LC NMR Lecture

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Chromatography -
 NMR coupling different kinds of chromatographic
separation systems can be coupled to a flow probe
of an NMR spectrometer.
 All Separation techniques like
 RP ( Reversed Phase )
 NP ( Normal Phase )
 GPC ( Gel Permeation Chromatography ) and
 SEC ( Size Exclusion Chromatography ) are applicable.
With special equipment also SFC ( Supercritical Fluid
Chromatography ).
 LC-NMR experiments can be performed in three modes.
 On-flow mode
 Direct stopped flow mode
 Loop storage mode
 On-flow mode:
 The outlet of the LC-detector is connected directly to the NMR probe.
 While the peaks are eluting, NMR spectra are continuously acquired.
 The chromatographic system is used to move the samples/peaks through
the NMR cell.
 Ex: Any HPLC system, which delivers a stable pulsation free flow
 LC-NMR Probe
 LCNMR interface not required
 With any of the LC-NMR interface ( BPSU / BSFU ) this working
mode is also possible, however they are not required.
 Direct stopped flow mode:
 Outlet of the LC-detector is connected directly to the NMR
 A LC-detector ( normally UV ) is used to detect peaks
eluting from the column.
 When a peak is detected, the flow continues until the peak
arrives in the NMR cell.
 At this time, the chromatography ( pump, data acquisition,
gradient ) stops and the NMR experiments are performed.
 Once the NMR experiments are completed, the
chromatography resumes until the next peak is found.
 This process can be repeated several times within one
 Equipment:
 HPLC under control BRUKER Chromatography software
 LC-NMR Probe
 Controlling station with BRUKER Chromatography
 With the LCNMR interfaces BPSU-O/BPSU-36 or
BPSU-12 this working mode is also possible,
however they are not required.
 Storage mode
 The outlet of the LC-detector is connected to the sample
loops of the BPSU-36 or BPSU-12.
 A LC-detector ( normally UV ) is used to detect peaks
eluting from the column.
 A detected peak is moved into one of the sample loops
without interrupting the chromatography.
 When the chromatography is completed, the HPLC
pump is used to transfer the peaks from the loops into
the NMR probe.
 Equipment:
 Any HPLC system
 pump under control of BRUKER Chromatography
software for transfer
 LC-NMR Probe
 BPFU-36, BPSU-12
 Controlling station with BRUKER Chromatography
LC-NMR interface

 For LCNMR work an interface is

 This interface has to control the flow
path during the experiments.
 It has to divert the flow from the pump
and the detector to the desired targets.
 It also is used to position and keep the
peaks/fractions at the desired positions
for storage or measurement.
The BRUKER Peak Stop Flow Unit ( BSFU )

 It contains a motor driven, computer controlled

 It is designed to allow LCNMR experiments in
 on-flow and stop-flow mode
 The software controlling the device is HyStar® or
 Chromstar in combination with BSFU program.
 The Bruker Peak Sampling Unit with 12 loops
 High Performance model for SPE and micro LC) (BPSU-12
 allows –on flow, stop-flow, loop-sampling, loop-transfer
and chromatography only mode.
 It has 12 build in sample loops.
 A manual injector and a column holder is also included.
 sample is directly submitted to the NMR
spectrometer or intermediately stored in sample loops.
 operation is totally under control of HyStar®
 Manual injection (without auto sampler HPLC). The twelve
sample loops hold a sample volume of 240μl each.
 Fractions from a chromatographic separation can be stored
an transferred to the NMR later.
 The BPSU-12 HP uses high pressure valves and capillaries.
 compatible with the LC-SPE-NMR interface
LC-NMR Automation

 The BRUKER chromatography software HyStar or Chromstar with BPSU-

12 or BSFU is able to perform automatic peak detection.
 Also the NMR software contains programs enabling automated acquisition
of the LC-NMR spectra.
 The combination of those programs is able to run LC-NMR in full
 The chromatography software detects peaks, moves them into the NMR
probe and signals the NMR-software that the sample is ready.
 All information about the sample ( retention time etc. ) is transferred to the
 The NMR-software carries out the selected NMR experiments.
 When the experiments for the a sample are completed, the next sample is
requested from the chromatography software.
 By using an autosampler in the chromatographic system it is possible to run
several chromatograms without any user interaction.
 The automation used for LCNMR-software is similar to the automation used
for the BACS automatic sample changer.

1. Identification of drug impurities

2. combinatorial chemistry, phytochemical analysis, drug
3. Characterization of isomers and vitamin A derivatives
4. Charact erization of endogeneous and xenobiotics
metabolites directly from biological fluid
5. able to identify 2-hydroxyibuprofen, carboxyibuprofen,
and unmetabolized ibuprofen molecules from a small urine
sample after a therapeutic dose of ibuprofen.
6. Combination of LC-NMR and LC-MS
7. LC-NMR allowed the differentiation of isomers and
identification without reference compounds
8. LC-NMR MS have identified analogoes of vitamin E of palm
oil extract

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