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• The year 1986 Demarcates the beginning of new scene in the unfolding of narrative
contemporary Philippine literature.

- It saw the fall of the dictatorship that President Marcos set up on September
21, 1972,when he placed the Philippines under Martial rule, initiating a
regime that did not only suppress the writter’s right to free expression but also
created conditions that collaboration cooptation convenient choices for
artists struggling for recognition and survival.
- Writing under the. Martial Law Regime was characterized by militancy
and belligerence , even when it showed up in the legal press.
Especially after the assination Ninoy Aquino in 1983 , the temper of
poetry and theatre derived much of its heat and direction from the
political culture of the underground national democratic movement.
- However, when the enemy were overthrown in 1986, the literary
activity showed a certain disorientation manifesting itself in a
proliferation of concerns taken up by individual writers and groups.
• Post EDSA: 2 Creative Writing centers

-Academic institutions were Creative Writing centers is part of the

- Writers’ organizations that periodically sponsor symposiaon writer or set up
workshops for its member and other interested parties.
• UMPIL ( Unyon ng mga Manunulat ng Pilipino )
• PANULAT ( Pambansang Unyon ng mga Manunulat )
• Panday lipi
• GAT ( Galian sa Arte )
• Katha
• LIRA ( Linangan sa Imahe , Retorika at Anyo )
• GUMIL ( Gunglo Dagiti Manunurat nga Ilokano )
• LUDABI ( Lubas sa Dalagang Bisaya )
• PEN ( Pen, Essay and Novel )

• La Tondeña, sponsors of the venerable Carlos Palanca Memoria

Awards in Literature , has made the name “ Palanca “ a synonym for
quality literary works in both English and Filipino.
• The Natinal Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCAA) was
created by law in 1992. It has Committeeon Literary Arts which funds
workshops, conferences , publications and a variety of projects
geared towards the production of a “ National Literature “. The
committee has the aim of developing writing that is Multi-
lingual,multi-cultural and truly national.
• Non – governmental organizations have helped hand in hand with some
institutions in giving recognition to writers from specifkc sectors in the society.
These NGO’s includes the Amado V. Hernandez Foundation; the GAPAS
foundation and the KAIBIGAN.

• Campus publications are other group of outlet that is of importance As a

source of non-traditional, experimental writing. These campus publications
could either be a weekly students newspapers, quarterly, magazines,or
annual Literary Journals.
• Overall, the character of the Philippine literary scene after “EDSA”
maybe pinpointed be referring to the theories that inform literary
production, to the products issuing from the publishers, to the
dominant concerns demostrated by the writers’ output,and to the
directions towards which literary studies are tending.
Characteristics of post EDSA Literature

1.) There is in the academe an emerging critical orientation that draws

its concerns and insights from the Literary theorizing current in England
and the United States.
2.) Post EDSA publishing has been marked by adventurousness, a
wiilingness to gamble on “non-traditional projects.
3.) The declining prestige of the new creticism, whose rigorous easthetic
norms has previously functioned as a procusteanbed on which filipino
authors and their works were measured, has open a gap in the critical
evaluation of literary works.
4.) The fourth and final characteristic of post EDSA writing is the
development thrust towards the retrieval and the recuperation of
writing in Philippine languages other than tagalog.

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