of brick is red copper and uniform.
 Edges should be sharp.
 Free form organic matter , salts ,etc.
 There should be metallic ringing sound.

Importance of bricks
 For walls of various building construction.
 Brick flooring provides skid resistance with economy.
 Used in lintel and column construction also they are light in weight.
 Clay products ,hence eco friendly ,cheap and easily available.
Types of bricks
(1) Conventional / Traditional bricks: Size: 23 cm X 11.4 cm X 7.6 cm
(2) Standard / Modular : Size : 19 cm X 9 cm X 9 cm

 Bricks are classified as per manufacturing:

(1) Hand moulded (ground or table moulded)
(2) Machine moulded (wire cut)

 Bricks are classified as per quality and utility:

(1)1st class (grade A)
(2) 2nd class (grade B)
(3) 3rd class (grade C)
(4) 4th class (grade D)
Uses of brick
 Bricks are used in wall masonry construction of building.
 Bricks are used in brick lintel construction.
 Bats of bricks are used in concrete in foundation work.
Properties of Bricks
 Properties of brick

Physical mechanical thermal Durability

Shape size colour density

compressive flexural water
strength strength absorption

heat sound
insulation insulation
Requirements of good lime:
-Not contain impurities.
-Provide good plasticity and workability.
-Set easily.
-Moisture resistant.
-Slake easily with water.
-Low shrinkage.

Properties of lime
-Lime possesses good plasticity.
-Good workability.
-Good adhesion with masonry.
-Stiffens quickly.
-Good resistance to moisture.
-Low shrinkage.
Types of lime
 Hydraulic lime
 Fat lime
 Poor lime

Importance of lime

• Lime is a cementing material.

• Lime provides a cheap and a reliable alternative to cement.
• Lime is used to bind sand to prepare lime mortar for
masonry work.
• Lime is important to prepare B.B.L.C.(bricks bats lime
concrete)for foundation of buildings.
Uses of lime
-Lime is used in the treatment of water and wastewater.
-It is used in the manufacture of glass, refractory, sand lime bricks and
-It is used as lime mortar for masonry work of buildings.
-It is used for plastering and white washing of buildings.
-It is used as lime concrete to make water proof structures.
 Cement is a product obtained by burning a well proportioned mixture
of siliceous(containing silica), argillaceous(containing alumina) and
calcareous (containing lime) materials and crushing the same into
grey colour fine powder.
 Ingredients of cement
Silica Provides strength
Lime Provides strength
Alumina Makes the cement quick
Iron oxide Provides colour, hardness and
Magnesia Provides hardness and colour
Calcium sulphate(gypsum) Increase the initial setting time
Manufacturing of cement

 For manufacturing there are two method

1)Dry process
2)Wet process
 Stages
1)Mixing of raw materials
2)Burning in rotary kiln
3)Grinding in boll mill and tube mill
4)Packing in jute or gunny bags
Requirements of cement
 Found cool when touched by hand.
 Fine powder form while checking with first finger and thumb.

 Types of cement
1)Normal setting or ordinary Portland cement(opc).
2)Rapid hardening Portland cement.
3)Quick setting cement.
4)Pozzuolana Portland cement(PPC)
5)Low heat cement
6)Blast furnace cement
7)white cement
8)Sulphate resisting cement
9)Coloured cement
Uses of cement
 Used to prepare cement mortar for building construction works like
masonry , plaster ,painting, flooring etc.
Setting of cement
 Hardening of cement is different than setting of cement.
Time required for setting depends upon:
2)Percentage of water added
3)Humidity of the atmosphere
 initial setting time of cement shall not be less than 30 to 60 minutes
and final setting time shall not be more than 10 hours.

 Importance of cement
-An important binding material.
-Binds fine and coarse aggregates to prepare cement concrete.
-Cement mortar fill joints of bricks and stones in wall masonry
-On smooth and rough plaster painting work is easier and economical.
 Requirements of metal:
-Provide sufficient strength to bear the loads coming on them.
-Provide resistance to corrosion and weather actions.
-Provide resistance to fire and heat.
-Good adhesion with cement concrete..
 Types of Iron:
-Hematite(red oxide)
-Magnetite(black Oxide)
-Limonite(brown hematite)
Types of metals

 Metals will be grouped in the following two categories:

 1) ferrous metals: They contain iron as main constituent
types :
1)pig iron
2)cast iron
3)Wrought iron
 2) non- ferrous metals: They not contain iron as main constituent.
Importance of metal
 Metals are obtained from Fe.
 Iron is the most popular metal and it has been used in construction.
 Used in galvanizing and to make pipes.
 The strength and life of building depend upon stability and durability
of R.C.C. structures.

in bridge metals used in large way

Ceramic is a material consisting of components of
metallic and non-metallic elements.
Requirement of ceramic
 Provide resistance to stains.
 Easy to clean.
 Non- slippary while wet.
 Durable.
 Easy to handle and not so heavy in weight.

Properties of ceramic
 Ceramics are hard , strong and dense material.
 Low ductility.
 Good resistance to corrosion.
• Stable in environment
• Electric insulators.
Types of ceramics

crystalline Non-crystalline Glass-bonded

Single phase These are The

( MgO , CaO ) natural and crystalline
synthetic phase are
inorganic held in
Binary phase glasses. glassy
(FeO-MgO) matrix.

Ternary phase
Uses of ceramics
 Bricks
 Tiles
 Pipes
 Chimney
 Insulators
 Dental implants
 Cement
 Radar domes
 Transmitter
 Optical equipments
Importance of ceramic
 Cement- a ceramic material is widely used in
building construction.
 Glass- a ceramic material is used as shelves,
decorative articles,etc is important
building material.
 Transparent ceramics provide visibility in case of door,
window glass in various building for inhabitants.
 The water and waste water pipes and fittings are important
in building construction.
 The maintained clean surface of ceramics are giving new
look at every instance.
Timber is a natural building construction material
obtained from trees.
Requirements of timber
 Dark uniform colour.
 Dense.
 Workable, good machinability.
 Uniform texture.
 Freshly cut log surface should emit sweet smell.
 Free from crakes, splits, warp, etc.
 When it is struck, it should produce a sonorous sound.
Types of timber

Natural Industrial

Babul Veneers
Bamboo Plywood
Banyan Fiberboards
Neem Impreg timbers
Mango Compreg timbers
Uses of timber
 Railway sleepers
 Bridges
 Pipes
 Furniture
 Packing material
 Decorative pieces
 Doors and windows
 Matchbox
 Boat
 Roofs
 Lintels and arches
 Flooring
 Partition wall
 Rafters
Properties of timber
 Low heat conductivity.
 Small bulk density.
 Relatively high strength.
 It’s volume changes with moisture content.
 Long life.

Importance of timber
 Used as walls, columns, beams, doors and
windows in building construction.
 Easy to transport due to lesser weight and easy
 Used in furniture decoration of buildings.
Advantages Disadvantages
 Easy to cut and reshape • Catches fire easily.
as per desired • Can be affected by
dimensions. termite.
 Locally available. The • Not suitable for heavy
workers of woodwork loads and multistoried
easily available. structures.
 Useful to make door,
window, ventilator and
furniture of building in
Sand particles consists of small grains of silica.
Requirements of sand
 Clean , free from organic and vegetable matter.
 Contain sharp, angular and durable grains.
 Well graded.
 Not contain salts which attract moisture from the
 Maximum permissible clay content is 3 to 4% in sand.
Types of sand

Natural Artificial

Natural sand is Artificial sand

obtained from pits, is formed by
river beds and sea decomposition
beds. of sandstone
due to various
Uses of sand
 Useful in various construction activities like masonry
work, plaster work, flooring and concrete work.
Properties of sand
•Naturally available material.
•Mix with binding material easily.
•Shiny luster.
•Whitish brown colour.

Importance of sand
Sand-fine aggregate is the important
material for construction work. It prepare
cement mortar and cement concrete by
mixing with cement like binding material.
They fill up the voids in between coarse
aggregate pieces in cement concrete.
Aggregates are the naturally occurring material like
sand, crushed rock and gravel.
Requirements of aggregate
 Sufficiently strong, hard, tough and durable.
 Aggregate surface should be rough and free from
 Good soundness.

Uses of aggregate
• Fine aggregates are used to prepare cement mortar, lime
mortar and cement concrete.
• Coarse aggregates are used to prepare cement concrete
(PCC, RCC) , etc.
• Fine aggregates are used in masonry, plaster, flooring,
etc. work in building construction.
Types of aggregate

Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate

Size of aggregate Size of

is 4.75 mm or less aggregate is
is termed as fine 80mm to
aggregate. 4.75mm is
termed as
Properties of aggregate
 They are insoluble in water.
 They are of moderate weight.
 They are strong and durable.
 They have resistance to scratches.

Importance of aggregate
•They have good adhesion with cement,
bitumen like binder material.
•Coarse aggregate are used in RCC structures
of building.
•They provide strength and stability to
Mortar is a paste prepared by adding required
quantity of water to mixture of binding material
like cement or lime and fine aggregate like sand.
Requirements of mortar
 Good adhesion with bricks , stones etc.
 Resist penetration of rain water.
 Cheap, durable and workable.

Uses of mortar
•To bind the bricks or stones firmly in wall
construction work.
•Used in plaster work as finishing material to
provide weather resistance.
Concrete is a mixture of cement/lime , sand, crushed
rock and water. It is a major building material for
construction work.
Preparation of concrete
I. Ingredients of concrete : cement, sand, coarse
aggregate and water.
II. Methods of mixing of concrete :
1. Hand mixing
2. Machine mixing

Importance of concrete
 Prepared at project site under supervision and fabricated.
 The concrete solidifies and hardens, attaining greater
strength with age.
• They are strong and durable.
Uses of concrete
• Cement concrete is used from foundation to slab in
• Cement concrete is used in street walks, rigid
pavements, streets, highways, airports and in
foundations of ropeways.
• Cement concrete is used in lining of canals and
reservoirs, concrete dams, tubewells and water
conducting tunnels.
 The paints are coatings of fluid materials and they are
applied over the surfaces of timber and metal.
 The varnishes are transparent or nearly transparent
solutions of resinous materials and they are applied over
the painted surfaces.
Requirements of paint
 Paint applied on a surface should dry within 24 hours.
 Neither crack nor shrink after drying.
 Not reveal brush marks after drying.
 An attractive appearance.
 The paint film after drying should be impervious and
weather resisting.

Requirements of varnish
• The film left by varnish should be shining and glossy.
• The colour of varnish should not develop cracks on
Properties of paints
 Available in wide range of variety.
 Available in various colours.
 Have effect of weather actions.
 Have resistance to water at certain extent.
 Spreaded and strached as a layer on base by brushes.

Properties of varnish
• Transparent.
• Provide shine on old and new wood work.
• Stretchable to provide thin film or layer on base.
• Available in black, brown, red like colours. It is possible to
make them colourless.
Uses of paints and varnish
 Provide clean, good and colourful
attractive appearance to the surface.
 Prevent decay of wood.
 Provide corrosion resistance in metal.
 Varnish brightens the appearance of the
grain in wood.

Importance of paints and varnish

• Paints provide a decorative colourful finish.
• Resist the growth of bacterial and fungus on walls and timber
• Paints and varnishes are provided as film or layer as protective
Type of paint Uses
Aluminum paint Gas tanks
Piers of Marine structure
Hot water pipes
Oil storage tanks

Cement paint External plastering of building

Asbestos paint Structures exposed to acid, steam,
Cellulose paint Surfaces which are exposed to heat,
cold and water.

Bituminous paint Ironwork in waterbody

Oil paint For woodwork and ironwork of
Plastic paint For all types of building
Glass is an amorphous , inorganic, homogenous,
transparent or translucent material.
Types of glass
 Soda-lime glass : Na2O . CaO . 6SiO2
 Potash-lime glass : K2O . CaO . 6SiO2
 Potash-lead glass : K2O . PbO . 6SiO2

 Special varieties of glass :

1. Bullet proof glass
2. Fiber glass
3. Foam glass
4. Glass blocks
5. Obscured glass
6. Safety glass
7. Soluble glass
8. Optical glass
9. Wired glass
10. Ultra- violet glass
Uses of glass
 To make laboratory apparatus.
 To make optical instruments.
 Decorative articles.
 Spectacles, lenses.
 Windows, doors, ventilators.
 Prisms
 Medicine bottles.
 Glass bricks.
 Combustion tubes.
 Cooking utensils.
 Panel walls, partition walls.
 Electrical appliances, bulbs, tubes.
Properties of glass
 Available in varieties of colours.
 No effect of air and water.
 Resistance to chemicals.
 Can not deform.
 Hard.
 Affected by alkalies.
 No sharp melting point.

Importance of glass
• Glass blocks cut off the glare but it admits sunlight
and controls sound and heat in a better way.
• Missile contains thousands of glass items.
The plastic is an organic substance and it consists of
natural or synthetic binders or resins with or without
moulding compounds.
Requirements of plastics
 Provide good heat resistance.
 Their colours should not be faded easily.
 Possess good strength.
 Their shape and size should not be distorted easily.
 Durable with good resistance to cracks and breaks.

Uses of plastics
They are used to make-
• Furniture like sofa, table, chair, etc.
• Optical lenses, spectacles, frames.
• Handles of tools, cases of machines, covers.
• Waterproof doors, bags.
• Sanitary fittings like taps, pipes, valves, etc.
Types of plastic
 Thermo plastic :
 Linear or chain structure.
 They are used for toys, electric insulators, pipes, valves,
fan blades, etc.
 Acrylic, P.V.C., polystyrene, polyethylene, nylons, etc. are

 Thermosetting plastic :
 Cross linked or network structure.
 Telephone receivers, switches, plugs, adhesives, foams,
etc. are made from thermosetting plastics.
 Bakelite, polyesters , malamines, etc. are thermosetting
Properties of plastic
 Light in weight.
 Absorb shocks.
 Free from corrosion.
 Low thermal and electrical conductivity.

Importance of plastic
• Plasticdoors on external walls and in bath w.c. are not
affected by water and are easily openable.
• Decorative and light weight furnitures are easy to clean
and rearrange in buildings.

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