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Fit and Ready

By: Allury Vhanne Geonzon

Why is it important to know
first aid?
Why is it important to know
first aid?
The importance of knowing how to
administer first aid cannot be
underestimated. It lessens the severity
of an injury. This is also one way of
saving someone’s life from life-
threatening emergencies.
First Aid 101

Learning how to administer first aid is

part of having a healthy lifestyle. It is as
important as being physically active or
eating well. You would want to be ready in
case unexpected things happen while you
participate in physical activities.
First aid is the first line of aid and
help given in a person who is sick or has
suffered an injury until full medical
treatment becomes available. It is
important to always remember the basics
of giving first aid. First aid kits should
always be available and accessible at
home and in school.
The common contents of a first kit
include the ff: Tweezers
 Triangular Bandage Aspirin
Cleansing Soap Bandaids
Antihistamine Anaphylactic Kit
Thermometer Safety Pins
Antiseptic Solution Athletic Tape
Scissors Ointment
Antacids First Aid Booklet
Vaporub Swabs
Wound Dressings Gauze
First Aid, to the Rescue
Whether you
participate or not in
physical activities,
injuries and
accidents may happen. More intense
participation in physical activities
increases the risk.
Some Common Injuries &
These are the pains in the large
muscles that result when the muscles
vigorously for a long period of time. It can
result from dehydration, fatigue, and from
a direct blow to a muscle. It’s not severe
and usually short in duration that can be
relieved by stretching the muscle.
This is an injury to a ligament.
The most common sprain is to the ankle
where its rolled to the outside when
jumping or running.
RICE Treatment
If a serious
injury should occur or
if symptoms persist,
it is important to get
intermediate medical
attention. For minor
injuries, following the
RICE formula will reduce pain and speed
recovery. Avoid weight-bearing activities after
injury depending upon severity.
Heat Exhaustion
This is a severe condition that
occurs when heat stress exceeds the
capacity of the temperature-regulating
mechanism. Its common symptoms include
fainting, muscle cramps, weakness…
having a weak or rapid pulse. It can be
addressed by stopping the activity, resting
in a cool place, lying down with legs
elevated… and staying out of heat for 2-3
1. What is first aid?
2. Why is it important to know
first aid?
3. What is RICE Treatment?
4. How RICE Treatment help?
5. What is Heat Exhaustion?

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