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Introduction to Community Based

Disaster Risk Management

National Disaster Management
Practitioners, Islamabad, Pakistan

Module 1
Session 1.1
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session ,participants will be able to:

1. Explain basic terms and concepts used in CBDRM

2. Understand the potential and importance of
3. Understand the purpose, process and
characteristics of CBDRM
Terms and Concept used
Hazard: A possible source of danger may cause;
• injury
• death
• harm
A sudden and unexpected
event causing great loss of
life and resources which
exceed the community’s ability
to deal with it.
The possibility of suffering
harm or loss.

It is the inability to resist
a hazard or to respond
when a disaster has occurred.
Ability to perform by using
available resources to reduce
the effects of disaster.
Relationship of hazard, vulnerability
and capacity
Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
It is a series of actions to;
• reduce the risk of disaster
• minimize the effect of disaster
• facilitate a rapid recovery
DRM Phases

Actions will be taken

before, during and
after the occurrence
of a disaster
in four phases:
Prevention/Mitigation Phase
This phase include taking action to reduce
damages to a community before a disaster
happens. Activities like;
• educating the public on the risk of potential
disasters and their effects
• building codes
• public safety regulations etc.
Preparedness Phase
A set of actions that enhance the ability of communities
and governments to respond to a disaster.

Preparedness steps may include;

• developing plans of action in response to disasters
• practice drills and exercises for emergency personnel
• putting warning systems in place
• developing evacuation plans and
• installing emergency communications systems
Response Phase
Quick actions are taken during and after the
disaster in order to provide emergency;
• First aid & Medical Care
• Food
• Water& Sanitation
• Shelter
• Transportation of disaster victims
• Safety & Security
Rehabilitation &Reconstruction Phase
Actions taken to restore the community to a
normal state through;
• re-construction of houses, damaged roads and
basic infrastructure
• restore livelihood
Disasters and Communities
In case of disasters, the people at the
community level have more to lose because
they are the ones directly hit by disasters,
whether major or minor.
Some people residing in the same
disaster-hit area suffer more than
Disasters and Communities
On the other hand, community has the most to
gain if they can reduce the impact of disasters
by effectively using their capacities.

This concept gave rise to the idea of

community-based disaster management
where communities are put at the forefront.
Community Based Disaster
Management (CBDM)
A process of disaster risk management in which at
risk communities are actively engaged to reduce
their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities
• identification
• analysis
• treatment
• monitoring and
• evaluation of disaster risks
CBDRM Process
consist of six steps
1. Selection of the community

2. Rapport building and

understanding the
identified community
CBDRM Process
3. Participatory community
risk assessment

4. Participatory action
CBDRM Process
5. Community-led
of the project

6. Participatory
and evaluation of
CBDRM project

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