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Specialized Cells

D. Crowley, 2007
Specialized cells
Animal and plant cells are adapted for different functions
The way the cell is formed depends on the job it must perform
What parts of a cell are found within animal cells and plant

Animal cells: -
Cell membrane

Plant cells: -
All of the above +
Cell wall
Large Vacuole

Many organisms are multi-cellular - they are made up of lots of

cells, not just one!
Many of these cells are specialized, sharing the life processes
(they work together as a team, supporting the organism)

Specialized cells occur in both animals and plants…

Animal Cells
The table below shows some specialized animal cells
Animal Cell Cell Diagram Function Specialisation

Red blood To carry oxygen Large surface area for oxygen

cells Hemoglobin which binds the oxygen
Smooth, round to allow for travel
through small vessels
Nerve cell To carry nerve impulses to different Long
parts of the body Connections at each end
Can carry electrical signals

Skin cells To serve as a barrier between your body Like a brick wall…fit together edge to
and outside elements edge

Male To reach the female cell in order to join Long tail for swimming
reproductive with it Head which is able to penetrate the
cell female cell
Plant Cells
The table below shows some specialized plant cells

Plant Cell Cell Diagram Function Specialisation

Root hair To absorb water and minerals Large surface area


Leaf cell To absorb sunlight (needed for Large surface area

photosynthesis) Many chloroplasts (containing
chlorophyll, needed for photosynthesis)
located along edges of cell
Tissue Specialization
Tissue is a group of cells that works
together to perform a specific function
Organ Specialization
Organs are composed of two or more
types of tissue combined to perform a
single task
Organs often contain several types of
Ex: Heart is composed of
muscle,connective,epithelium, and
nervous tissue.

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