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Motivational Activity

Individual Work: ½ crosswise

 Do the Vocabulary Exercise on page 147.

 Search the meaning of each word using your
Vocabulary Exercise
• Look up the meaning of the vocabulary words
in the box and then match them with the
sentences that follow.
repressed indecisive docket belfry
winnowing melancholy tranquil

1. When natural calamities strike, we learn how

indecisive leaders.
fatal it is to have _________
2. The poet Rainer Maria Rilke posits that one’s
__________during times of being alone can
be a good way to reveal our innermost
thoughts and emotions.
repressed indecisive docket belfry
winnowing melancholy tranquil

3. Once the docket

_____ is finalized, the complainants
will be informed about the hearings.
4. The ________river
tranquil eased the pain that he felt
after he realized the truth.
5. All that remained after the natural calamity was
the _______that
belfry once stood beside the church.
winnowing is done, we shall get a
6. Once the _________
better view of the grains.
repressed indecisive docket belfry
winnowing melancholy tranquil

Repressed emotions that were never

7. __________
released by any means often resurface in one’s
memory only to find uglier forms of expressions
in the long run.
At the advent of American colonialism,
fiction became one of the most well-read literary
1. A didactic tool for imparting values
2. An apparatus for forming an image of the
great colonizer
3. For Filipinos, to master fiction as literary
Filipino Fictionist considered as the Foundation
in the Philippine literary History

1. Paz Marquez-Benitez
2. Estrella Alfon
3. Arturo Rotor
4. Nick Joaquin
5. Bienvenido N. Santos

“We don’t only tell stories, stories tell us.”

-Chinua Achebe
Sample of Filipino Fictional Works:
1. Dead Star by Paz Marquez-Benitez
• Dead Star (1925) marked the beginning of
high quality writing in English by Filipino
authors. Up until now, this work remains to be
highly favored text.
2. The Runaround by An Mercado-Alcantara
1. It shows how Filipinos mastered the English
2. This story can be an excellent starting point
of art.
Greatest Fictionists as considered by Many
Writers and Critics

1. Loreto Paras-Sulit
2. Paz M. Latorena
3. Arturo B. Rotor
4. Bienvenido N. Santos
 Read the story
titled Dead Stars
by Paz Marquez-
Benitez on pp.
 Group Reading
Group I- Lines 1-20
Group II- Lines 21-40
Group III- Lines 41-60
Group IV- Lines 61-79
Group V- Lines 80-99
 Perform a tableau
manifesting the
lines given.
 20 minutes/group
II. Author’s Background
Paz Marquez-Benitez (1894-1983)
 One of the very first writers who men-
tored by many writers.
 Her work served as a model of what is to be
considered literary.
 A teacher at the University of the Philippines,
teaching short-story writing in the English
 In 1919, she founded Woman’s Home
 Founder of Philippine Women’s College (now
known as Philippine Women’s University.
III. Guide Questions:
1. Briefly describe the nature of stars. Why was
the text titled “Dead Stars?”
2. Is the light of a dead star a reality or simply
an illusion? How could it be related to the
“dream” of Alfredo Salazar?
3. Describe the plot of the story. Is it syuzet or
fabula? How does it contribute to driving
home the point of the story?
4. Briefly describe the following parts,
highlighting their significance.
5. In summary, how would you describe the
character of Alfredo Salazar?
Freytag’s Model: Plot Components
Fabula vs. Syuzhet (Russian Formalism)
 Fabula refers to a simple linear causality
 Syuzhet is a nonlinear presentation of events.
6. What is the conflict in this story?
7. How is Alfredo representative of certain
people, or of a facet in the personhood of
people in general?
8. How is irony at work in this story?
9. What is theme of the story?
Dead Star is a love story about a man named
Alfredo Salazar, who has his fiance in the
person of Esperanza and they have been
engaged for quite some time. Society views
them as an ideal couple. Their wedding is about
to take place in the near future. Prior to the
wedding however, he sees another girl, when
he goes with his father to a judge’s house. He
tries to seek love in her, but she kind a declines.
In that way, Alfredo became a little bit confused
in his upcoming wedding where he is about to
choose between two options; to do what he
should do by marrying Esperanza as prescribed
by his parents or to do what he wants to do by
having Julia Salas, his dream- the dead star in
his life.

Thank you for listening and participating!

Assignment: Typewritten-Short bond paper to
be submitted next meeting. Be ready for the
A. Research the following concepts:
1. Education
2. Appreciation
3. Universalism
4. Multiculturalism
5. Cosmopolitanism
B. Explain and discuss the four pillars of

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