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FSSC 22000 : A GFSI Requirement

-Akhilesh Dhar Diwedi

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Main Points:

 Abbreviations used
 What is GFSI?
 What are different food safety systems?
 ISO and its functioning
 Certification process for a manufacturer
 The role of BIS, National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies India
(NABCB), The Quality Council of India (QCI) FSSAI
 What is FSSC 22000 ?
 ISO 22000 Requirements
 Pre requisite Programmes
 FSMS at Barwani
1.Hazard Analysis
2.OPRP and CCPs

Abbreviations Used
1. HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
2. PRP Pre-requisite Program
3. OPRP Operational Pre-requisite program
4. MRM Management Review Meeting
5. CCP Critical Control Point
6. OAIL Olam Agro India Limited
7. RM Raw Material
8. FG Finished good
9. NCR Non-conforming Report
10. NCP Non-conforming product
11. CAR Corrective action report
12. SOP Standard Operating Procedure
13. IA Internal Audit
14. HM HACCP Manual
15. GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
16. GAP Good Agricultural Practice
17. GHP Good Hygiene Practice
18 QMS Quality Management System
19. CM Control Measure
20. ISO International Organization of standardization
GFSI ( Global Food Safety Initiatives)
In May 2000, following a number of food safety incidents, the CEO’s of a group of
international retailers, under (The Consumer Goods Forum) identified the need to enhance
food safety, ensure consumer protection and to strengthen consumer confidence.

The GFSI, a non-profit foundation, created under Belgian law, which sets the
requirements for food safety scheme. .Now a part of Consumer Goods Forum.

GFSI benchmarks the various food safety standards against a basic set of criteria.

Standards meeting the criteria are recognized.

Many large retailers and manufacturers are requesting GFSI recognized certification from
their suppliers
The Objective and Elements of GFSI
1. Reduce food safety risks by delivering equivalence and convergence between effective
food safety management systems

2. Manage cost in the global food system by eliminating redundancy and improving
operational efficiency

3. Develop competencies and capacity building in food safety to create consistent and
effective global food systems

4.Provide a unique international stakeholder platform for collaboration, knowledge

exchange and networking

The Elements of GFSI

1. Best Practice
2. GFSI Recognized Schemes
3. ISO Standard: ISO22000
4. Legislation -.Food Laws
5. Codex –HACCP Principles - GMP

The different food safety systems:
• 1938 Good Manufacturing Practices are enforced by the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) as a result of 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
• 1960s Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles created.
• 1998 First British Retail Consortium (BRC) standard introduced (now a GFSI approved
• Late 1990s GlobalGAP launched (originally as EurepGAP).
• May 2000 Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) founded. One of GFSI’s main objectives is
to benchmark food safety management schemes with an aim towards convergence
between food safety standards

1995 Safe Quality Food (SQF) standard launched (a GFSI approved standard).

2004 International Food Standard (IFS) launched (a GFSI approved standard).

2004 Foundation for Food Safety Certification founded. 2005 ISO 22000:2005 issued, not
approved by GFSI due to lack of sufficient prerequisite programmes.

The different food safety systems…
• 2007 Top seven retailers agree to reduce duplication in the supply chain through the
commonacceptance of any of the GFSI benchmarked schemes (BRC, IFS, SQF or Dutch

2008 PAS 220:2008 issued as a way to establish sufficient prerequisite programmes for
ISO 22000:2005. 2009 FSSC 22000 issued as a combination of ISO 22000:2005 and PAS

May 2009 Content of FSSC 22000 approved by GFSI. Feb 2010 FSSC 22000 fully
recognised by GFSI.
Note :
1. Global Food Standard (BRC) The BRC (British Retail Consortium)
2. Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000-(ISO22000+ PAS220)
3. The International Features Standard (IFS)-German
4. Safe Quality Food (SQF) 2000 Standard –Autralia
5. Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS)-Denmark

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Various food Safety Systems

– HACCP Certification
– ISO 22000:2005 – FSMS
– FSSC 22000
– FamiQS
– GMP and cGMP as per USFDA
– BRC-Food and BRC-IOP BRC Pakaging
– Kosher
– Halal
– IFS Food Certification
– FSSAI Food Licence
– FSSAI Food Product Approval
– Hindu Praman Certific

Process for an ISO standard issuance:
• The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) creates many different types of
– ISO is made up of standards institutes from 163 different countries
– Member countries work together to develop and approve standards
• ISO Members
– Primary Members-Countries National body for standarization viz-BIS
– Secondry Members-Individual organization (Trade,Industry,commerse) of national
characteristics viz: FICCI,CII, NESCOM.
• Felt Need Application
• Decision Making
• Technical Committee
• Drafting International Standards
• Primary Members Vote-70% Votes with condition
• Primary Members Vote-70% Votes without condition
• Issue of ISO Standard

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Information about various organizations

• The Indian Standards Institution (ISI) -in 1947 as a registered society, under a
Government of India resolution.
• Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 –(BIS-1988)
• FSSAI was established by Government of India on 5 September 2008 under
Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
• National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies India (NABCB)
• The FSS Act is a bucket for all the older laws, rules and regulations for food
safety. The FSS Act took 8 older acts into one umbrella.
– Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 [16]
– Fruit Products Order, 1955 [17]
– Meat Food Products Order, 1973 [18]
– Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, 1947
– Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order 1988 [19]
– Solvent Extracted Oil, De- Oiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) Order, 1967 [20]
– Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992.[21]

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PDCA /Deming's cycle:

/ Deming

1.PDCA is preventive action oriented approach used to reduce quality defect of any
problem statement.
2.This is intended for continual improvement.
3.Basic methodologies for any food safety system.
HACCP(Hazard analysis and critical
control points)
• Hazards
• Types of Hazards (Physiscal,Chemical,biological ,(allergen))
• Flow chart
• Hazard analysis
• Risk evaluation RISK = OCCURRENCE x SEVERITY
• Develop control measures for eacha hazard
• Signify OPRPs and establish OPRP plan
• Sgnify CCPs and establish CCP plan
• Validate the control measures for OPRP and CCP
• Verify the control maesures for OPRP and CCP

What is FSSC 22000?
A set of requirements for a Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
It was developed to fill the need for a worldwide Food Safety Standard
ISO 22000
Applies to all stages of the supply chain
Is aligned with ISO 9001 to enhance compatibility with existing
management system
FSSC 22000 (ISO 22000+ PAS 220 rquirements-PRPs)
Applies to Food Manufacturers
Contains the requirements of ISO 22000 and the ISO/TS 22002-1, or
ISO/TS 22002-4.ISO/TS 22002-1contains specific requirements for
prerequisite programs (PRPs). The ISO/TS 22002-4 contains PRP
requirements for Food Packaging Manufacturers

Certification process for a manufacturer
• Implementing ISO 22000 & PAS 220 ( Including documentation,infrastructure
and fixing responsibilities)
• Meeting FSSC 22000 scheme requirements – (ISO 22000 – ISO 22003 – ISO
17021 – Additional scheme requirements )
• Certification by an approved Certification Body
• Minor and major non conformities
• Report and Certificate (with FSSC logo)
Approval from Acredition body
• Registration on website
• Validity certificate: 3 years
• Annual surveillance audit, 3 yearly renewal
• Extra audit time is given for PAS 220, 0.5-1 day totally (depending on the size
of the company).

What is ISO 22000?

• ISO 22000 Standards

– Section 1: Scope
– Section 2: Normative Reference
– Section 3: Terms & Definitions
– Section 4: General Requirements
– Section 5: Management Responsibility
– Section 6: Resource Management
– Section 7: Planning & Realization of Safe Products
– Section 8: Validation, Verifi cation & Improvement
(Section 4 to8 contain general requirements)

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Requirements of ISO 22000

• 1.0 Scope
• 2.0 Normative Reference
• 3.0 Terms and Definition
• 4.0 Food safety management system
– 4.1General requirements
– 4.2 Documentation requirements
– 4.2.1-General
– 4.2.2Control of documents
– 4.2.3Control of records

Requirements of ISO 22000?
• 5.0 Management responsibility
– 5.1 Management commitment
– 5.2 Food safety Policy
– 5.3 Food safety management system planning
– 5.4 Responsibility and authority
– 5.5 Food safety team leader
– 5.6 Communication
– 5.6.1 External communication
– 5.6.2 Internal communication
– 5.7 Emergency preparedness and response
– 5.8 Management review
– 5.8.1 General
– 5.8.2 Review input
– 5.8.3 Review output

Requirements of ISO 22000?
• 6.0 Resource Management
– 6.1 Provision of resources
– 6.2 Human resources
– 6.2.1 General
– 6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
– 6.3 Infrastructure
– 6.4 Work environment

Requirements of ISO 22000?
• 7.0Planning and realization of Safe Products
– 7.1 General
– 7.2 Prerequisite programmes(PRPs)
– 7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
– 7.3.1General
– 7.3.2 Food safety team
– 7.3.3 Product Characteristics
– Materials, Ingredients and product contact materials
– Characteristics of end product
– 7.3.4 Intended Use
– 7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures

Requirements of ISO 22000?
– Diagrams
– of process steps and control measures
– 7.4Hazard analysis
– 7.4.1General
– 7.4.2Hazard analysis and determination of acceptable levels
– 7.4.3Hazard assessment
– 7.4.4Selection and assessment of control measures
– 7.5Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes(PRPs)
– 7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan
– 7.6.1 HACCP plan
– 7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)
– 7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points
– 7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points

Requirements of ISO 22000?
– 7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
– 7.7 Updating of preliminary information and documents specifying the PRPs and the
HACCP plan
– 7.8 Verification planning
– 7.9 Traceability System
– 7.10Control of non-conformity
– 7.10.1Corrections
– 7.10.2Corrective actions
– 7.10.3Handling of potentially unsafe products
– for release
– of nonconforming products
– 7.10.4 Withdrawals

Requirements of ISO 22000?
• 8 Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety management
– 8.1General
– 8.2Validation of control measure combinations
– 8.3Control of monitoring and measuring
– 8.4Food safety management system validation
– 8.4.1Internal audit
– 8.4.2Evaluation of individual verification results
– 8.4.3Analysis of results of verification activities
– 8.5Improvement
– 8.5.1Continual improvement
– 8.5.2Updating the food safety management system

PRP Requirements / GMP / PAS 220
Requirements /TS-1 Standards
1. Construction and layout of buildings 9. Personnel hygiene and employee
2. Layout of premises and workspace
10. Rework
3. Utilities - air, water, energy
11. Recall and withdrawal
4. Waste disposal
12. Warehousing
5. Equipment suitability, cleaning and
6. Management of purchased materials 13. Product information
7. Management of cross contamination 14. Food defense
8. Pest control

• OAIL Barwani follows 3 tier structure for documentation
– Policy
– HACCP Manual
– Departmental SOPs & its record

Presentation Title

OPRP and CCP at Barwani
Assessment of Control Measures
Assessment Management

Criteria (Levels of
Step 1:Low/ 2:Medium/
Process step Significant Hazard Control measure CCP OPRP
No 3: High
15 and
a b c d e f g more
than 15
than 15
14-A Dosing of Biocide in Biological Contamination Use of Biocide 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 13 OPRP-1
Mixed juice
25 Evaporation of Juice Microbiological Hazard (Yeast Maintaining the 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 12 OPRP-2
& Mould) required temp of steam
from the turbine/Boiler.

38. Magnet Assembly at Physical Contamination of The product is passed 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 12 OPRP-3

Hopper Ferrous Metal over magnet of
strength of min. 12000
46. Sieving at Grader Physical: Wire from worn out Replacement of Sieve 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 13 OPRP-4
screen, Rubber Pieces of of 5,9,12,16 meshes
groove mat (Sieve Holder), once in two months.
Side sealing.
51. Metal Detector Foreign Material – 1.9 mm Fe, The product is through 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 16 CCP-1
2.4 NFe and 4.0 SS metal detector

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