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Maximum Height of
1. The maximum height and number of storeys of proposed building shall
be dependent upon the character of use or occupancy and the type of
construction, considering end-user population density, light and
ventilation, width of RROW/streets particularly of its roadway/carriageway
component, building bulk, off-street cum off-site parking requirements,
etc. and in relation to local land use plan and zoning regulations as well as
other environmental considerations
• 2. Determination of Building Height:
a. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - the maximum height to be
allowed for buildings/structures based on their proposed use or
occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application
of other development controls (DC) and certain other parameters,
i.e., considerations of site conditions, view, etc. The BHL shall be
generally measured from the established grade line to the topmost
portion of the proposed building/structure. If applicable, the BHL
may be subject to clearance requirements of the Air
Transportation Office (ATO) or of the concerned military/security
authorities. BHL excludes the height of permitted/allowed
projections above the roof of the building/structure, e.g., signage,
mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons and the like.
b. The Building Height Limit (BHL) of any proposed building/structure shall
only be as allowed under this Rule or under the duly approved
city/municipal (local) zoning ordinance, whichever is more restrictive.
a. Establishing Grade
- In case of sloping grade where the
edges of the building footprint running
perpendicular to the RROW has a
difference in elevation of less than
3.00 meters, the highest adjoining
natural grade (ground surface) or
finished grade (sidewalk surface)
shall be considered the
established grade elevation
-In case of sloping grade where the
edges of the building footprint (AMBF)
running perpendicular to the RROW
has a difference in elevation
of more than 3.00 meters, the average
grade level of the building footprint
(AMBF) shall be considered the
established grade elevation; and
-The building/structure height shall be
measured from the highest adjoining
public sidewalk (finished grade) or
ground surface (natural grade); Provided,
that the height measured from the lowest
adjoining surface shall not exceed such
maximum height by more than 3.00 meters;
Except, that towers, spires and steeples, erected
as parts of the building and not used for habitation
or storage are limited as to the height only by
structural design, if completely of incombustible materials, or may extend
but not exceed 6.00 meters above the prescribed building height limit (BHL)
for each occupancy group, if of combustible materials
The height of buildings should also be generally proportional to its
base/footprint. In practice, a smaller footprint cum taller profile for a
building is resorted to in order to preserve as much of the open space
within a lot (or surrounding the building) as much as possible.
• 3. Other Considerations in Height Determination
a. In any given locality, the height of proposed buildings/structures shall be
governed by the following factors:
i. The designer/space planner must consider both the present and
projected population density within the project site and in the project’s
location/area at full completion/operation of the project;
ii. For a given volume of building/structure, that which has a lesser
Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) or area of ground coverage Allowable
Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) or Maximum Allowable Construction
Area (MACA) may be built higher than that with a greater PSO, AMBF or
iii. A proposed building/structure which has a greater TGFA requirement shall
be built higher than that with a lower TGFA requirement;
iv. A proposed building/structure on a lot with a higher FLAR
designation/rights may be built higher than that on a lot with a lower FLAR
designation/rights; and
v. Lots that face a wider RROW and therefore with more RROW
features/elements may become the site of a taller building/structure as
compared to a lot facing a narrow RROW.
b. The height of proposed buildings/structures shall also be governed by the
following RROW based limitations:
i. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 6.00 to 7.00 meters
wide, a BHL of three (3) storeys (or 9.00 meters maximum) shall be observed
regardless of use or occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like
ii. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 4.00 to 5.00 meters
wide, a BHL equivalent to 2 ½ storeys (or 7.50 meters maximum) shall be
observed regardless of use or occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage
and like considerations. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only
3.00 meters wide or less, a BHL equivalent to two (2) storeys (or 6.00 meters
maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or occupancy, lot size, lot
dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.
iii. Taller buildings are allowed for duly approved high-density developments
such as Planned Unit Development (PUD) areas. Taller and bulkier buildings
are better suited in such areas due to higher end-user targets, more
advanced and coordinated planning efforts and the application of more
stringent development controls (DC) by the project proponents themselves.
c. The following factors shall also be considered in the determination of the
building height:
i. Soil characteristics, lot location in relation to fault lines and earthquake
belts or proximity to volcanoes and other geological conditions.
ii. Hydrological conditions such as the water table at the site and distance to
waterways and shorelines.
iii. Meteorological conditions such as the frequency and intensity of
destructive typhoons/monsoon winds/rains, prevailing wind speed and
direction, relative humidity, amount of precipitation and the prevailing
ambient conditions.
iv. Effect/s of environmental conditions on the building/structure and vice
versa coupled with the effective control of air, noise and thermal pollution,
radiant heat, lights and shadows, etc., and the optimization of natural light
and ventilation.
v. Effect/s of traffic conditions on the building/structure and vice versa and
the satisfaction of parking/loading requirements in accordance with this
vi. Availability and capacity of public utility/service system considering the
availability and adequacy of electric power, potable and non-potable water
supply, drainage and sewerage, transportation and communications facilities,
solid waste management system, etc.
vii. Need for applicable building safety and maintenance systems, e.g.,
lightning arresters, beacons, protective railings and barriers, gondolas,
window washing systems, etc.
d. In accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) where the Philippines is a member
state and of Administrative Order No. 5 (Civil Air Regulation) of the Air
Transportation Office (ATO), the following rules and regulations shall govern the
construction of buildings/structures within the 24.00 kilometer radius of
aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operate and within the 10.00 kilometer
radius of aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operate.
i. The height of buildings/structures within this area shall be limited by an
imaginary line with slope of 2% or 1:50 for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft
operate and 2.5% or 1:40 for aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operate
from the inner edge reckoned from the surface of the runway.
ii. No new buildings/structures shall be allowed within the runway strip.
iii. A height clearance certificate shall be first secured from the Air
Transportation Office (ATO) before a building permit may be issued for the
construction of buildings/structures located:
(a) Within 4.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome
regardless of height;
(b) From 4.00 kilometer to 24.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an
aerodrome where turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters in
height above the elevation of the runway; and
(c) From 4.00 kilometer to 10.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an
aerodrome where no turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters
in height above the elevation of the runway.

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