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What is an Event?

 Event refers to the things that happen around us.

 There are generally two kinds of events:

 Ordinary events that occur naturally in our
environment and in our daily lives.
 Special event during which, many people gather
together for a purpose; some people need to travel to
participate, while some spend a lot of time and
resources planning for the event and making sure that
everything unfolds as expected.
Special events can therefore be
characterized as follows:

 Organized for specific purpose/s;
 Attended by a number of participants;
 Held in a specific, pre-determined place;
 Time-bound (such that it has a beginning and an
end); and
 Cost a lot of resources.
In organizing an event the basic questions we
need to ask when we are organizing an event

 The 5Ws and 1H acronym:
 What event are we organizing?
 Why are we organizing the event?
 Who are expected to attend and to organize the event?
 Where is it going to be held?
 When is it going to held?
 How much is it going to cost?
Elements of an event:

 Type and title of event;
 Purpose for holding the event;
 Participants of the event and the roles they play
 Place or venue where the event is going to take
 Date and time of the event; and
 Resources.
Framework for developing an
Event Concept Paper (5Ws & 1H)

Elements Example
(What) Ana’s 18th Birthday
Title and type of event
(Why) This is once in a lifetime event and it has
Purpose/Objective: The owner or been a family tradition to celebrate every
organizer of the event must have a good member’s transition to adulthood. The
reason for wanting to hold an event. birthday party aims to give Ana a fun
and memorable celebration of this
important event.
(Who) Ana’s immediate family members will
Participants: The organizers and organize the party with the help of an
attendees, and the roles they play. event planner. One hundred guests are
expected to attend, mostly family &
friends. A list will be prepared.
Framework for developing an
Event Concept Paper (5Ws & 1H)
 The venue must be in Z City and can
Place: the size and availability of the event accommodate 100 guests with stage and a
venue affect the schedule and number of dance floor.
attendees. The venue can be selected using a Option:
set of criteria. Room 1, X Resto, Y Avenue, Z City

(When) July 4, 2019 (Friday), 7:00pm

Date and Time of Event: Make sure that the It is important to indicate the month, day,
date and time are identified early on. Setting year and the starting time of the event. A
the date affects the venue reservations and program detailing the schedule of speeches
printing of collaterals to be included in the and performances will be prepared at a later
invitations. time.
(How much) P100,000 with the ff. breakdown:
Cost/Resources: One can indicate a cost P500 x 110 pax (with 10% contingency)
ceiling at the onset. The details of the budget P55,000 for food and venue
can be prepared once quotations from P45,000 for cake, sound system, invitation,
suppliers are gathered. photography and misc.
Types of Special Events

 Personal Events – organized by and for friends and
family to celebrate life’s important milestones.
 Corporate Events – organized to improve the productivity
and profitability of companies and contribute to the
achievement of corporate goals. This includes product
launchings, sales rallies, and trade shows.
 Community Events – gatherings of the members of the
community and their guests to commemorate historical
and or religious events, promotes arts and culture, and
strengthen social bonds. Ex. Festivals, school or church
events, art exhibits, and local sporting events. There are
also big int’l. events like World Youth Day, World Expo,
Ms. Universe pageant and the Olympics.
What is MICE?

 MICE is an acronym for Meetings, Incentives,
Conventions and Exhibitions

 Let us define and differentiate each.

 Meeting is general term that refers to the gathering of

people to discuss a set of agenda or do a particular
activity. It can be called on an ad hoc basis (as needed) or
following a set pattern such as an annual stockholders’
meeting. Meeting do not include exhibits.

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