Competitive Cluster Development in Latin America. ADB Urban Day Kamiya November 5th, 2010

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ADB Urban Day 2010

Livable and Sustainable Cities in Asia and the Pacific

Competitive Cluster Development:

Experiences from Latin America

Presentation by Marco Kamiya*

*Prepared in cooperation with Gregorio Arevalo, Gabriel Casaburi, Martin Chrisney, Carlo Pietrobelli, and Claudia Stevenson
Capital Markets and Financial Institutions / Competitiveness and Private Sector Development
Inter-American Development Bank
November 5th 2010
Presentation Structure

1. IDB approach to Cluster Projects

2. Financial Scheme and Institutional Arrangements
3. Clusters projects from Incubation to Expansion
4. IDB Projects in LAC
5. Questions, Lessons and Challenges

IDB Group: Competitiveness, Cluster and SMEs

Inter-American IDB Group

Bank (IDB)
Multilateral Inter-American
Investment Fund Investment
(MIF) Corporation (IIC)

o IDB (Sovereign Guaranteed -SG): Competitiveness Loan

Operations, Cluster projects, Multisectoral Loans
o IIC (Mostly NSG): Direct loans, equity, guarantees. Financing for
o MIF (Matching Grants): SMEs and public and private entities.

What is a Cluster? IDB Working Definition
o At IDB for operational purposes “Cluster” is defined by its
features, as Productive Agglomeration focused on local links to
generate and strengthen competitive advantages.

o A Cluster is based on a territory,
o A Cluster is a set of institutions for productive development.
o A Cluster is a coordination entity

IDB Cluster Projects in LAC
IDB works in cluster development through Loan operations, matching
grants and co-financing (MIF), and credit to private sector (IIC).

More than 15 loan operations in the last decade totaling US$250

o National or subnational/territorial approach.
o Financial and non financial support to enterprises
o Clusters are part of general programs for SMEs
o Goal is to strengthen export oriented productive sector
o Integral programs for specific production chains
o Institutional Development is a main component

Cities in Asia and Latin America
Cities in Cities* Population Area

ASIA Tianjin, China 12 mill 12,000 km2

Melbourne, Australia 4 mill 9000 km2
Chiang Mai, Thailand 1 mill 3000 km2
Bangalore, India 6 mill 700 km2
Manila, Philippines 11 mill 600 km2

Cities in Cities* Population Area

LAC Mendoza, Argentina < 1 mill 54 km2
(where IDB Sao Paulo, Brazil 11 mill 8,000 km2
Cluster projects Santiago, Chile*** 5 mill 15,000 km2
are located)
Dominican Republic*** 10 mill 50,000 km2
Minas Gerais, Brazil** 20 mill 600,000 km2

* Metro Area **State of Minas Gerais ***Country

IDB Cluster Development Projects – Loan Operations

Country IDB Financing

Brazil (5) Total 50 million
Argentina (3) Total 150 million
Uruguay 9 million
Chile (12 regions) 20 million
Honduras 10 million
Dominican Republic 9.4 million

More than 5 projects finished;

More than 7 in the design/pipeline stage.

Advantages of Applying Cluster Projects in LAC
Demand for Cluster Development Projects are increasing:
o At political level, decentralization is making stronger sub-national
states with more control of budget and resources.
o At productive level, larger countries are having a more developed
private sector with global competitive firms. See “Multilatinas”
And are flexible:
o Cluster projects are good vehicle to strengthen dialogues and
develop institutional capacity.
o Easier to combine short term goals with long-term vision.
o Cluster projects can be expanded or reduced based on funding.

IDB Cluster Project – Example of Financing Scheme
Federal or
IDB Loan Subnational
Stand Alone (50%) State (50%)
cluster project:
IDB Financing: is
around US$10
mill. Joint Public-
Private Council
Loan: i.e. > $100 (PPC)
mill., the Cluster
component is
around 10%.

Basic Cluster related Business Development

infrastructure Services:
Matching Grants

IDB Cluster Project: Institutional Structure of Operation
Execution and
Executing Public - Private strategy and
Agency Council (PPC) monitors the
of project

Horizontal Local Club Goods

Policies Consulting
Infrastructure Clusters Governance
Public Agencies | Private
International Business Firms | Research Centers
Consulting Development | Universities
Studies Services

Services Needs

Private Firms of Selected Clusters

Typical Stages of an IDB Cluster Project
Designing a Cluster Development Project

Mapping Planning Action

Mapping: Selecting clusters sectors, defining criteria for SMEs

support, hiring international consultancy studies.
Planning: Creation of Public-Private Council, Mobilization and
dialogues, preparation of diagnostics and action plans.
Action: Managing coordination, provision of public goods,
horizontal policies, club goods and basic infrastructure.

Examples (Execution): Uruguay – Productive Chains

Year: Since 2005 / IDB: US$75 million / + 12 clusters

- Objectives: Contribute to sustainable development of

agglomerations and productive chains, acting on coordination and
market failures.
- Selected Clusters: Processed Food, Software, Audiovisual,
Garments, Tourism, Music, Handcraft, Shoes, Design, etc.
- Financing: Loan for Programmatic of Competitiveness (US$75
million) part of this dedicated to this program. Matching Grants
for SMEs available.

Examples (Execution): Uruguay – Productive Chains

TOURISM - Montevideo

TOURISM - Colonia

Examples (Execution): Uruguay – Productive Chains
Integrating Public Intervention with Private Sector Needs
Productive Chains

Footwear Food Other

Processing Chains…
Public infrastructure

Access to finance

Labor training

Cluster promotion

Business Climate

Cluster Hybrid Projects

Argentina - San Juan – Cluster and Finance

- Cluster Development with productive support and banking
access component (US$18 million IDB, US$20 million
- Components: Financial support, non-financial support,
institutional capacity.
Dominican Republic – Competitiveness Loan with Cluster Component
- Programmatic Policy-Based Loans (PBP) with (US$10 million)
cluster development component.
Components: Cluster Consolidation, Cluster Expansion, Pilots.

IDB Cluster Project: Tools
Impact evaluation and measurement are key:

o Cluster toolkit (In preparation)

• Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
• Other techniques to analyze firm-level data
o PDP Index for Institutions and Programs (Piloting in progress)
• Institutional Performance
• Program effectiveness
o Social Network Analysis (i.e. McDermontt-Argentina)
• Improved interaction and social links
• Policymaking and strategic links for sustainability

IDB Cluster Project: Examples of Outcomes
o Final Outcome: Increase in competitiveness of territory/country
• Increase in at least 5% in sales per worker
• Increase in at least 10% of sales outside territory/ or exports
o Outputs at cluster level
Compared to initial baseline, the average outputs must be:
• 10% Increase of companies introducing new products and
• 100% increase in productive linkages, joint marketing
campaigns, joint productive operations
• 20% increase in R&D activities

Cluster and SMEs Projects: Impact
o Increase in sales, employment and competitiveness
• IDB Cluster projects (see logical framework and Dev. Matrix)
• Job creation then poverty reduction (IDB MIF 2007)
• UNIDO Cluster studies (thematic evaluations of intervetions)
• Cluster projects in East Asia (Sonobe and Otsuka 2008)
o SMEs and Policies at firm level results
• Gains in productivity through microdata analysis in LAC,
programs in 5 countries
(World Bank, Hong Tan and Acevedo 2010, and previous studies).
• SMEs policies Increase productivity. 16 countries focusing
on training, quality control, export promotion, credit.
(IDB, Ibarraran, Maffioli, Stuchi, 2010)

Cluster Projects: Keys to Success
 Political support from the top (President, Minister of Finance);
 Involvement of the private sector since the initial stages;
 A well defined cluster vision for the short, medium and long
term, often carried out by an international expert;
 Institutional capacity of the counterpart with skills and
resources is needed with long-term view;
 Keep public managers to secure the implementation and “the
memory” of the project;
 Disseminate results and increase support and awareness.

Cluster Projects: FAQ and IDB Approach
• Goal of a competitiveness project: act on poverty and jobs?
- Productivity is the main goal, acting on poverty and jobs.
• Working with large firms or smaller ones?
- Large firms are key for SMEs for productive linkages.
• Microenterprises or just SMEs?
- Raise productivity above program costs may be difficult.
• SMEs programs are always efficient?
- Intervention should be horizontal and serving formal firms.
• Urban clusters, and what about rural clusters?
- Intervene in rural zones when is key for a value chain.

IDB Approach to Private Sector Development
1. Macro Level: Business Environment
o Regulatory framework, institutional and political reform;
o Financial markets strengthening / Long-term financing;
o Doing Business Reform

2. Micro Level: Productive Development Policies

o Cluster and Value Chain Development;
o Institutions for Competitiveness;
o Business Development Services;
o Innovation and Firm-Level Productivity

The Logic of Interventions

Horizontal Vertical

Business climate, Roads for certain areas,

Public Educated labor force, Cold storage logistics,
Input Basic infrastructure, Food safety controls
Exchange rate policy

R&D, Subsidies, Sector specific tax quotas,

Training programs, Sector specific production,
Tax exemptions, subsidies
Intervention High uniform tariff

Source: IDB 2010 “The Age of Productivity”

Productive Development Policies (PDP):
New Framework for Cluster Development
o Promotion of conditions for enterprises performance within a
o Cluster development programs comprise a broad set of
elements such as productive agglomerations, value chain, and
production network initiatives;
o Institutional dimension integrating public and private sector
related with productive capacity in the region;
o Emphasis in generation of “Marshallian externalities” and public
o Intensification of Horizontal PDPs in place such as investment
and export promotion, innovation, training, financial and non
financial support to SMEs.

Examples (Execution) : Brazil – Bahia

Year: Since 2005 / IDB: US$10 million / + 4 clusters

- Objectives: Integrate local efforts to strengthen Arranjos

Produtivos Locais (APL).
- Components: i) Mobilization, ii) Business Development Services,
iii) Horizontal Interventions, iv) Supervision and Management
- Selected Clusters: mainly petrochemical, P&C for carmaking (Ford
- Financing: BID (US$10.0 mill), Counterpart (US$6.7), TOTAL

Examples (Starting) : Brazil – Minas Gerais

Year: Since 2007 / IDB: US$10 million / + 10 clusters

Objectives: Integrate local efforts to strengthen Arranjos

Produtivos Locais (APL).
Components: i) Public-Private institutionality to support
competitiveness and PMC (Competitiveness Improvement
Plan), ii) Implementation of PMC in selected cluster (APLs), iii) ,
Monitoring, Impact Evaluation and Best Lessons.
Selected Clusters: Overall PMC items for mainly Electronics and
Shoemaking sectors.

Cluster Projects: Challenges Ahead

Business Risks, Results, Impact, Comprehensive approach

 The selection of the clusters to be supported and the
activities to be prioritized have an inherent business risk;
 The monitoring and evaluation of these types of projects
is complex;
 Integrated programs: business climate, access to finance
and infrastructure provide superior framework for the
development of private sector but at the same time are
more complex to prepare and implement.


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