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What is GSP Barangay Committee?

It is an organized body/unit of GSP that helps

promote and develop Girl Scouting within the
barangay primarily to support the Girl Scout
troops in carrying out the activities in the
GSP Program. It is the implementing arm of the
District Committee.
Who can become members
of the GSP Barangay Committee?
Adults , both men and women within the
barangay or community who are interested
in helping in the growth and development
of girls and young women may compose a
GSP Barangay Committee.
Who can become members
of the GSP Barangay Committee?

It includes parents, barangay officials,

heads of schools, teachers and leaders from
different sectors of the community
How is the GSP Barangay Committee
The Committee is composed of a minimum
of five (5) and a maximum of twelve (12)
members. A barangay may have more than
one (1) GSP Committee.
1. Provides leadership to the GSP Barangay
Committee and is fully responsible for the
actions of the committee.
2. Presides over the GDP Barangay Committee
1. Assists the GSP Barangay Committee
Chairman in the administrative function
of the committee.
2. Acts as Chairman in the absence/incapacity
of the latter.
3. Performs other functions as the Chairman
may assign.
1. Takes charge of minutes and other records
of the committee.
2. Responsible for the funds of the GSP BC,
proper accounting and renders a periodic
report as required.
3. Performs other jobs as maybe assigned.
How does a Barangay Committee
officially become part of the GSP
and the WAGGS
(World Association of Girl Guides)?
1. Accepts the Girl Scout Promise and
Law as one’s code of behavior.
2. Pays the prescribed group fee and
members pay the individual membership
registration annually. This entitles them to
get a membership card.
Induction ceremony may follow.
What are the functions
and responsibilities of
The GSP Barangay Committee?
1.Helps the troops in the implementation
of the GSP Program by:
*providing Girl Scouts handbooks, badges,
resource persons for activities, troop
equipment and other needs.
*providing financial support to the troops
such as sponsorship of troop registration,
troop fund raising, donations in cash and
in kind to troop camps, projects and
participation in activities beyond
the troop.
2. Hold committee meetings monthly,
while officers meet more often
3. Supports the District Committee,
the Council and GSP as a whole in its
programs and projects.
The GSP BC can perform its function better
by attending an orientation or training.
What benefits do the
GSP Barangay Committee get?
1. Opportunity to serve and help in the
development of girls and young women.
2. Privilege of belonging to a worldwide
organization - the WAGGS.
3. Privilege to wear the Girl Scout uniform
and participate in girl scouts activities
4. Avail of financial assistance from the
Membership Mutual Assistance Fund for
accidents and natural death.
5. Avail of discounts in accommodation at the
GSP National Program and Training Centers
6. Participate in Girl Scout events.
7. The joy of taking the GSP Promise and Law
as a way of life.

On my honor, I will do my duty to God

and my country;
to help other people at all times and to
to live by the Girl Scouts law.
1. A girl Scout honor is to be trusted
2. A Girl Scout is loyal.
3. A Girl Scout is helpful
4. A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every
other girl scouts.
5. A Girl Scout is courteous.
6. A Girl Scout respects living things.
7. A Girl Scout is disciplined.
8. A Girl Scout is self-reliant
9. A Girl Scout is thrifty.
10. A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

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