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- Console stream class

- Managing console I/O
- File stream class hierarchy
- File Handling operations
 C++ provides a new technique for handling I/O operations through a mechanism known as streams.

 A stream refers to a flow of data.

 Classified in TWO categories:

1. Input stream
2. Output stream
 In input stream the flow of data is from input device to a program in main memory.
 In output stream flow of data is from program to the output device.
Data Streams

• C++ provides several pre-defined streams that are automatically opened when the program begins its
execution. These are cin and cout.
• cin represents input stream connected to the standard input device (usually the keyboard) and cout
represents output stream connected to the standard output device (usually the screen or VDU)
• Here keyboard and screen are the default options, else redirection is possible to some other devices or
files as per requirement.
Console Stream Class Hierarchy
• C++ I/O system contains a hierarchy of classes that are used to define various kinds of stream classes
to deal with both the console and disk files.
• These classes are called stream classes.
Stream Class Hierarchy

 ios is the super class for istream (input stream) and ostream (output stream) which are, in turn, base
classes for iostream (I/O stream).

 The class ios is declared as the virtual base class so that only one copy of its members is inherited by
the iostream.

 ios provides the basic support for formatted and unformatted I/O operations.

 The class istream provides the facilities for formatted and unformatted input while the class ostream
provides the facilities for formatted output.

 The class iostream provides the facilities for handling both input and output streams.

 Three classes namely, istream_withassign, ostream_withassign & iostream_withassign add assignment

operators to these classes.
Stream Classes for Console Operations
Basic I/O Operations
Overloaded operators >> and <<

 The objects cin and cout are used for input and output of different types of data.

 This has been made possible by overloading the operators >> and << to recognize all the basic
C++ types.

 The >> operator is overloaded in the istream class and << is overloaded in the ostream class.

The general format:

cin>>var1>>var2>> … >>varn;
cout<<var1<<var2<< … <<varn;
get() and put() Functions
 The classes istream and ostream define two member functions get() and put() respectively to handle the
single character I/O operations.

 There are two types of get() functions:

 get(char *) and get(void) prototypes to fetch a character including the blank space, tab and the newline

 The get(char *) version assigns the input character to its argument and the get(void) version returns the input

 Since these functions are members of the I/O stream classes and must be invoked using an appropriate
Example for get(char *) function

Program that reads and displays a line of text

When >> operator is used, it skips the white spaces and

char ch; newline chars.
This while loop will not work correctly if the statement
while(ch != ‘\n’) cin>>ch;
{ is replaced with
cin.get(ch); cin.get(ch);
Example for get(void) function

Example: get(void) function,

char ch;
ch = cin.get();

while(ch != ‘\n’)
ch = cin.get();

Here the value returned by the function get() is assigned to the variable ch.
Example for put() function

 The function put(), a member of ostream class, can be used to output a line of text char by
char. For instance,
cout.put(66); // Displays the char B.

char ch;

while(ch != ‘\n’)
File Handling – Introduction

 Many real-life problems handle large volumes of data and in such situations we need to use some devices
such as floppy disk/ hard disk to store the data.

 The data is stored on these devices in the form of files.

 A file is a collection of related data stored in a particular area on the disk.

 Programs can be designed to perform read and write operations on these files.

 A program typically involves either or both of the following kinds of data communication:

 Data transfer between the console unit and the program

 Data transfer between the program and a disk file.
Why to use Files?

 Convenient way to deal large quantities of data.

 Store data permanently (until file is deleted).

 Avoid typing data into program multiple times.

 Share data between programs.

Console-Program-File Interaction
The fstream.h header file

 Streams act as an interface between files and programs.

 They represent as a sequence of bytes and deals with the flow of data.

 Every stream is associated with a class having member functions and operations for a particular kind of
data flow.

 File  Program read - Input stream

 Program  File write - Output stream

 All designed into fstream.h and hence needs to be included in all file handling programs.
File Input/Output Streams
File Input/Output Streams

 The I/O system of C++ handles file operations which are very much similar to the console I/O

 It uses file streams as an interface between the programs and the files.

 The stream that supplies data to the program is known as input stream and the one that receives
data from the program is known as output stream.

 In other words, the input stream extracts (reads) data from the file and the output stream inserts
(writes) data to the file.
Classes for File Stream Operations

 The C++ I/O system contains a set of classes that define the file handling methods.

 These include ifstream, ofstream and fstream.

 These classes are derived from fstreambase and from the corresponding iostream class.

 These classes (designed to manage the disk files) are declared in fstream and therefore, must be
included in any program that uses files.
Stream Classes for File Operations
File Stream Classes
Opening and Closing a File
 We need to consider the following things about the file
 Suitable Name of the file
 Purpose
 Opening method

 For opening a file, we must first create a file stream and then link it to the filename.
 A file stream can de defined using istream, ofstream or fstream classes that are defined in the
fstream header file.
This is used when we
use only one file in
 A file can be opened in two ways the stream
1. Using the constructor function of the class
This is used when
2. Using the member function, open() of the class we use multiple
files using one
Opening files using Constructor
 It involves the following steps:-
1. Create a file stream object to manage the stream using appropriate class. For instance, the class
ofstream is used to create the output stream and the class ifstream to create the input stream.
2. Initialize the file object with the desired filename.

ofstream outfile(“Result.txt”);
#include<iostream> char str1[20],str2[20];
#include<fstream> int x;
using namespace std;
ifstream inf("Check.txt");
int main()
char name[20];
int rollno;
char city[20];
cout<<" Enter name, rollno and city"<<endl;
cout<<" The name is "<<str1<<endl;

cin>>name>>rollno>>city; cout<<" The rollno is"<<x<<endl;

ofstream outf("Check.txt"); cout<<" The city is "<<str2<<endl;
outf<<name<<"\n"; return 0;
outf<<rollno<<"\n"; }
 Opening File using member function open()
 The function open() can be used to open multiple files that uses the same stream object. This can be done as

file_stream_class stream_object;“ filename”);
Example 1
ofstream outf;“Result.txt”);
Example 2
ifstream inf;“Result1.txt”);
char str[50];
int main()
ofstream outf;
cout<<"The contents of capital file are "<<endl;
outf<<"New Delhi"<<"\n";
ifstream inf;"Country.txt");
cout<<"The contents of country file are"<<endl;
SIMULTANEOUSLY. if(inf2.eof()!=0)
#include<iostream> {
#include<fstream> cout<<" Exit from capital file"<<endl;
#include<stdlib.h> exit(1);
using namespace std; }
int main()
{ inf1.getline(str,50);
ifstream inf1, inf2; cout<<"The capital of "<<str<<endl;"Country.txt"); inf2.getline(str,50);"Capital.txt"); cout<<str<<endl;
int i; }
char str[50]; inf1.close();
for(i=1;i<=10;i++) inf2.close();
{ return 0;
if(inf1.eof()!=0) }
cout<<" Exit from country file"<<endl;
Detecting End of File
Detection of end-of-file condition is necessary for preventing any further attempt to read data from file.
This can be done using two ways-
 while(fin)
Where fin is an object of ifstream class and it return zero when end of file is reached and non zero

 if( fin.eof() !=0 ) { exit(1); }

Where eof() is a member function of ios class. It returns a non zero value if end-of-file is reached and zero
More about Open(): FILE MODES
The general syntax of open() function has two arguments:-“file name”,mode);
The first argument is the name of the file and second argument is the purpose of opening the file. The
default values are
 ios::in for ifstream functions meaning open for reading only
 ios::out for ofstream functions meaning open for writing only

 Opening a file in ios::out mode also opens it in ios::trunc mode.

 Both ios::app and ios::ate take us to the end of file when it is opened. The difference is that ios::app can
add data to the end of file only whereas ios::ate can add data or modify the existing data anywhere in the
 The fstream does not provide any mode by default, therefor mode must be provided explicitly by the user.

 The ifstream class provide ios::in mode by default.

 The ofstream class provide ios::out mode by default.

File Pointers and their manipulations
Each file has two associated pointers known as the file pointers.
 get pointer (input pointer) – The input pointer is used for reading the contents of a given file location.
 put pointer (output pointer) – The output pointer is used for writing the contents to a given file
• When we open as file in read only mode, the input pointer is automatically set at the beginning so
that we can read the file from the start.

• When we open as file in write only mode, the existing contents are deleted and the output pointer
is set to the start of the file.
• When we open the file in append mode, the output pointer will be set to the end of file so that data
can be added to the existing file data.
Functions for manipulation of file pointers

1. seekg() - Move the get pointer to the specified location.

2. seekp() - Move the put pointer to the specified location.
3. tellg() - Gives the current position of get pointer.
4. tellp() - Gives the current position of put pointer.

seekg() and seekp() functions have two arguments:-

seekg(offset , refposition);
seekp(offset , refposition);
 The parameter offset represents the number of bytes the file pointer is to be moved from the location
specified by the parameter refposition. The refposition takes one of the following values:-
ios::beg - Start of the file
` ios::cur - Current position of the file
ios::end - End of the file
Sequential Input and Output Operations
 There are two categories of these functions:-

 Get() and put() function (for handling charcaters)

 Read() and write() function( for handling blocks of binary data, mainly objects)

The get() function reads a single character from the input stream.
The put() functions writes a single character to the output stream
Program for get() and put() function
#include<iostream> file.seekg(0);
#include<fstream> while(file)
#include<string.h> {
int main() file.get(ch);
{ cout<<ch;
char str[50],ch; }
cout<<" Enter a string"<<endl; file.close();
cin.getline(str,50); return 0;
int len = strlen(str); }
fstream file;"Sample.txt",ios::in|ios::out);
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
file.put(str[i]); //writing single character at time
Read() and write() function

These are binary input and output operations defined as follows:- * & V , sizeof(V));

outfile.write((char * & V , sizeof(V));

The first argument is the address of the variable V, and that must be type cast to char *( i.e pointer to
character type)
The second argument is the length of that variable in bytes.
Program for read() and write() function
#include<iostream> int main()
#include<fstream> {
#include<string.h> student obj;
using namespace std; obj.getdata();
class student ofstream outf;
int rollno; outf.write((char *)&obj, sizeof(obj)); // Writing into file
char name[20],city[30]; outf.close();
void getdata() ifstream inf;
cout<<" Enter name, city and rollno"<<endl; student obj1;
cin>>name>>city>>rollno; *)&obj1, sizeof(obj1)); //reading from file
} obj1.display();
void display() inf.close();
cout<<"The name is "<<name<<endl; return 0;
cout<<"The city is "<<city<<endl; }
cout<<"The rollno is "<<rollno<<endl;
Command line arguments
Command line arguments are specified in the main() function as follows:

int main(int argc , char *argv[ ])

The first argument is the argument counter(argc) that specifies the number of arguments in the
command line.
The second argument argument vector(argv) is an array of char type pointers that points to the
command line arguments.
C> result even.txt odd.txt
In this example the value of argc is 3 and argv will be an array of three pointers to strings as
shown below-
argv[0] = result
argv[1] = even.txt
argv[2] = odd.txt

[NOTE: “result” will be the name of the program and in order to execute the program from
command prompt, user should compile the program first.]
Program for Command line arguments
ifstream inf;
cout<<"The contents of even file are "<<endl;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int arr[ ]={11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99};
char ch;
ofstream outf1,outf2;
cout<<"\nThe contents of odd file are "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
return 0;

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