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At the end of discussion you should

be able to:
• Express quadratic equation in the
form x2 = k
• Solve quadratic equations by
extracting square roots
• Appreciate the importance of solving
quadratic equations by extracting
square roots.
Square It
Find the square of the following terms.
Match Column A with Column B
Column A Column B
1. 5 A. 144
2. 4 B. 25
3. 10 C. 81
4. 9 D. 16
5. 12 E. 100
F. 18
Find my Square Root!
Find the square root of the following:
1.√25 5
2.√16 4

3.- √100 -10

4.√81 9
5.+/- √144 +/-12
Let’s Solve It 
During the planning of the
acquaintance party
Since the area at
of aDon Julio
Leviste MNHS
square Multi
is A=s2,Purpose
(s Gym
stands for side) sq.
headed by the SSG, they
rt of 64 is equal to
thought of
covering the center 8ofisthe stage with
8. Therefore
red carpet.theThe carpet
measure of is a square
each side 2
with an area of 64 m . What is the
length of the side of the carpet?
• Equations such as x2 = 9, x2 = 16, and
x2 = 21 are the simplest forms of
quadratic equations.
• In the problem above, if we let x be the
length of the side of the square carpet,
then the equation x2 = 64 represents
the problem. To solve this equation,
we extract the square roots of both
sides. Hence, we get
1. What is the simplest form of the
given equation?
2. How do you get the solution of
the equation?
3. How many solutions/roots does
the equation x2 = k have if k>0?
k=0? k<0?
Group Activity Standards

M – aintain orderliness
A – lways cooperate
T – alk softly
H – ave group
Group Activity
Solve the given quadratic equations by
following the guidelines provided.
Group 1: x2 – 121 = 0
Group 2: 3x2 – 27 = 0
Group 3: 5x2 – 125 = 0
Group 4: x = 15
1. What is the simplest form of the
given equation?
2. How do you get the solution of
the equation?
3. How many solutions/roots does
the equation x2 = k have if k>0?
k=0? k<0?
By pair
Solve the following by extracting the
1.c2 = 49
2.4s2 – 100 = 0
3.x2 – 289 = 0
My Journal:
Answer the question on a ½ crosswise
to be submitted on Thursday at
exactly 7:00am. Late papers will have
deductions on the next quiz.
How do you solve quadratic
equation by extracting square
Solve the Following Problems:
1. Cora has a piece of cloth whose area
is 32 square inches. What is the
length of the side of the largest
square that can be formed using the
2. Paul has to use oil paint that can
cover 50 cm2. If he is going to paint a
square frame, what is the length of
the largest frame he can paint?
Quiz # 2 “Extract then Match”
Directions: Find the solutions of the
following quadratic equations by
matching column B with column A.
Correct roots will also reveal the cities
primary delicious fruits.

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