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JULY 24, 2012

Facts of the Case
 Petition was filed by Epifanio B. Muneses with the
Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC) praying that he
be granted the privilege to practice law in the
 Petitioner alleged that he became a member of the
IBP in 1966 but lost such privilege when he became
a citizen of the USA.
Facts of the Case
 On September 15, 2006, he re-acquired his
Philippine citizenship pursuant to R.A. No. 9225
(Citizenship Retention and Re-Acquisition Act of
2003) by taking his oath of allegiance as a Filipino
citizen before the Philippine Consulate General in
Washington, D.C., and he intends to resume the
practice of law.
Issue of the Case
 Whether or not the petitioner be allowed to resume
his practice of law?
Decision of the Court
 Yes, the petition is granted
 The Court reiterates that Filipino citizenship is a
requirement for admission to the bar and is, in fact,
a continuing requirement for the practice of law.
 The loss thereof means termination of the
petitioner’s membership in the bar; ipso jure the
privilege to engage in the practice of law.
Section 2, Rule 138 (Attorneys and Admission to
Bar) of the Rules of Court:

 SECTION 2. Requirements for all applicants for

admission to the bar. – Every applicant for
admission as a member of the bar must be a
citizen of the Philippines, at least twenty-one
years of age, of good moral character, and a
resident of the Philippines; and must produce
before the Supreme Court satisfactory evidence of
good moral character, and that no charges against
him, involving moral turpitude, have been filed or
are pending in any court in the Philippines.
Decision of the Court
 Under R.A. No. 9225, natural-born citizens who
have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of
their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country
are deemed to have re-acquired their Philippine
citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance to the
Decision of the Court
 However the right to resume the practice of law is
not automatic.
 R.A. No. 9225 provides that a person who intends
to practice his profession in the Philippines must
apply with the proper authority for a license or
permit to engage in such practice
Decision of the Court
 The practice of law is a privilege burdened with
 Rigid standards of mental fitness
 maintenance of the highest degree of morality,

 faithful observance of the legal profession,

 compliance with the MCLE requirement

 payment of membership fees to the (IBP)

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