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• To appreciate the importance of OSH
and the general management and
• To define OSHS/OSHA
• To understand the Areas of
Responsibility in Safety and Health in an
Why We Study Health and Safety?
• To appreciate importance of safety
• To learn how to prevent, minimize,
or eliminate waste of human
resources caused by industrial
accidents and occupational illness
• To know what business, industry
and the government are doing to
avoid or minimize human
sufferings and loss of earnings
because of accidents or illness in
the industry
To know the duties and
responsibilities of
management, the safety
officer, the medical officers,
and the personnel manager
regarding health and safety

To know the duties,

responsibilities, and obligations
of employees in accident
OSH Standards
• A set of mandatory
rules on OSH which
codifies all safety
orders issued prior to
its promulgation

• Patterned after the

Standards of other
developed countries
Why is OSHS Important to You?
• 4,405 workers were killed on the job in 2013
(3.2 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers)
• An average of nearly 12 workers die every day
• 797 Hispanic or Latino workers were killed
from work-related injuries in 2013
• Nearly 3.0 million serious workplace injuries
and illnesses were reported by private industry
employers in 2012

Importance of Safety
• To eliminate time loss, prevent waste of
human suffering because of industrial
accident or illness.
• To develop in the employee the proper
working attitude to make himself a
healthy and safe worker through the
employee induction and training
program and good supervision
• Organizations have moral and legal
responsibility to ensure the safety
and well being of their members
• Public Policy relative to occupational
illness is expressed in laws such as the
Labor Code of the Philippines, DOLE’s
Occupational Safety and Health
Standards and the Occupational
• Safety and Health Act of 1970 US
History of OSHA
• OSHA stands for the
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, an
agency of the U.S. Department
of Labor
• OSHA’s responsibility is to
improve worker safety and
health protection
 On December 29, 1970, President Nixon signed the
 This Act created OSHA, the agency, which formally
came into being on April 28, 1971
OSHA’s Mission
• The mission of OSHA is to assure safe and
healthful working conditions for working men and
women by setting and enforcing standards and by
providing training, outreach, education and
• Some of the things OSHA does to carry out its
mission are:
– Developing job safety and health standards and
enforcing them through worksite inspections
– Providing training programs to increase
knowledge about occupational safety and health

What Rights Do You Have
Under OSHA?
• You have the right to:
– A safe and healthful workplace
– Know about hazardous chemicals
– Report injury to employer
– Complain or request hazard correction from employer
– Training
– Hazard exposure and medical records
– File a complaint with OSHA
– Participate in an OSHA inspection
– Be free from retaliation for exercising safety and health
• Worker Protection is Law: The Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act)
• OSHA was created to provide workers the right to a
safe and healthful workplace
• It is the duty of the employers to provide
workplaces that are free of known dangers that
could harm their employees
• This law also gives workers important rights to
participate in activities to ensure their protection
from job hazards
• SAFETY-refers to protection of people from
• SECURITY-refers to protection of property from
damage or loss.
• Both are genuine concerns that an organization
should be seriously plan for, fund, and
cautiously address.
Duties of Employer
– Furnish his workers a place of employment
free from hazardous conditions.
– Give complete job safety instructions to all
his workers.
– Comply with the requirements of the
– Use only approved devices & equipment in
his workplace.
Duties of Workers
• Cooperate with the employer in carrying out the
provisions of the Standards.

• Report any work hazard in the workplace.

• Make proper use of all safeguards & safety devices

furnished in accordance with the provisions of
OSHS for his protection & the protection of others.

• Follow all instructions by the employer in

compliance with the OSHS provisions.
Three categories of
Workplace accidents

• Employee error
• Equipment insufficiency
• Procedure insufficiency
Employee Error
• Mistakes such as misjudgement situation
• Distractions by others
• Inappropriate working condition
• Knowingly using defective equipment
Equipment insufficiency
• Use of inappropriate equipment
• Safety devices being removed or
• Lack of protective clothing
Procedure inefficiency
• Failure of
procedure of
eliciting warning
of hazard
• Inappropriate
procedure for
Who are involved in Safety and
Health Problems?
• Human Resource
– Develop and evaluate various
safety and health programs such
as safety incentive, training and
employee wellness programs
– Responsible for ensuring
compliance to health and safety
• Manager
• Must emphasize safety
during orientation training
and by constantly
reminding their workers of
its importance
• Must ensure that workers
are doing their job safely
• Investigate accidents to
prevent future occurrence
of similar accidents
Just Remember….
An ounce of
worth a pound of

Department of Labor and Employment


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