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DIFFERENT WORLD COUNTRIES – “Do not waste your waste”


MUP/10008/ 18



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• Emergent urbanization and changes in the pattern of life, give rise to

generation of increasing quantities of wastes and it’s now becoming another threat to
our already degraded environment.

• With the unplanned urbanizations and rapid growth of middle class families
with changing lifestyles, most of the countries are facing an enormous challenge of
managing urban waste.

• At this time the world is now facing an extreme situation of waste management
from both the side i-e from industrialization and municipal waste management
especially in under developed and developing countries. Current paces of urbanization,
consumerist societies and waste generation have challenged global sustainability in
many ways.

• However, in recent years, many programs were undertaken for the control of
urbanization in the world

• Predictions on global waste generation levels are presented in figure below:

•A study conducted by the World Bank, reveals that urban areas in Asia generate
about 760,000 tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and in 2025 it is
expected to reach 1.8 million tonnes of waste or 5.2 million m3 of waste per day.



01 Waste Characteristics 1d Architecture

Perishable (Mud, Bamboo, Thatch)/ Non-
3a Service Level
The frequency and convenience of
perishable materials (RCC, BRICKS) of
construction the waste collection service

Cooking and Eating

1a Habits
Vegetables or Non-Vegetables/ 02 Climate
Different types of climate in different world
Labour Costs and Unemployment
Low-income countries: large pools of
unemployed laborers , willing to work for
Poultry region, Seasonal variations in rainfall and
very low salaries whereas industrialized
temperature: impact on crop yields and
Fresh or Canned and Packed food countries have developed capital- intensive
technologies for collecting solid waste

1b Difference in Lifestyles
Income Levels, Literacy
2a Geography and Topography
Compositional variation
3c Willingness to Pay
Conviction of municipal authorities providing
a waste collection service without charging
Levels due to change in hilly, directly for. People are accustomed to making
coastal, desert areas etc their own arrangements for waste collection
and paying for this service directly

1c Recycling and Reuse

Reduction in amount of Waste that
03 Social and Economic Factors
Apart from the nature of the waste, there
3d Environmental Awareness
extending the boundaries of environmental
goes for disposal to landfillls are other impacts of social and economic concern, from neighborhood to nation, and
factors which must be considered when now, with the concern about climate change,
designing a system. to the global level, but at different speeds in
different countries

Traditional Core
Layout of Roads areas
Temperatures and street (CBD)
pattern City fringes
Service Level
The frequency and convenience of the waste collection service that is expected
by the population cannot be ignored when planning collection systems.
Many residents of Cairo expect a daily collection service, the waste being
picked up outside the apartment door, even on the tenth floor. In contrast, residents in
Switzerland are prepared to carry their waste to a shared container at street level,
whereas Cairo residents are reluctant to be seen carrying their wastes. Householders in
England are becoming accustomed to having their non-recyclable waste (including
kitchen wastes) being collected once every two weeks. The ambient temperature has a
strong influence on the length of time that food wastes can be stored and therefore on
the frequency at which they should be collected.


City, Country Population GDP per capita (USD) Human

(UNDP, 2009)
Development Index

Adelaide, Australia 1,089,728 39,066 0.970

Rotterdam, 582,949 46,750 0.964
San Francisco, USA 835,364 45,592 0.956
Tompkins County, USA 101,136 45,592 0.956

In order to make comparison possible Varna, Bulgaria 313,983 5,163 0.840

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2,452,617 6,855 0.813
among vastly different cities from all over
Canete, Peru 48,892 3,846 0.806
the world, a diverse combination of 20 Curepipe, Mauritius 83,750 5,383 0.804
cities are listed in the table: Kunming, China 3,500,000 2,432 0.772
Sousse, Tunisia 173,047 3,425 0.769
Quezon City, 2,861,091 1,639 0.751
Managua, Nicargua 1,002,882 1,022 0.699
Bangaluru, India 7,800,000 1,046 0.612
Delhi, India 13,850,507 1,046 0.612
Ghorahi, Nepal 59,156 367 0.553
Dhaka, Bangladesh 7,000,000 431 0.543
Nairobi, Kenya 4,000,000 645 0.541
Moshi, Tanzania 183,520 400 0.530
Lusaka, Zambia 1,500,000 953 0.481
Bamako, Mali 1,809,106 556 0.371
Average 2,462,386 10,610 0.717
Median 1,046,305 2036 0.760

Source: UN-Habitat’s Third Global Report on Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities10 “Solid Waste Management in the World’s Cities”

 Components of the Physical System

1. Waste quantities and composition

As one of the first steps in addressing waste management and recycling systems in reference cities, the municipal waste includes : household
waste, institutional (office), commercial (shops, markets), small businesses, street cleansing and maintenance of public spaces.

2. Collection

• Waste collection is one of the most visible urban services. Cities in high-income countries and former socialist countries such as China and
Bulgaria reach a complete 100% coverage. In countries such as China and Bulgaria receive waste collection services irrespective of their social

• The cities in low-income countries with GDP under 1,000 USD per capita, including Lusaka, Ghorahi, Dhaka, Bamako, Moshi, and
Nairobi, are still struggling to provide adequate waste collection and street sweeping services to their citizens.

• In their efforts they are partnering with diverse stakeholders, ranging from the private sector, community based organizations (CBOs), and the
informal sector and their associations, with varying success.

• Waste management systems in low-income countries have often failed due to use of imported vehicles and equipment (often purchased or
donated by donor-funded projects or public private partnerships, PPPs), for which spare parts and servicing facilities are not locally available.
3. Disposal
The findings regarding waste disposal in 20 reference cities encompass the entire range of
possibilities, including uncontrolled open dumping in Bamako and controlled dumping at officially
recognised dumpsites (developed over time and now used in absence of a better alternative) such as
Dandora in Nairobi, Pampa Arena in Canete, and La Chureca in Managua

Improvements at Payatas dumpsite of Metro Manila situated in Quezon City, Philippines, are a
direct result of policies and actions taken following the collapse of Payatas in 2000, which resulted in
the deaths of 300 waste pickers.

In Moshi, Tanzania, due to financial constraints, the upgrade level achieved at the new disposal
site at Kaloleni is mainly in terms of operation practices – expressed as 3Cs: Confine, Compact,
Cover – rather than engineering controls installed.

Nonetheless, this is an important step away from indiscriminate open dumping, and towards
adequate environmental protection.

4. Resource Recovery
The highest material recovery rates have been identified in the cities where resource value is the
main driver governing current developments in solid waste management. In Bamako, Mali, as in
much of West Africa, raw organic waste is sold to grain farmers while partly decomposed organic
waste (called fumure) is sold to the vegetable farmers in the floodplain of the Niger River. In itself,
this traditional system of nutrient recovery would constitute a global good practice for others to
learn from.
At the other end of the modernisation range, the U.S. cities of San Francisco
and Ithaca in Tompkins County, and the Australian city of Adelaide are reaching
similarly high recovery rates, in the region of 55 to 70%.

This is due to their strong commitment to ‘zero waste’ policies and

accompanying schemes for separate collection of organic waste and recyclables,
which have in part developed as a way to divert waste from costly disposal at local
state-of-the-art landfills.

Problems – amounting to a crisis– with severe lack of disposal capacities

have accelerated adoption and implementation of Zero Waste Resource
Management policies in Quezon City as a part of Metro Manila, the Philippines.

In some of the reference cities resource management is still a completely

separate set of activities and has virtually no relationship to the municipal solid
waste system.

In a populous country like China, resource management has always been

considered as one of the most important economic activities. Therefore, recycling
is under the Ministry of Commerce whereas municipal solid waste management
is under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (widely known
as the Ministry of Construction).


Poor governance is a major reason why cities’ solid waste and other urban systems fail.
In examining governance aspects, focus is on inclusivity of users and service
providers, financial sustainability, and the strength of the institutional
Waste Composition
• Generally, all low and middle income countries have a high
percentage of compostable organic matter in the urban waste stream,
ranging from 40 to 85 percent of the total.
• The percentage of consumer packaging wastes increases relative
to the population’s degree of wealth and urbanization.
• The presence of paper, plastic, glass, and metal becomes more
prevalent in the waste stream of middle and high income countries.

Waste Trends
• Waste quantities are inextricably linked to economic activity and resource consumption.

• Japan has experienced waste trends comparable to the United States over the past two decades. Waste quantities were rising until 1970,
declined temporarily after the 1973 energy crisis, and then rose again slightly. As the economy prospered in the late 1980’s, waste quantities
increased sharply.

• However, since 1990, generation rates have stabilized due to an economic slow- down and the implementation of waste reduction
policies. Historical waste generation patterns of both developed and developing countries, economic trends, and population predictions, and per
capita municipal solid waste generation rates and compositions are estimated for Asian countries in 2025.

• The urban areas of Asia produce about 760,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) per day, or approximately 2.7
million m3 per day.

• In 2025, this figure will increase to 1.8 million tonnes of waste per day, or 5.2 million m3 per day.

• These estimates are conservative; the real values are probably more than double this amount.

• Local governments in Asia currently spend about US $25 billion per year on urban solid waste management.

• This amount is used to collect more than 90 percent of the waste in high income countries, between 50 to 80 percent in
middle income countries, and only 30 to 60 percent in low income countries.

• Individuals living in Indian urban areas use nearly twice as many resources per capita than those living in a rural
setting. Because they consume and generate more solid waste.

• This difference between rural and urban waste generation rates also exists in other Asian countries, such as in Bangladesh,
where the rural population generates only 0.15 kg per capita per day, while their urban counterparts generate 0.4 to 0.5 kg
per capita per day.
Urban Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Generation in Selected Asian Countries

Type of income Country GNP per capita (US$) Current urban MSW
Low-income Nepal 200 0.50
Bangladesh 240 0.49
• The high income Myanmar 240 0.45
countries show the greatest
Vietnam 240 0.55
generation rates, which
India 340 0.46
vary from 1.1 to 5.07 kg
per capita per day.
Laos 350 0.69
• Hong Kong China 620 0.79
generates enormous Sri Lanka 700 0.89
quantities of construction Low-income country’ average 490 0.64
and demolition waste, Middle income Indonesia 980 0.64
which explains their Philippines 1050 0.52
exceptionally high per
Thailand 2740 1.10
capita MSW generation
Malaysia 3890 0.81
rate in comparison to
other countries.
Middle-income country’s average 1410 0.73
High-income Republic of Korea 9700 1.59
Hong Kong 22990 5.07
Singapore 26730 1.10
Japan 39640 1.47
High-income country’s average 30990 1.64

03 04

Our country is drowning in its own garbage! India generates about 62 SWM GOOD PRACTICES BY
million tonnes of garbage every year. Just the metros alone, like Delhi, DIFFERENT WORLD COUNTRIES
Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata generate about 10
million tonnes of garbage every day. What makes it worse is that, out of the
60 million tonnes, 45 million tonnes of garbage remains untreated. To put
that in perspective, that is untreated garbage piled on to 3 million trucks.
Just in case you are imagining how much waste that is – If these 3 million
trucks were laid end to end, they would cover half the distance between
the earth and the moon. To put it in another way, that’s the distance you
would cover if you made 15 trips between Mumbai and Los Angeles. If we
go on at this rate, then urban India will generate 160.5 million tonnes per
year by 2041.

1. Put The Plastic For Recycling And Get A Reward – Columbia’s 2. In Indonesia, People Can Trade Trash For Free Health Care
Recycling Solution

4. An Amusement Park From Trash – Uganda’s Mantra To Deal With Waste

5. Semakau Landfill: Not Just A ‘Rubbish Island’

•More than half of the world’s waste — 59% of it, in fact — ends up in landfill .

It sounds incredible, but Sweden has run out of •But Sweden is setting an example for the rest of the world.
trash and is actually asking other countries for
their garbage so as it can keep its recycling plants • Less than 1% of Sweden’s household waste ends up in landfills.
• Of the 4.4 million tons of household waste produced by the nation every year, 2.2
million are converted into energy by the process of waste-to-energy (WTE).
Less than one percent of Sweden’s household • Before this process starts, home and business owners filter and separate the waste into
waste goes into the landfill dump; the rest is hazardous wastes and recyclable material, which are then sent to different waste-
recycled in different ways. management systems, like incinerators and recycling, and a small amount to landfills.
The 32 waste management plants in Sweden • The waste that is recycled is essentially used as a resource, converted into district heating,
today produce heat for 810,000 Swedish electricity, biogas, and biofertilizer.
households and electricity for about 250,000 • Swedish law also makes the waste producers responsible for handling all costs related to
private houses. the collection and recycling or disposing of their products.
• In 1975, only 38% of household waste was recycled in Sweden, but now Sweden is aiming
So what did Sweden do differently?
towards a zero waste future by 2020.
The country has adopted a recycling policy which • Sweden’s waste management system has turned it into a global leader, and it recovers
funnels all the energy generated by burning waste more energy from each tonne of waste than any other country.
into the national heating network. This provides • In fact, the Scandinavian country has become so good at waste management that it imports
an efficient way to heat homes through the nearly 800,000 tons of waste from countries like the UK, Norway, Italy, and Ireland to
freezing Swedish winter. feed its 32 WTE plants.
• By not wasting its waste and recycling 99% of it, Sweden is on its way to achieving zero
waste, and sustainable energy by 2020.
OVERVIEW OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Overview of Solid-Waste Management in China
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK IN FEW ASIAN • With a dense population and limited land space, the Republic of
COUNTRIES China faces the environmental burden of growing waste volumes.

Republic of China • This has resulted in a very undesirable situation. In earlier times,
garbage was mostly disposed of in landfills or by dumping it in open
National Environmental Regulatory Framework
• During the decades of rapid economic expansion, the Republic of • The EPA has adopted a strategy favoring incineration as the primary
China paid attention to environmental issues. treatment method for municipal solid waste, with landfill as a
• Environmental Impact Assessment Act (1990) came a full-scale supplement, as treatment-capacity shortage of municipal and industrial
review and revision of all current environmental laws and waste in the late 1990s caused serious illegal dumping problems
regulations. Since the establishment of the EPA on 22 August
1987, a total of 14 sets of laws have been promulgated. • 160 illegal dumping sites were identified by the local authorities in
early days

Statutes establishing the EPA

Environmental Impact Toxic Substance Management Act

Assessment Act
Water Pollution Control Act Statutes Concerning EPA
Inspection Organizations
Solid Waste Disposal Act Statutes Concerning the
Training of Environmental Workers
• Concurrently, the EPA has promulgated the Measures
for General Waste Recycling and Clearance and the Criteria
of Industrial Waste Storage, Removal, and Disposal
Facilities to strengthen general and industrial- waste

• For the purpose of conserving natural resources,

reducing waste generation, promoting materials recycling
and reuse, lessening environmental burden, and
building a society of sustainable resource utilization, the
Resource Recycling Act was passed on 3 July 2002.

• Since 1997 the EPA has promoted the widespread use

of the “Four-in-One Recycling System”.

National Strategic Plan for Solid-Waste

The EPA announced the Three-year Action Plan for Environmental Protection on 15
March 2004. This three-year action plan contains the following six sub-plans.


NATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN Open Information and Full
NATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN Citizen Participation Plan
Industrial-Waste Control and
Environmental Pollution Zero-Waste Strategy
Reducing Plan
Model Environmental
Lifestyles Plan
2 Complete sorting of waste
Monitoring Action Plan
for Zero-Waste Plan

3 5
 Green Productivity Practices and Other
Proactive Measures

1. The Four-in-One Recycling System

• Since 1997 the EPA has been promoting widespread use of the
“4-in-1 Recycling System”.

• The program for carrying out this system involves four parties:
local communities, recycling management organizations,
government trash-treatment crews, and the Recycling Foundation
of the EPA.
 Zero-Waste Plan. This action plan comprises seven major tasks: • The goal is to implement the country’s comprehensive
waste minimization and recycling effectively, and to encourage
(1) garbage sorting, recycling, and reduction, greater public participation. The manufacturers or importers of the
(2) kitchen- waste recycling and reuse, regulated items must register with the EPA, report the amount of
(3) a followup plan for garbage disposal in the Taiwan area, items sold or imported, and pay a recycling fee for such items.
(4) building a new image of municipal solidwaste incineration facilities, Recyclable general waste, which is regulated in the 4-in-1 Recycling

(5) promotion of environmental-protection related hi-tech parks, System, is classified into 15 categories and can be further divided into

(6) promotion of awareness of new items to be stipulated as mandatory recyclables, 32 items, including the following.

(7) raising the recycling rates of the waste items already regulated as mandatory
1. Green M a r k : Green consumption has gradually become a
world trend, and most developed nations have actively
implemented eco-labeling systems. In addition to Green Mark
Products, the EPA announced an application for a second
category of environmental products and actively encouraged
priority procurement of green products by government

2. The Zero-Waste Plan for General Waste: In the

Zero-Waste Plan, general-waste reduction and resource
recycling are two main issues that the EPA is aiming at to
replace the waste-disposal management strategies adopted in
the past. In order to operate in coordination with the incinerator
plants, the EPA will assist local government in the construction
of reusable garbage- separation plants, incineration bottom ash
reclamation plants, and leachate-and septic- treatment plants.
5. WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY - DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 3. Improving final disposal and monitoring
1. European Union The EU has recently approved a directive setting strict guidelines for landfill
Every year about 2 billion tonnes of waste are produced in the European management. It bans certain types of waste, such as used tires, and sets targets for
Union (EU). reducing quantities of biodegradable rubbish. The Union also wants to reduce
emissions of dioxins and acid gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and
The wealthier the European Union becomes, the more waste it generates,
hydrogen chlorides, which can be harmful to human health.
this is the reason for its ambitious aims to face this problem. The European Union's
approach to waste management is based on three principles: Each Member State is required to build its own disposal capacities by the
establishment of a system of national treatment facilities.32
1. Waste prevention
2. Recycling and reuse In this regard, one key principle guiding policy-making process is "Producer
Responsibility", in which producers have to take responsibility for their products
throughout their complete life cycle.
This is a key factor in any waste management strategy and it is
closely linked with improving manufacturing methods and
2. Recycling and reuse

The European Commission has defined several specific 'waste

streams' for priority attention, the aim being to reduce their overall
environmental impact. This includes packaging waste, end-of-life
vehicles, batteries, electrical and electronic waste
3. Improving final disposal and monitoring

The EU has recently approved a directive setting strict

guidelines for landfill management. It bans certain types of
waste, such as used tires, and sets targets for reducing quantities
of biodegradable rubbish. The Union also wants to reduce
emissions of dioxins and acid gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur
dioxides, and hydrogen chlorides, which can be harmful to human

Each Member State is required to build its own disposal

capacities by the establishment of a system of national treatment

The best solution is for the EU is to prevent the production of

such waste, reintroducing it into the product cycle by recycling its
components where there are ecologically and economically viable
methods of doing so.

In this regard, one key principle guiding policy-making

process is "Producer Responsibility", in which producers have to
take responsibility for their products throughout their complete life

Some of the Waste Management
policies are:
2. Germany
• The Landfill Levy: This policy was
introduced to encourage the diversion of waste Germany is a Federal Republic consisting of sixteen Federal States. Responsibility for

away from landfill and generate revenues that waste management and environmental protection is shared between the National Government,

can be applied in support of waste the Federal States and local authorities.

minimization and recycling initiatives. The National Ministry of Environment sets priorities, participates in the enactment of

• The Directive of waste: This Directive laws, oversees strategic planning, information and public relations and defines requirements for

establishes a legal framework for the treatment waste facilities.

of waste within the Community. It aims at There is no national waste management planning in Germany. Instead, each Federal State
protecting the environment and human health develops a waste management plan for its area.
through the prevention of the harmful effects of Germany was the first country in the EU to introduce producer responsibility with a
waste generation and waste management. packaging waste regulation in 1991. According to this principle, which is a core tenet of
• Europe has as a framework for coordinating German waste legislation, the producer of a product is generally responsible for the product
waste management in the Member States in when it becomes waste. .
order to limit the generation of waste and to For waste generated by households, the Recycling Management and Waste Act assigns
optimize the organization of waste responsibility to the local public waste disposal authorities
treatment and disposal.
1. MSW Indicators

• The development of MSW generation per capita in Germany from 2001 to 2010.
• There has been a decrease from 632 kilogram per capita in 2001 to 564 kilogram in 2006.
•The total German generation of MSW decreased from 52.1 million tonnes in 2001 to 46.4 million tonnes in 2006.
• Germany was among the first European countries to introduce policies to limit landfilling in the 1990s.Measures included
schemes for collecting packaging waste, biowaste and waste paper separately.
• The result of this was that by 2001 Germany already recycled about 48 % of municipal waste, whereas approximately
25 % was landfilled and 22 % was incinerated. In 2010, the level of recycling had increased to 62%, landfilling was
almost 0 % and incineration had increased to 37 %.

2. Landfilling of Biodegradable Municipal Waste

• It is a general requirement of the EU Landfill Directive that all Member States have to reduce the amount of
biodegradable municipal waste landfilled (BMW) by a certain percentage by 2006, 2009 and 2016. The targets are related
to the generated German amount of BMW in 1995 (28.4 million tonnes).

• Germany has reported to the Commission that zero tonnes of BMW were landfilled in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
This is due to the fact that Germany introduced a ban on non-pretreated MSW.
Most of the companies in Australia offering waste management are members of the Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA). The Biohazard Waste Industry
Australia and New Zealand (BWI) (formerly ANZCWMIG) is one of the divisions of the WMAA. Waste management policies also take into consideration OHS legislation, Australian
Standards and the requirements of state and territory Environment Protection Authorities. They also have to follow “Extended Producer Responsibility” philosophy
• Principles:

1. Waste management policy should adopt a zero waste goal to conserve natural resources for future generations, avoid the build up of toxic and noxious substances, conserve
water and achieve deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Reducing, reusing and recycling are integral to achieving zero waste.

3. Full social, environmental and economic costs must be taken into account in decisions about creating, managing and disposing of waste.

4. The transportation of hazardous waste must be minimized, and the Australian community must be fully informed about its location, disposal and transportation.

• Policies

National Waste Policy: Less waste, more resources which has been described as the most advanced policy in Australia.

This policy establishes a comprehensive work program for national coordinated action on waste across six key areas: Reducing hazard and risk, Tailoring solutions,
providing the evidence, Taking responsibility, Improving the market, Pursuing sustainability.
Municipal Solid Waste Management in India-Current State
and Future Challenges
India, with a population of over 1.21 billion account for
17.5% of the world population (Census of India 2011).
According to the provisional figures of Census of India
2011, 377 million people live in the urban areas of the
country. This is 31.16 % of the Country’s total
India has 475 Urban Agglomerations (UA), three of
which has population over 10 million.
Table 1 gives the top five UAs in terms of population.
The very high rate of urbanisation coupled with
improper planning and poor financial condition has
made MSW management in Indian cities a herculean

Cities Population

Greater Mumbai UA 18.4 Millions

Delhi UA 16.3 Millions

Kolkata UA 14.1 Millions

Chennai UA 8.7 Millions

Bangalore UA 8.5 Millions

It can be seen that inert materials and compostable matter are decreasing from 56% to
38.61% and 35.42% to 24.28% respectively while paper, glass and plastic showing
increasing trend from 6.29% to 26.66%, 0.57% to 16.53 % and 0.85% to 5.48 %

SOURCE: Rajendra Kumar Kaushal et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology



1994 1999 2008

1994 2000


•Recycled Plastics Manufacture and
Usage Rules (1999) amended and now
known as The Plastics Manufacture and
Usage (Amendment) Rules (2003),

•“Draft Guidelines for Sanitation in

Slaughter Houses (1998)” by Central
Pollution Control Board

•Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control)

Ordinance, 2006

• Generally in India, MSW is disposed off in low-lying areas without
taking proper precautions or operational controls.
• Therefore, municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the
major environmental problems of Indian megacities.

• Most Indian cities, the MSWM system comprises only four

activities, i.e., waste generation, collection, transportation, and

•Poor collection and inadequate transportation causes the

accumulation of MSW at every nook and corner.

• Problem is becoming increasingly expensive and complex due to the

continuous and unplanned growth of urban centres.

• The difficulties in providing the desired level of public service in the

urban centres are often attributed to the poor financial status of the
managing municipal corporations.
Waste is Wealth

In India’s villages, and other rural economies, raw food waste is

worked into the soil around plants or coconut trees, or added into a
backyard pit with the straw bedding from cattle-sheds, to decompose
naturally into compost that is fully used in the fields every monsoon.
Cooked food is rarely wasted, or is fed to livestock. Until plastics
came along to replace leaf or paper packaging, this ancient practice
of returning nutrients to the soil was sustainable, profitable and
On an average municipal solid waste production
in Indian cities ranges from 0.21 to 0.50 Kg per
capita per day in India.
MSW Generation in Indian States
The urban population of India is approx. 341 million
in 2010. 4500
The projected MSW quantities are expected to 3500
increase from 34 million tonnes in 2000 to 83.8
3000 MSW ( T/d)
million tonnes in 2015 and 221 million tonnes in
2030.It is also reported that per capita per day 2500
production will increase to 1.032 kg, and urban 2000
population as 586 million in 2030. MSW generation rate(
1500 gm/capita/d)

Studies have indicated that for every Indian Rs. 1000 increase 0
in income the solid waste generation increases by one
kilogram per month. Indian GDP growing rapidly during last Low Income states Medium Income states High income states
few decades
The quantity of MSW (T/d) and per capita generation rate
is high in high (per capita) income states (Delhi) in
comparison to medium (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, 50
Himachal Pradesh)
and low (per capita) income states (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Paper
Pradesh, Bihar, Manipur) in India Plastic
% Composition 30
20 Glass

10 Inert
Projected Municipal Waste Generations for Urban Population in India food
2.1 MSWM and Economy 1971 1995 2001 2005 others
There is generally a correlation between the amount of municipal waste
and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. Higher the GDP MSW Compositional Changes (1971‐2005) in INDIA
of a country, higher is the quantity of waste produced.
Collections and Storage of MSW

•In India most of the urban areas are lacking in MSW storage at the source, significantly. For both
decomposable and non-decomposable waste common bins are used to collect the waste without any
segregation, and disposed off at a community disposal centre. Two types of storage bins are used-
movable bins and fixed bins.

•Collection of MSW is the responsibility of corporations/municipalities.

•In most of the cities the predominant system of collection (through the communal bins) at
various points along the roads, and sometimes this leads to the creation of unauthorized open
collection points.

•House-to-house collection is just starting in many megacities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore,
Madras and Hyderabad with the help of NGOs.

• Some urban areas are using the welfare associations, on specified monthly payment, to arrange

• Private contractors for secondary transportation from the communal bins or collection points to the
disposal sites, have been employed by many municipalities while other have employed NGOs and
citizen’s committees to supervise segregation and collection.
• The average collection efficiency for MSW in Indian cities and states is about 72%, which shows
that the collection efficiency is high in the states, where private contractors and NGOs are employed
for the collection and transportation of MSW.

•The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has found that manual collection comprises
50%, while collection using trucks comprises only 49%, in a survey of 299 class-I cities in India.
 Characteristics and composition of MSW

As countries develop economically and become more

urbanized, the waste composition undergoes a change
as the increase in the paper, paper packaging,
plastics, multi material packing items and ‘consumer
products and decrease in the organic share.

 Treatments and Disposal of MSW

India is facing the lacking of resources or the

technical expertise necessary to deal with the
disposal of MSW. The disposal method trend
adopted in India has been shown in Fig. 11.
For the years 2001 and 2005, waste dumps or
open burning continue to be the principal method
of waste disposal.

SOURCE: Rajendra Kumar Kaushal et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
1. Composting

Composting has a long tradition particularly in rural India.

The first large-scale aerobic composting plant in the country was set up
in Mumbai in 1992 to handle 500 t/ day of MSW by Excel Industries
However, only 300 t/ day capacity is being utilized currently due to
certain problems, but the plant is working very successfully and the
compost produced is being sold at the rate of 2 Rs. /kg.
Another plant with 150 t/day capacity has been operated in the city of
Vijaywada, and over the years a number of other plants have been
implemented in the principal cities of the country such as Delhi,
Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Lucknow and Gwalior.
In India, composting is used around 10-12% because composting needs
segregation of waste and sorting is not widely practiced.

2. Incineration

In India the incineration is a poor option as the waste consists mainly

high organic material (40–60%) and high inert content (30–50%) also
low calorific value content (800–1100 kcal/kg), high moisture content
(40–60%) in MSW and the high costs of setting up and running the plants
.The first large-scale MSW incineration plant was constructed at
Timarpur, New Delhi in 1987 with a capacity of 300 t/day and a cost of
Rs. 250 million (US$5.7 million) by Miljotecknik volunteer, Denmark.
The plant was out of operation after 6 month and the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi was forced to shut down the plant due to its poor
performance. Small incinerators, in many cities in India, are being used
for burning hospital waste

3. Gasification Technology
. In India, there are very few gasifiers in operation, but they are
mostly for burning of biomass such as agro-residues, sawmill dust,
and forest wastes.
In India one gasification unit installed at Gaul Pahari campus, New
Delhi by Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) and other is installed
at Nohar, Hanungarh, Rajasthan by Narvreet Energy Research and
Information (NERI) for the burning of agro-wastes, sawmill dust, and
forest wastes.
4. Refuse Derived Fuel (RFD) Plants

• Operation of the thermal treatment systems involves not only higher

cost, but also a relatively higher degree of expertise.

• Many RDF plants are in operation in India, in Bangalore RFD plant was
established and has had regular production of fuel pellets since October,
1989, compacting 50 t/day of garbage, converting into 5 t of fuel pellets,
which can be designed both for industrial and domestic uses.

• The RDF plant at Deonar, Mumbai was set up in the early 1990s for
processing garbage into fuel pellets. It is based on indigenous technology.
However, the plant has not been in operation for the last few years and it is
owned by Excel India at present.

• The Hyderabad RDF plant was commissioned in 1999 near the Golconda
dumping ground with a 1000 t/day capacity (but receiving only 700 t/day at
present). The RDF production is about 210 t/day as fluff and pellets, and it is
going to be used for producing power (about 6.6 MW)

5. Landfilling

•In India open, uncontrolled and poorly managed dumping is commonly

practiced, giving rise to serious environmental degradation. 60%- 90% of
MSW in cities and towns are directly disposed of on land in an
unsatisfactory manner.
•These methods are not in accordance with the practices of sanitary This forces local authorities to curtail the implementation of even known
landfilling. precautions and practices. However, it appears that landfilling would
continue to be the most widely adopted practice in India in the coming few
•The dumping is often done in low lying areas, which are prone to years, during which certain improvements will have to be made to ensure
flooding, increasing the possibility of surface water contamination during
the sanitary landfilling, even though the major cities like Delhi, Mumbai,
the rainy season.
Kolkata and Chennai are facing the problem of the limited availability of
•Such dumping activity in many coastal towns has led to heavy metals land for waste disposal
rapidly leaching into the coastal waters.

•The daily cover techniques are poor, which makes leakage easier.
•This is mainly because of a lack of knowledge and skill on the part of the
local authorities.

Issues in MSW Management

1. Source Segregation, Collection

In India there is virtually no organized and scientifically planned source segregation except for industrial waste where due to organized nature of
sector, segregation is sometimes practiced and for healthcare waste due to regulatory requirements. Sorting is mostly done by unorganized sector
(scavengers and rag pickers) and rarely done by waste generators. Hence, the efficiency of segregation is quite low as the unorganized sector tends to
segregate only those waste materials which have relatively higher economic return in the recycling market. The unsafe and hazardous conditions under
which the segregation and sorting takes places are well known. The waste collection efficiency even in high income cities (i.e. Delhi) is rather low.
Often a substantial amount of waste is left to rot on the streets and/or is dumped into low lying areas, canals, rivers etc. Several factors are responsible
for such low collection efficiency; lack of appropriate collection systems, lack of and/or inadequate collection facilities such as waste disposal bins,
collection vehicles etc., lack of funds, lack of and enforcement of appropriate regulations etc.

2. Policy Issues

A vigorous policy framework to give a direction and thrust to environmentally sound waste management does not exist in India. Policy measures to promote
waste minimization, recycle and recovery are rather lean. No national targets have been set up to deal with overall issue of waste management in line with
country’s economic development programme. The environmental policies are ‘discharge end control’ based instead of shifting to ‘source end control’ based
approach. The industrial policies continue to rely on manufacturing from virgin resources and a rational pricing mechanism and/or market based instruments
to accelerate waste minimization and support greater use of recycled materials are not in place. Most of the current policies are in support of end-of-pipe
approach creating huge burden on municipal authorities. There are no policies to promote segregation and reuse at source and conversion of waste into useful
materials/energy .
Opportunities from Waste Management
1. Waste minimization or waste reduction at source is increasingly
being realized as a component for enhancing competitiveness. Many
industrial firms make a special effort to minimize generation of waste
so as not only to reduce their waste treatment and disposal costs but
also improve their resource efficiency.
2. Due to increasing energy and material costs, recovery of materials
and energy from waste is becoming more and more economically
viable. The Government of Gujarat in India is already
contemplating an idea of establishing a ‘Recycling industry
3. The current waste management cost can be reduced by designing
the waste management systems, scientifically with focus on 3R .
4. Recovering energy from waste can become an excellent source of
renewable energy.
5. The private sector is getting increasingly involved in waste
management so it is not just a service to be provided by the
6. Empowerment of the poor and employment generation are the
major demands in developing countries. Waste management with
focus on segregation and recycling can serve the twin objective of
creating employment opportunities for the poor and thus enabling
them to improve their life styles. It can be treated as a business
opportunity with a good potential for job creation.

Current global MSW generation levels are approximately 1.3 billion tonnes per year, and are expected to increase to approximately 2.2 billion tonnes per year by 2025. This represents a
significant increase in per capita waste generation rates, from 1.2 to 1.42kg per person per day in the next fifteen years.

MSW generation rates are influenced by economic development, the degree of industrialization, public habits, and local climate. Generally, the higher the economic development and rate
of urbanization, the greater the amount of solid waste produced. Income level and urbanization are highly correlated and as disposable incomes and living standards increase, consumption of
goods and services correspondingly increases, as does the amount of waste generated. Urban residents produce about twice as much waste as their rural counterparts.

Developing countries are catching up developed countries in the terms of environmental protection laws specially in relation to solid waste management. Comparing policies is difficult task
as policies following the same direction may vary greatly. Compare to developed countries developing countries also have relative sound environment policies. In particular, regulations on waste
management are rather comprehensive. In some countries, it is specified by various regulations on the kinds and methods of waste treatment (EU) or by taking into consideration social and
environmental factors on making waste-related decisions, rather than only the conventional economic component (Australia). Two countries regulate treatment facilities through a licensing
system (China and India); one of them allows only registered players in waste management industry, such as collectors, dismantlers and recyclers, with modern and environmentally sound
technology to operate (India). Besides the goal of reducing useless substances and materials, all governments promotes the practice of reusing and recycling materials as input production
materials (EU, Australia, China and India).


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