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Definition of Terms

-understanding of belief system or

worldview*, Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy
of Religion, and Theology
1.1 Give an example of a belief system
or a worldview

I believe
1.2. Differentiate religion
- Spirituality
- Theology
- Philosophy of Religion
Difference between the
religion is humans’ way to
God, theology is a study of
God’s way to humans and
philosophy is a reflection of
humans’ lived experience of
a. What is a belief system?
What are the different worldviews?
b. What is religion?
What are the elements of religion?
c. What is spirituality?
What are the elements of
A belief system or worldview is a
particular way of ordering the realities
of one’s world.

Understanding the worldview of

each of the world’s major religions is
critical in appreciating their rituals and
These worldviews are:

(a.) All is one (Monistic)

(b.) Many Gods (Polytheistic)
(c.) One God (Monotheistic)
(d.) No God (Atheistic)
Religion is the pursuit
of transformation
guided by a sacred
belief system.
The elements of religion are:
(a) reflects an effort to elevate their
whole self to a higher dimension of
(b) a framework of transcendent beliefs,
(c) text or scriptures,
(d) rituals, and
(e) sacred spaces (e.g., church, temple,
mosque, synagogue).
- Spirituality is one’s integrative
view of life.
- It involves a quest for the
meaning and ultimate value of
life as opposed to an
instrumentalist or materialistic
attitude to life.
The elements of spirituality are:
(a) holistic (fully integrated view to
(b) quest for meaning (including the
purpose of life),
(c) quest for the sacred (beliefs
about God), and
(d) suggests a self-reflective existence.
1.4. Prepare character
sketches of a person
who is spiritual but not
religious and a person
who is religious but not
spiritual .

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