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Analysis of

DC and AC steady state

an ideal inductor looks like
a short circuit in steady state dc.
Capacitor appears as open circuit for DC steady state
Find the initial condition and final value of the inductor current in the circuit of Figure

the inductor current

eventually becomes zero as t →∞

AC Circuits
Alternating currents (ac) are currents that alternate in
direction (usually many times per second), passing first
in one direction, then in the other through a circuit.

Such currents are produced by voltage sources whose

polarities alternate between positive and negative
(rather than being fixed as with dc sources).

By convention, alternating currents are called ac currents

and alternating voltages are called ac voltages.
DC and AC
Starting at zero, the voltage increases to a
positive maximum, decreases to zero, changes
polarity, increases to a negative maximum, then
returns again to zero.

One complete variation is referred to as a cycle.

Since the waveform repeats itself at regular

intervals as in (b), it is called a periodic waveform.
The length of time required to generate
one cycle depends on the velocity of
rotation. If the coil rotates at 600 rpm
(revolutions per minute). Six hundred
revolutions in one minute equals 600
rev/60 s 10 revolutions in one second.
At ten revolutions per second, the time
for one revolution is one tenth of a
second, i.e., 100 ms. Since one cycle is
100 ms, a half-cycle is 50 ms, a quarter-
cycle is 25 ms, and so on.
Instantaneous Value
The number of cycles per second of a waveform is defined as its frequency.

The period, T, of a waveform, is the duration of one cycle. It is the inverse of
Amplitude and Peak-to-Peak Value
The amplitude of a sine wave is the
distance from its average to its peak.
Thus, the amplitude of the voltage is Em.
Peak-to-peak voltage is also indicated. It
is measured between minimum and
maximum peaks. Peak-to-peak voltages
are denoted Ep-p or Vp-p

Peak Value
The peak value of a voltage or current is
its maximum value with respect to

Here, a sine wave rides on top of a dc

value, yielding a peak that is the sum of the
dc voltage and the ac waveform amplitude.
For the case indicated, the peak voltage is
E + Em
The Basic Sine Wave Equation

is the instantaneous angular

position of the coil.
Angular Velocity
The rate at which the generator coil rotates
is called its angular velocity
Sinusoidal Voltages and Currents as Functions of Time
Voltages and Currents with Phase Shifts

If a sine wave does not pass through zero

at t = 0 s it has a phase shift. Waveforms
may be shifted to the left or to the right

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